Quantum particles, atoms and molecules, appear in
two places at once, spin clockwise and anticlockwise
at the same time, instantaneously influence each other
half a universe apart
We are made of atoms and molecules, yet we cannot
do that - at what point does quantum mechanics cease
to apply - the struggle to come up with an answer is
proving to be its own reward
Giving birth to quantum information gaining the attention
of high-tech industries in a pursuit that quantum cynic Albert
Einstein dismissed as a gentle pillow lulling good physicists
to sleep – but quantum theory
Is a Masterpiece: No experiment has ever disagreed with its
predictions, confident it is a good way to describe how the
universe works on smallest scale – the question is:
What does it mean?
Physicists answer with philosophical speculations and
with experiments about the bedrock beneath quantum theory
in a zoo of interpretations, the such the Copenhagen
theory of Niels Bohr
An electron's location within an atom is meaningless without
its measurement – only when interacting with an electron
by observing it with non-quantum classical device,
confers physical property on it and it becomes
part of reality
The many worlds interpretation explains quantum
strangeness by everything having multiple existences
in a myriad parallel universes
The De Broglie-Bohm interpretation considers
quantum theory incomplete because it lacks
the hidden properties that would make sense
of everything
The transactional interpretation sees particles
travelling backwards in time - a crowded and
noisy quantum zoo
In the Wonderful Copenhagen physicists do not
trouble with philosophy, questions of measurement
or why it induces a change in the fabric of reality, are
ignored - quantum theory simply provides a useful answer
The unquestioning use of Copenhagen is called "shut up and
calculate" - do calculations and apply the results without saying
anything about the fundamental nature of reality
“Entanglement” concerns the use of quantum information
about the properties of sets of quantum particles, shared
between all of them, resulting in action at a distance:
Measuring a property of one particle instantaneously
affects the properties of its entangled partners, no matter
how far apart, the foundation of quantum computing –
a single measurement gives the answer to millions
of calculations done in parallel by quantum particles
Physicists wonder what these phenomena reveal about
the nature of reality - one implication is that information
held in quantum particles lies at the root of reality
The Copenhagen interpretation sees quantum systems as
information carriers; classical measurement registers
change in the information content of the system
Thus measurement updates information the fundamental
component of reality - thus the universe itself is a
vast quantum computer
But if the measurement process of a classical observer is
creating the reality we observe; WHAT performed the
observations that brought the universe
into existence?
This requires an observer outside the system, of there's
nothing outside the universe by definition, cosmologists
prefer physicist Hugh Everett’s many worlds
interpretation quantum mechanics
Reality is NOT bound to measurement – nut a myriad
different possibilities inherent in a quantum system
instead; each manifesting in their own universe
David Deutsch, who drew up the blueprint for the first
quantum computer, said computer operation takes
place in terms of multiple universes
Tim Maudlin, philosopher of science, says when quantum
theory predicts one outcome is ten times more probable
than another, repeated experiments bear it out
The ‘many worlds’ theory says all possible outcomes will
occur given the multiplicity of worlds, but does not explain
why observers see the most probable outcome
There is the "incredulous stare objection" – in many worlds
there are multiple copies of you – people are reluctant to
accept the multiplicity of themselves
Technology using quantum world's stranger aspects in
quantum computers to perform tasks while being in
many states at once, will make these worlds
seem real
Deutsch and Brown claim many worlds is gaining
among cosmologists, string theory, cosmology
and observational astronomy suggest
We live in one of many universes…
The choice is a matter of taste, in most cases
we cannot discriminate experimentally, can
only follow our instincts
Physicists wandering round the quantum zoo,
choosing a favourite on a whim, seems
unscientific, but has not done
any harm so far
Quantum theory transformed the world through
spin-offs like transistor and laser - keeping an
open mind about the meaning of quantum
theory might open up a new field
of physics – oh, how exciting…!
