Mon Petit Napoléon avec une bonne passe militaire –
je n’oublierais jamais que vous avez nagé dans
la mer froide à Bloubergstrand au Cap avec moi –
Vous étiez la seule personne qui n’avait pas peur
de la mer froide - et - je n’oublierais jamais notre
voyage au Caspir dans les township de Khayalitcha
L’homme qui parlait l’anglais avec un accent
Espagnol – parce qu’il était Afrikaans!
Le bateau pour visiter l’île robin, votre délégation
me demanda d’interpréter et les autres touristes
furieux que je faisais du bruit…
Le cellule de Mandela, votre visage; vos yeux
sur l’horizon…
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Genetics, Barbara and Estelle
Friday, June 27, 2008

in the sky, change the formations of clouds
up high, see the thought-form above the
cathedral, it was formed by the sacred music
and dedication of the parishioners - not so
much by the pastors, that we know well,
clergy in the Middle Ages thought morality
was not for them – but the piety of the
parishioners was real….
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Freedom In Being And Loving…

chosen a lodestar and know our purpose and desire
the result passionately; the sacrifice is sweet and
when we achieve our goal – such as remaining faithful
to loved ones and living with integrity – the victory
is sweeter than any hedonistic pleasures we had to
give up along the way – some of us meet with fewer
temptations than others, so we cannot judge and
condemn another for failing their dreams; it is the
most wonderful feeling to allow others freedom
enjoying our own freedom in being and loving
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Universe is Man-Made

people create their own gods - when we
understand that WE are the creators and
originators of everything - beginning with
the concept of god - the mightiest concepts
that were used to control and scare mankind,
are just man-made, let’s make the deduction
that EVERYTHING - the universe, nature, life,
mankind - have been made by us in the same
way we fabricated the idea of a god - then we
can accept responsibility and start changing
everything knowing we CAN because WE
created the mess in which we find ourselves!
Zimbabwe is a brilliant illustration of how
everything is brought about by man himself,
anyone can work out that Zimbabawe's present
problems are caused by MEN, not gods or
universal forces. Everybody can conclude
the state of the whole world is due to MANKIND
also - working back logically from that deduction;
mankind originated the universe - mankind
originated himself, it started with consciousness
and awareness and planning - and mankind is
busy with experiments in creating a physical
universe - but behind the physical lies the
invisible electricity, magnetism, electro-magnetic
and the whole spectrum of thoughts and feelings –
all insivisble - it is logical that the physical is
but a miniscule part of an invisible conscious energy!
My Dream Project

come up with better and happier and
more joyful dreams all the time. Have
you ever tried to come up with better
dreams than those you had before?
It is a real project to hunt for clues and
ideas to improve one’s dreams! I take
anything positive I come across, a
beautiful piece of music, a story, a
picture, a poem, a message; and see
how I can enrich my dreams with it.
It is a lovely project, and I hate it
when headache or heartache or
fatigue make it impossible to
You have become a recurrent theme in
my “Dream Project”, a golden thread that
weaves through my dreams, a Prince
who always arrives to help my damsel
in distress, you always return to pick up
a scene; god Lugh’s all-seeing eye
keeps my Breton goddess safe; you are
the background music to my song – I
know you are there all the time – you
are not on the edge of my dream; you
are within the dream, around, enclosing
all – my characters live within the embrace
you extend – don’t you fear; I always feel
you are near; I shall only believe you are
not if one day you say so; until such word
comes, I live within the beauty of your
song – thank you for always infusing
my dreams with new fragrances
and ideas - you shall be adored;
Your dreamy Southern Scribe.
Friday, June 20, 2008
A Long Time Ago, In 1992
We were colleagues, I managed to survive
my life, read ferociously, knew life as
meaningless, didn’t know what else to do;
knew nobody; existing in pain –
life is so much better now, though
it’s not half as good as
it is chalked up to be –
I can’t believe there can be more
reincarnational lives for me,
it has to be impossible to
return once again as a
my life, read ferociously, knew life as
meaningless, didn’t know what else to do;
knew nobody; existing in pain –
life is so much better now, though
it’s not half as good as
it is chalked up to be –
I can’t believe there can be more
reincarnational lives for me,
it has to be impossible to
return once again as a
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Goth – or Liewe Heksie…

with cold, the idea of Goth
seemed bold, promising
wonders untold – but now
at home, all I see are fingers
purple with cold; though
black nails’ more appealing
than red ever has been –
it is less intrusive, does not
make me think of murder
and mayhem, a Goth or
two – I can live with that,
the universe is big enough
for everybody, but still –
in summer with rosy fingers,
black will go better with
everything, at present I
look like death – though
hibernation is the only
item on my agenda, the
only requirement is
dreams enough to
last me a lifetime…
Goth - or Liewe Heksie?
I'm not sophisticated
enough for Goth - so
it has to be Liewe Heksie
- of course!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Marbled Silver And Blue

this morning, the clouds were
beautiful, marbled silver and blue
and then coloured by growing
pink hues against a dappled
background, the beauty too
fleeting to stay with me,
but the feeling of awe
did not flee at the
attack of today’s
drab routine!
(Photo received by mail, thanks to my friend who sent it.)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Probable Universes - A Myriad Happy Endings