Knowing something about quantum physics is
a great help in reading the Discworld Series by
Terry Pratchett and the Johnny Trilogy, of
“Quantum reality: The many meanings of life”
24 January 2011 by Michael Brooks Magazine
issue 2796 - For similar stories, visit the
Quantum World Topic Guide Editorial:
"Don't fear the f-word in quantum physics"
Really Exciting
Quantum theory is a scientific masterpiece – but physicists
still aren't sure what to make of it
A CENTURY, it seems, is not enough. One hundred years
ago this year, the first world physics conference took place
in Brussels, Belgium. The topic under discussion was how
to deal with the strange new quantum theory and whether
it would ever be possible to marry it to our everyday
experience, leaving us with one coherent description
of the world.
It is a question physicists are still wrestling with today.
Quantum particles such as atoms and molecules have
an uncanny ability to appear in two places at once, spin
clockwise and anticlockwise at the same time, or
instantaneously influence each other when they are
half a universe apart.
The thing is, we are made of atoms and molecules, and
we can't do any of that. Why? "At what point does
quantum mechanics cease to apply?" asks Harvey
Brown, a philosopher of science at the University
of Oxford.
Although an answer has yet to emerge, the struggle
to come up with one is proving to be its own reward.
It has, for instance, given birth to the new field of
quantum information that has gained the attention
of high-tech industries and government spies.
It is giving us a new angle of attack on the problem
of finding the ultimate theory of physics, and it might
even tell us where the universe came from. Not bad
for a pursuit that a quantum cynic - Albert Einstein –
dismissed as a "gentle pillow" that lulls good
physicists to sleep.
Unfortunately for Einstein quantum theory has turned
out to be a masterpiece. No experiment has ever
disagreed with its predictions, we can be confident
that it is a good way to describe how the universe
works on the smallest scales.
Which leaves us with only one problem: what
does it mean? Physicists try to answer this with
"interpretations" - philosophical speculations, fully
compliant with experiments, of what lies beneath
quantum theory. "There is a zoo of interpretations,"
says Vlatko Vedral, who divides his time between
the University of Oxford and the
Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore.
No other theory in science has so many different
ways of looking at it. How so? And will any one
win out over the others?
Take what is now known as the Copenhagen interpretation,
for example, introduced by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr.
It says any attempt to talk about an electron's location
within an atom is meaningless without making a measurement
of it.
Only when we interact with an electron by trying to observe
it with a non-quantum or "classical" device does it take on
any attribute that we would call a physical property and
become part of reality.
Then there is the "many worlds" interpretation, where
quantum strangeness is explained by everything
having multiple existences in myriad parallel
Or you might prefer the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation,
where quantum theory is considered incomplete: we
are lacking some hidden properties that would make
sense of everything.
There are plenty more, such as the Ghirardi-Rimini-
Weber interpretation, the transactional interpretation
(which has particles travelling backwards in time),
Roger Penrose's gravity-induced collapse interpretation,
the modal interpretation... in the last 100 years, the
quantum zoo has become a crowded and noisy place.
But there are only a few interpretations that matter
to most physicists:
Wonderful Copenhagen
The most popular is Bohr's Copenhagen interpretation.
Its popularity is due to the fact that physicists don't
want to trouble themselves with philosophy.
Questions over what constitutes a measurement, or
why it might induce a change in the fabric of reality
can be ignored in favour of simply getting a useful
answer from quantum theory.
That is why unquestioning use of the Copenhagen
interpretation is known as the "shut up and calculate"
interpretation. "Given that most physicists just want
to do calculations and apply their results, the majority
of them are in the shut up and calculate group,"
Vedral says.
This approach has a couple of downsides, though.
First, it is never going to teach anything about the
fundamental nature of reality. That requires a
willingness to look for places where quantum
theory might fail, rather than where it succeeds
(New Scientist, 26 June 2010, p 34).
"If there is going to be some new theory, I don't think
it's going to come from solid state physics, where the
majority of physicists work," says Vedral.
Second, working in a self-imposed box also means
new applications of quantum theory are unlikely to
emerge. The many perspectives we can take on quantum
mechanics can be the catalyst for new ideas.
"If you're solving different problems, it's useful to be able
to think in terms of different interpretations," Vedral says.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the field of quantum
information. "This field wouldn't exist if people hadn't
worried about the foundations of quantum physics," says
Anton Zeilinger of the University of Vienna in Austria.
At the heart of this field is the phenomenon of entanglement,
where the information about the properties of a set of
quantum particles becomes shared between all of them.
The result is what Einstein termed "spooky action at a
distance": measuring a property of one particle will
instantaneously affect the properties of its entangled
partners, no matter how far apart they are.
When first spotted in the equations of quantum theory,
entanglement seemed such a weird idea that the Irish
physicist John Bell created a thought experiment to
show that it couldn't possibly manifest itself in the
real world.
When it became possible to do the experiment, it
proved Bell wrong and told physicists a great deal
about the subtleties of quantum measurement.
It also created the foundations of quantum computing,
where a single measurement could give you the answer
to millions of calculations done in parallel by quantum
particles, and quantum cryptography, which protects
information by exploiting the nature of quantum
Both of these technologies have, attracted the attention
of governments and industry keen to possess the best
technologies and to prevent them falling into
the wrong hands.
Physicists are more interested in what these phenomena
tell us about the nature of reality.
One implication of quantum information experiments
seems to be that information held in quantum particles
lies at the root of reality.
Adherents of the Copenhagen interpretation, such as
Zeilinger, see quantum systems as carriers of information,
and measurement using classical apparatus as
nothing special: just a way of registering change
in the information content of the system.
"Measurement updates the information," Zeilinger says.
This new focus on information as a fundamental component
of reality has also led some to suggest the
universe itself is a vast quantum computer.
However, the Copenhagen interpretation requires an artificial
distinction between tiny quantum systems and the classical
apparatus or observers performing measurement on them.
Vedral has been probing the role of quantum mechanics
in biology: various processes and mechanisms in the cell
are quantum at heart – also photosynthesis and radiation-
sensing systems (New Scientist, 27 November, p 42).
"We are discovering that more and more of the world can
be described quantum mechanically - I don't think there
is a hard boundary between quantum and classical,"
he says.
Considering the nature of things on the scale of the
universe has also provided Copenhagen's critics
with ammunition. If the process of measurement by
a classical observer is fundamental to creating the
reality we observe, what performed the observations
that brought the contents of the universe into
"You need an observer outside the system to make
Sense, but there's nothing outside the universe by
definition," says Brown.
That's why cosmologists are more sympathetic to an
interpretation created in the late 1950s by Princeton
University physicist Hugh Everett.
His "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics
says that reality is not bound to a concept of measurement.
Instead, the myriad different possibilities inherent in a
quantum system each manifest in their own universe.
David Deutsch, a physicist at the University of Oxford
and the person who drew up the blueprint for the first
quantum computer, says he can now only think of the
computer's operation in terms of these multiple universes.
To him, no other interpretation makes sense.
Not that many worlds is without its critics; Tim Maudlin,
a philosopher of science based at Rutgers University
in New Jersey, applauds its attempt to demote
measurement from the status of a
special process.
At the same time he is not convinced that many worlds
provides a good framework for explaining why some
quantum outcomes are more probable than others.
When quantum theory predicts one outcome of a
measurement is 10 times more probable than
another, repeated experiments always bear
that out.
According to Maudlin, many worlds says all possible
outcomes will occur, given the multiplicity of worlds,
but doesn't explain why observers still see the
most probable outcome.
"There's a very deep problem here," he says.
Deutsch says these issues have been resolved in
the last year or so. "The way that Everett dealt
with probabilities was deficient, but over the
years many-worlds theorists have been
picking away at this - and we have
solved it," he says.
However Deutsch's argument is abstruse
and his claim has yet to convince everyone.
Even more difficult to answer is what proponents
of many worlds call the "incredulous stare objection".
The obvious implication of many worlds is there are
multiple copies of you and that Elvis is still performing
in Vegas in another universe. Few people can
stomach this idea.
Persistence will be the only solution here, Brown
reckons. "There is a widespread reluctance to accept
the multiplicity of yourself and others," he says.
"But it's just a question of getting used to it."
Deutsch thinks this will happen when technology
starts to use the quantum world's stranger sides.
Once we have quantum computers that
perform tasks by being in many states
at the same time, we will not be able
to think of these worlds as anything
other than physically real.