After reading the newspapers, FAD is overcome:
Statistics indicate that soon the mass murder in the
Congo will reach the same numbers as the Nazi’s
slaughtering the Jews in WWII and Africa is proving
to be totally inept in dealing with their own problems
of power corruption; simply solving the problem of
mass murder by getting the ruling despot to accept
the opposition party as part of the Government –
not a good solution at all.
FAD believes in diplomacy and loving African peoples;
she works with the kindest, most generous people on earth;
and cannot understand that spirit of conflict and manslaughter
lose in Africa; she cannot fathom why her lovely, beautiful
continent is going down so terribly.
FAD read the books by an Afrikaans author called
C. J. Langenhoven when she was young, and he wrote
about the “Hope of South Africa”, a young, mythological
girl in a long green gown with a golden anchor at her waist,
and talking to old Father Time all the time; explaining the
history of South Africa to come – and FAD dreamt of being
the “Hope of South Africa” herself – yet the conflict is
There once was an 80-year war on in Europe – does Africa
still have to pass through the same phase? Does Africa still
have to live through 80-year wars to reach the same level
of beautification as Europe today?
Oh dear King, suddenly FAD feels overwhelmed, not sure of
anything. Please send her a message to keep her diplomatic
dreams strong, give her HOPE; give her trust in the goodness
of the universe; and belief in the various probabilities in which
she meets the King frequently!
Each time FAD contemplates a sad story; such as Marie Plessis
dying of consumption and immortalized as “La Dame aux
Camelias” in “La Traviata” by Dumas; she thinks of the
probable universes in which a myriad happy endings
occurred, and feels better again!
Please let FAD know what is your opinion;
Warmest regards;
The Southern Scribe –
on behalf of FAD.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
McGonagall-Girl Syndrome

a beginning before consciousness – just
as in our world, nothing constructive happens
without plan and design - bricks don't get
thrown in a heap until the city of London
arises all by itself, and typing baboons
do not sit for millions of years in front of
millions of computers and keep typing until
War and Peace suddenly appears out
of the jumble.
Just to get a machine arbitrarily throwing
dices to put the sequence of one to ten
in a row, takes millions of years, whereas
a very young child can do it within a very
short time.
Study the laws of statistics to know that
random processes would have taken
gazillions of billions of millions of years
to come up with DNA.
People LIKE hanging onto unverified theories
without testing these for themselves.
I love the fact that ALL things, from cells to
grass to rocks to everything in between,
possess minute consciousness, be it only
in preference; light not dark, sweet not sour,
up not down, feeling good not feeling bad,
water not dryness, etc.
I love knowing that consciousness is like a
burning fire and all things, matter animate
and inanimate, are bigger or larger cracks
through which the burning fire can be
Have a lovely day; but why
are lovable people so headachy? Maybe
they have need of Topaz McGonagall-Girl;
her rhyming limericks and chiming doggerel
will enlarge their minds and make space for
more consciousness and take them to
the abyss - oh, rather forget McGonagall-Girl;
she might make it worse...
Laughing about McGonagall-Girl Syndrome…
Conscious Mind Set Free Of Itself

exist and other experiences with consciousness
is possible, he activates potential in himself –
these ALTER the electromagnetic connection
within the mind, the brain and perceptive
mechanism – the five senses.
This brings together energy, sets up pathways
of activity, allowing the conscious mind to
increase its sensitivity to such data.
Oh what portentious words are these, what great
terms - what promises of liberty! What amazing
discovery – the conscious mind can be freed
from itself – this had ever been my plea, ever
been my plan by stealth:
To be freed from my mind!
What wondrous idea, I am enamoured of it –
for evermore!
Oh Your Majesty, FAD declaims dramatically,
with happy eyes and broad smile, think on it –
to be free of limited, root-assumption-bound
What new horizons will open up, what new
wonders we shall find!
And she floated off into infinity, within the
King’s enchanted and enchanting mind…
Another Visit To Wonderland