"It will be very difficult to maintain the idea that
this is just a manner of speaking," Deutsch says.
He and Brown both claim that many worlds is
already gaining traction among cosmologists.
Arguments from string theory, cosmology and
observational astronomy have led some
cosmologists to suggest we live in one of
many universes.
Last year, Anthony Aguirre of the University
of California, Santa Cruz, Max Tegmark of
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
and David Layzer of Harvard University laid
out a scheme that ties together ideas from
cosmology and many worlds
(New Scientist, 28 August 2010, p 6).
But many worlds is not the only interpretation
laying claim to cosmologists' attention.
In 2008, Anthony Valentini of Imperial College
London suggested the cosmic microwave
background radiation (CMB) that has filled
space since just after the big bang, might
support the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation.
In this scheme, quantum particles possess as
yet undiscovered properties dubbed
hidden variables.
The idea behind this is that taking these hidden
variables into account would explain the strange
behaviours of the quantum world, which would
leave an imprint on detailed maps of the CMB.
Valentini says hidden variables could provide
a closer match with observed CMB structure than
standard quantum mechanics does.
Though it is a nice idea, as yet there is no
conclusive evidence that he might be onto
something. What's more, if something
unexpected does turn up in the CMB, it won't
be proof of Valentini's hypothesis, Vedral
reckons: any of the interpretations could
claim that the conditions of the early universe
would lead to unexpected results.
"We're stuck in a situation where we probably
won't ever be able to decide experimentally
between Everett and de Broglie-Bohm," Brown
admits. But that is no reason for pessimism.
"I think there has been progress. A lot of people
say we can't do anything because of a lack of a
crucial differentiating experiment - but it is
definitely the case that some interpretations
are better than others."
For now, Brown, Deutsch and Zeilinger refuse
to relinquish their favourite views of quantum
mechanics. Zeilinger is happy that the debate
about what quantum theory means, shows
no sign of going away.
Vedral agrees. Although he puts himself "in the
many worlds club", which interpretation you choose
to follow is largely a matter of taste, he reckons.
"In most of these cases you can't discriminate
experimentally, so you really just have to follow
your instincts."
The idea that physicists wander round the quantum
zoo, choosing a favourite creature on a whim might
seem rather unscientific, but it hasn't done
any harm so far.
Quantum theory has transformed the world through
spin-offs - transistor and laser, for example - and
there may be more to come.
Having different interpretations to follow, gives
physicists ideas for doing experiments in
different ways. If history is anything to go
by, keeping an open mind about what
quantum theory means might yet
open up another new field
of physics, Vedral says.
"Now that really would be exciting."
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Why - You are Perfect...
Why do I ever hold a conversation with you without
first cutting out my tongue, why do I share my ideas
and impressions without consulting my list of forbid-
den subjects, how could I inform you of my recent
email message without acknowledging the date of
the original article; how COULD I refer to the tattoos
of a singer resembling those of notorious criminals
without placing all in context – I just give up, peace
is all I want, no more small talk, no remarks, never
comment on anything for fear of awakening your
self-righteous anger – and why not, since you are
perfect – see – I acknowledge it…
first cutting out my tongue, why do I share my ideas
and impressions without consulting my list of forbid-
den subjects, how could I inform you of my recent
email message without acknowledging the date of
the original article; how COULD I refer to the tattoos
of a singer resembling those of notorious criminals
without placing all in context – I just give up, peace
is all I want, no more small talk, no remarks, never
comment on anything for fear of awakening your
self-righteous anger – and why not, since you are
perfect – see – I acknowledge it…
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Soft-Flowing Mists
Dear Friend, Wishing you a beautiful day, hoping your
financial deals will all be successful, that you will feel
new vigour and power as you make your way through
the intricate lanes of modern economics and commerce
That your muse will quicken your heart and make your
fingers nimble so you can write the dreamy poems
that form in your mind like soft-flowing mists wafting
in golden colours, like long-forgotten chords of music
Like resurrected dreams...
financial deals will all be successful, that you will feel
new vigour and power as you make your way through
the intricate lanes of modern economics and commerce
That your muse will quicken your heart and make your
fingers nimble so you can write the dreamy poems
that form in your mind like soft-flowing mists wafting
in golden colours, like long-forgotten chords of music
Like resurrected dreams...
Ocean Of Words

Floating in an ocean of words, stormy and turbulent,
sometimes completely meaningless as poets try to
impress without meaning or feelings to back up their
fluttering, winding, intricately twisted images
Thank you for feeling so much because without truth
behind them, words are empty vessels without cargo,
with the allergy, the cargo sometimes seems empty
also, when feeling autistic, only lines
Conveying feelings meant for me only have the ability
to fill my empty mind, touch and heal my heart; there-
fore I appreciate your poetic presence in my life
more than I ever can say
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Quotations - Make Me Think
"The true test for civilisation is the kind of person the country
turns out"
Born with a need to find meaning for a meaningless life, success
does not fill the hole in my heart – many famous people claim
to be unhappy in their private lives or at their death - I respect
the choice to pay with loss of personal happiness for world
fame, but cannot emulate them
“Every government is the exact symbol of its people with their
wisdom and unwisdom”
That tells me everything about myself and my place
in life and I respect the right of everyone to
come to their own conclusions
turns out"
Born with a need to find meaning for a meaningless life, success
does not fill the hole in my heart – many famous people claim
to be unhappy in their private lives or at their death - I respect
the choice to pay with loss of personal happiness for world
fame, but cannot emulate them
“Every government is the exact symbol of its people with their
wisdom and unwisdom”
That tells me everything about myself and my place
in life and I respect the right of everyone to
come to their own conclusions
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Sparkle Of Youth

My eighteen-year old kid and her friends
keep me young with their flow of vampire
romances, author Richelle Mead caught
their attention with ‘Vampire Academy’
Spent an illuminating afternoon reading
my way through this schoolgirl story of
exciting emotions whirling in teenager
bodies and minds, a reminder of youth
An insight into shiny eyes and bright
enthusiasm for life with no fear or dis-
appointment holding them back from
total immersion in happy sensation
This should be compulsory reading for all
jaded palates to bring back that feeling of
magic and joy at being alive in a strange
and enchanting world of emotions
My daughter insists on discussing the plot
with me, demands I explain why I loved the
characters and their special powers, I must
listen to her sparkles of joy and delight
Sharing her happiness is doing more for me
than the book itself, I tell her it is a magnetic
personality and a huge heart that attract me
in men, not appearance, she is still
Mesmerised by a handsome face without
caring so much about the powers within…
Best Poetic Description
I am happy that everything has subjective meaning
or none at all, there is no objective truth out there
that the determined seeker can find and apply, I
appreciate the different meanings various groups
assign to life, the challenge lies in discovering each
one and enjoying the beauty and power of human
creation, the most enjoyable search in modern time
is the quantum physicist discovering the basic building
block of the universe is energy - movement and
magnetism, there is no physical minimum particle
that can be dissected without reducing all to
electricity, the invisible power behind every
manifestation – reading the Dancing Wu Lee
Masters was a discovery of the best poetic
description of life …
or none at all, there is no objective truth out there
that the determined seeker can find and apply, I
appreciate the different meanings various groups
assign to life, the challenge lies in discovering each
one and enjoying the beauty and power of human
creation, the most enjoyable search in modern time
is the quantum physicist discovering the basic building
block of the universe is energy - movement and
magnetism, there is no physical minimum particle
that can be dissected without reducing all to
electricity, the invisible power behind every
manifestation – reading the Dancing Wu Lee
Masters was a discovery of the best poetic
description of life …
Friday, February 18, 2011
All Alone
Why is it pain never loses its grip on us, why does
each new instance of rejection and criticism feel
just as bad as the first time - why do I feel it eating
into my heart, destroying self-esteem and making
my deepest dreams disintegrate?