Sharazd is once again enthralled while reading
Seth Speaks and send another message
to the King: Normal waking consciousness
weaves in and out of this infinite supportive
Yet our inner experience is so intricate, it is
almost impossible to describe in verbal terms.
Although memories drop into the subconscious,
all past events are intensely alive, living and active.
Inner portions of the personality have memories
of ALL our dreams. These dreams exist
LIGHTS over a dark city, ILLUMINATING
portions of the PSYCHE. All memory systems
are interconnected.
At this point Sharazd is overcome.
These are such wonderful ideas, Okefenokee Al! –
she breathes, and the Alligator nods his head
to and fro, eyes tightly shut, as if chewing on the
cud of all these new insights; and Sharazd sits
down next to him - together they meditate on
these wonderful things Sharazd just read.
As for Semjonof, he was thinking about
Ludmilla’s information - that sometimes for
15 to 50 times in an hour, our consciousness
fluctuates and then we forget it all - almost
immediately. How could that be?
Semjonof slowly traced Ludmilla’s profile
while pondering on these new facts that
seem to belie all the usual assumptions
in his head….
And FAD takes the King’s hand and leads
him off for another visit to Wonderland…
We Do Perceive Other Realities

morning, overjoyed to share her new
discoveries: Seth says (Book by Jane
Roberts) that in normal waking state,
we DO perceive other realities from a
different level of consciouness; but
normal waking consciousness pretends
there never have been any lapses –
yet it could happen from 15 to 50
times an hour, depending on our
activities. When the experience is vivid
and intense, we become aware of it.
These intervals are WOVEN through the
FABRIC of our awareness, colouring
our psychic and feeling atmosphere.
Sharazd immediately
perceived that the experiences woven
into her crocodilian consciousness
are all blue with little threads of
gold shimmering faintly in-between –
and FAD immediately seized the occasion
to ask the King what colours does he
perceive in his consciousness –
royal purple and blue also perhaps?
perceived that the experiences woven
into her crocodilian consciousness
are all blue with little threads of
gold shimmering faintly in-between –
and FAD immediately seized the occasion
to ask the King what colours does he
perceive in his consciousness –
royal purple and blue also perhaps?
A Bride's Day Is Sacred They Say..
My Little Doll
Strands Of Vibrating Strings
they moved to stand in a row on my
computer, last night Tiaan bought
Jasmine – from Arabian Nights – for
me; once she was up there alone, I
invited the others all in; now my eyes
are wandering all the time, I’m firmly
convinced I might catch one of them
moving sometime, or they might help
my awareness reach new areas, the
new perceptions found rolled up in
the one-dimensional hosepipe of
ten-dimensional space-time; un-
rolling the compactified loops and
strands of vibrating strings – all
from keeping fairies covered in
gold and silver on my computer
in three-dimensional space-time!
Shades Of Blue; Threads Of Gold

new discoveries:
playing hopscotch
in and out of
While focusing on
hallucinations and
dreams, the mind
perceives various
realities from
many levels
Of awareness,
sometimes fifteen to
fifty times in one hour,
if intensely vivid
we become
Lapses in
weave through the
fabric of awareness,
colouring feelings –
mine are coloured
In shades of blue
with a few threads
of lustrous gold; a
symbol of the hope
preserving me
from freezing in
All hues of blue!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Anaesthetics, Escapism And Oblivion

of fairies and books on states of consciousness;
but sometimes the pain is stronger than the mind
Like today; no matter where attention is turned, the
pain is there first; a suffocating sensation in my
head, I am determined never to give up the
Struggle against physical reality; to transcend the
material world, create a purpose for existence -
reality ‘per se’ still is my worst enemy
Got five books from the library to be used for
anaesthetics, escapism and oblivion; can’t
continue playing the charade of
Hard-working employee with swollen eyes all un-
focused; head too heavy to hold up; it seems the
gods have not yet decided to do a miracle
By removing my reaction to food, though I firmly
believe they could if they would; all I have to do
is - convince them they SHOULD!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Stones Come Alive
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Run Away To Cape Vidal
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Original Picture So Beautiful

needed no fiddling at all, she is a
creature from another planet and
the background is brilliant; I can
play with her picture as much as
I want, but the original is most
obviously the most endearing of
all; on her planet, beauty is
paramount - just as we here
on earth dream of beauty
A Fairy In Our Sun-Room
Wish We Can Go Camping Again
Enough Spiritual Glory
The Victim Of Glory And Peace Of Mind
mysterious enough, resembled Angelina Jolie - no
mystery there - so I had to camouflage her a bit,
cover the features of her face, there is a lot to be
said for a burka, the Hollywoodian trick of letting
it all hang out leaves nothing for the imagination,
I'm with Terry Pratchett on that; what I surmise
is so much better than what lies out in the open
for all to see; Angelina Jolie declared she has a
low self-image - the immediate reaction of the
glamour magazine was they poohed-poohed it -
they cannot dredge up a glimmer of sympathy
for someone as glamorous as Angelina Jolie;
yet her plight is crystal-clear; she is larger than
life with the same high profile as Marilyn Monroe,
the pressure must be immense - she has my
empathy; she is in need of as much human
comfort and warmth as you and I; but she
will only receive cold admiration; green envy
and jealous spite; that is no life for the faint of
heart, I would never be able to stand such
pressure myself and I wonder which of her
self-satisfied critics would be able to do so
themselves; she is the image of a goddess
sold to her own beauty and therefore the
victim of her own glory and success - it
drove Marilyn Monroe to distraction and
suicide; I prefer peace of mind and I wish
the same for the lovely Angelina Jolie...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
A Memory Forever...
Stones and the Book 1 June 2008
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