Why is it when we think someone is a friend and
that person ups and leaves, we feel bad, just like
the first time - I don’t know why it should be so,
the only solution is to be the fool my brother
claims I am – given the circumstances
Who can blame me for running away – or could you
expect me to stick around for some more humiliation,
I cannot - even if it is the moral imperative; the empti-
ness tonight after failing every test and losing every
overt dream – though those inside are still safe –
Reminds me of my first years on earth when I thought
life awful and meaningless; today I know it is true, but
I also know we are free to assign any meaning we
want to life - only since we are all alone, nobody
will share it with us…
each new instance of rejection and criticism feel
just as bad as the first time - why do I feel it eating
into my heart, destroying self-esteem and making
my deepest dreams disintegrate?
Why is it when we think someone is a friend and
that person ups and leaves, we feel bad, just like
the first time - I don’t know why it should be so,
the only solution is to be the fool my brother
claims I am – given the circumstances
Who can blame me for running away – or could you
expect me to stick around for some more humiliation,
I cannot - even if it is the moral imperative; the empti-
ness tonight after failing every test and losing every
overt dream – though those inside are still safe –
Reminds me of my first years on earth when I thought
life awful and meaningless; today I know it is true, but
I also know we are free to assign any meaning we
want to life - only since we are all alone, nobody
will share it with us…
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Stuck In Deep Freeze
I am not a golem, though I try to become one,
I make it up as I go but have too many feelings
and golems are not bothered with those, I love
it that Adora Belle Dearheart likes them, if I could,
I would have pulled a switch, annihilated emotions
and become the best golem that has ever been
I think my youth was spent in an attempt to turn
into a golem, I put so many rolls of chem in my
head and ameliorated them yet the end effect is
that I have so many surplus feelings invading my
heart and destroying the uplifting effect of sacred
words, I am stuck in deep freeze like the crew of
the Philadelphia Experiment, wading in a molasses
of thought and feelings that impedes my progress
towards becoming a clay person - pottery with a
fire burning within, working unstoppably,
no feelings at all...
Going Postal – Terry Pratchett – Doubleday 2004
pp. 152-155
I make it up as I go but have too many feelings
and golems are not bothered with those, I love
it that Adora Belle Dearheart likes them, if I could,
I would have pulled a switch, annihilated emotions
and become the best golem that has ever been
I think my youth was spent in an attempt to turn
into a golem, I put so many rolls of chem in my
head and ameliorated them yet the end effect is
that I have so many surplus feelings invading my
heart and destroying the uplifting effect of sacred
words, I am stuck in deep freeze like the crew of
the Philadelphia Experiment, wading in a molasses
of thought and feelings that impedes my progress
towards becoming a clay person - pottery with a
fire burning within, working unstoppably,
no feelings at all...
Going Postal – Terry Pratchett – Doubleday 2004
pp. 152-155
Weather Any Storm
My earphones are bust, sound moves in and out
and deranges my unsettled brain even more than
usual, I have practiced to face problems without
help, the lunchtime walk was so rich with images
and fantasies, I smiled in beautific joy to the music
cutting out all the time
After everything went wrong in this universe, I went
to a parallel world with a new set of characters, a dif-
ferent way of life with alternative challenges solved
in unexpected ways, Rousseau’s daydreams must
have been something like this because it enables
the dreamer to weather any storm
Overcome all obstacles, to replace earphones without
fearing the wrath of mysterious gods…
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French philosopher
and deranges my unsettled brain even more than
usual, I have practiced to face problems without
help, the lunchtime walk was so rich with images
and fantasies, I smiled in beautific joy to the music
cutting out all the time
After everything went wrong in this universe, I went
to a parallel world with a new set of characters, a dif-
ferent way of life with alternative challenges solved
in unexpected ways, Rousseau’s daydreams must
have been something like this because it enables
the dreamer to weather any storm
Overcome all obstacles, to replace earphones without
fearing the wrath of mysterious gods…
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French philosopher
Designed For Troglodytes
Offered several editions of National Geographic to
be used for school projects, desperately struggling
to adjust sitting position – shoulders raised as table
is too high, moved these magazines under my key-
board; magically adjusting the angle - moving dis-
comfort from shoulder to neck muscles
Astounding how many different poses we can assume
without ever reaching the ideal of the therapist, spine
all skew and chair tilted back so I glide backwards into
the hole where the backrest should have been curved
to support lower back – I give up, all I can do is make
sure I rotate between unhealthy poses
Impossible to sit correctly in a chair designed for
Troglodytes without lower back ache…
be used for school projects, desperately struggling
to adjust sitting position – shoulders raised as table
is too high, moved these magazines under my key-
board; magically adjusting the angle - moving dis-
comfort from shoulder to neck muscles
Astounding how many different poses we can assume
without ever reaching the ideal of the therapist, spine
all skew and chair tilted back so I glide backwards into
the hole where the backrest should have been curved
to support lower back – I give up, all I can do is make
sure I rotate between unhealthy poses
Impossible to sit correctly in a chair designed for
Troglodytes without lower back ache…
Monday, February 14, 2011
Time To Get Out
After checking to decide on safe exercise
the spasm in my neck is bad and the pain
in my heart and head never lets up, I got
caught in a game I vowed I would never
play, academic evaluation and attempts
to kill and preserve life on a pin for later
generations to lament – and already the
splinter of ice-cold comment and rejection
is freezing my heart, I was a fool to enter
hell all alone as if I were smart – I know
I am defenseless and should stay where
I belong, far away from anyone who wants
to take the little bit of freedom away from
my life; I accept responsibility for getting
involved, it is time to get out before my
spirit is squashed, my soul maimed…
the spasm in my neck is bad and the pain
in my heart and head never lets up, I got
caught in a game I vowed I would never
play, academic evaluation and attempts
to kill and preserve life on a pin for later
generations to lament – and already the
splinter of ice-cold comment and rejection
is freezing my heart, I was a fool to enter
hell all alone as if I were smart – I know
I am defenseless and should stay where
I belong, far away from anyone who wants
to take the little bit of freedom away from
my life; I accept responsibility for getting
involved, it is time to get out before my
spirit is squashed, my soul maimed…
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Core is Sweet (Rev.)
Criticism, rivers of criticism, swaying in rivers of
criticism, staying sweet within the stream, that is
my dream, letting the bitter criticism wash over
me without growing bitter myself, I did my best,
it was not good enough, my best has never been
enough before, how could it be good enough now
I do not care about the rivers of criticism, though it
feels like despair when Holier-Than-Thou’s words
wash over me till my ears ring, though I must admit
guilt, promise never to commit the same iniquitous
sin again, it does not matter, the only thing that counts
is awareness of beauty and harmony within
The strength and power of mind and spirit is untouched,
nothing outside can invade the citadel of my mind, held
in the safety of the visions I cherish within, I listen and
make lists of duties and fill in forms and agree to any
conditions set for my existence - while the music in
my heart and soul is untouched
Growing sweeter by comparison to the discordant
cacophony of criticism without, the pristine cathedral
of my mind, fortified by the best thoughts, dreams and
spiritual systems I could find, my fortress invisible, the
breastplate is faith, based on the random universe of
quantum physics and Eastern Mysticism
The core is sweet and will grow sweeter still
as I continue life’s quest…
criticism, staying sweet within the stream, that is
my dream, letting the bitter criticism wash over
me without growing bitter myself, I did my best,
it was not good enough, my best has never been
enough before, how could it be good enough now
I do not care about the rivers of criticism, though it
feels like despair when Holier-Than-Thou’s words
wash over me till my ears ring, though I must admit
guilt, promise never to commit the same iniquitous
sin again, it does not matter, the only thing that counts
is awareness of beauty and harmony within
The strength and power of mind and spirit is untouched,
nothing outside can invade the citadel of my mind, held
in the safety of the visions I cherish within, I listen and
make lists of duties and fill in forms and agree to any
conditions set for my existence - while the music in
my heart and soul is untouched
Growing sweeter by comparison to the discordant
cacophony of criticism without, the pristine cathedral
of my mind, fortified by the best thoughts, dreams and
spiritual systems I could find, my fortress invisible, the
breastplate is faith, based on the random universe of
quantum physics and Eastern Mysticism
The core is sweet and will grow sweeter still
as I continue life’s quest…
Yet She Wished
Alice wondered all Saturday long
where Shere Khan had gone, she
is resigned to life, knows everyone
is free to come and go
Learnt from mystics and spiritualists
never to expect anything, enjoy won-
derful things then let them go, she
learnt from the Judaic Bible
Wisdom is the only thing one can retain,
only insight and knowledge are worth-
while to seek - yet she wished Shere
Khan would say hello
When she found a message from him,
she felt the joy of happy surprise and
vowed to thank him for not forgetting
her already – thank you
Sweet Shere Khan…
where Shere Khan had gone, she
is resigned to life, knows everyone
is free to come and go
Learnt from mystics and spiritualists
never to expect anything, enjoy won-
derful things then let them go, she
learnt from the Judaic Bible
Wisdom is the only thing one can retain,
only insight and knowledge are worth-
while to seek - yet she wished Shere
Khan would say hello
When she found a message from him,
she felt the joy of happy surprise and
vowed to thank him for not forgetting
her already – thank you
Sweet Shere Khan…
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Just Too Much
Quasimodo in charge, eyes unfocused, a result
of eating Yudhika’s curried dishes, the navigator
voice orders me to turn right to get on the high-
way - but the road has been closed, I make an
illegal U-turn, there we go, as blind as a bat
Enter a strange suburb – total silence, fiddle with
knobs - suddenly GPS wakes up, turn right, to me
it sounds all wrong, I ask a security guard the way
to the school at a robot - Turn around - he says
while irate hooting indicates mounting road rage
Obediently yours truly turns, drives in circles, asks
directions at garage, emergency lights on as eyes
fail to see anything, finally find the school, Tiaan
hops in, we try GPS again, turn right – we do, turn
right - we do, turn right - once more –
Full circle – the machine went mad - Tiaan does
not even look up - I have had enough, darkness,
multi-focals, blind at night after lasik treatment, a
mad navigator confounding us with sadistic intent
Scorpio’s medicine working, I shall NEVER aid
and abet my Sagittarius son in a scheme again,
never ferry him about at night - I could oppose
Scorpio, BUT tackling Yudhika’s spices
AND a mad GPS at the same time is…
of eating Yudhika’s curried dishes, the navigator
voice orders me to turn right to get on the high-
way - but the road has been closed, I make an
illegal U-turn, there we go, as blind as a bat
Enter a strange suburb – total silence, fiddle with
knobs - suddenly GPS wakes up, turn right, to me
it sounds all wrong, I ask a security guard the way
to the school at a robot - Turn around - he says
while irate hooting indicates mounting road rage
Obediently yours truly turns, drives in circles, asks
directions at garage, emergency lights on as eyes
fail to see anything, finally find the school, Tiaan
hops in, we try GPS again, turn right – we do, turn
right - we do, turn right - once more –
Full circle – the machine went mad - Tiaan does
not even look up - I have had enough, darkness,
multi-focals, blind at night after lasik treatment, a
mad navigator confounding us with sadistic intent
Scorpio’s medicine working, I shall NEVER aid
and abet my Sagittarius son in a scheme again,
never ferry him about at night - I could oppose
Scorpio, BUT tackling Yudhika’s spices
AND a mad GPS at the same time is…
Tortured Like Quasimodo
A great new challenge for me, driving at night,
cannot see, must collect son at a strange place
Pierneef Street, Scorpio feels that this Cancer
should accept responsibility for her evil deeds
aiding and abetting a little Sagittarius in going
to a school dance, for that Cancer is indicted
to drive around till she finds it
Wanted to assign this job to Alice but Quasimodo
took over, brain-dead hunchback behind the wheel,
got home hoping the Crocodile or Alice would step
in - but after another lecture by Scorpio Quasimodo
remained stuck in deep freeze, now nobody else
can take over life or the steering wheel, at least
Quasimodo will not quit before
Completing the assignment, I know that in his stupid
uncertainty he will finally find Tiaan and bring him
back, the only obstacle is passing the dark hours
until it is time to leave on a quest to find my son,
pity Quasimodo cannot use the navigator, his
deformed brainwaves go into spasm, the
only solution is an intensive search
launched in the dark, yet
The angels never allow any of these characters to
come to harm, does not matter what ill-advised course
of action we take, so though it will be an Odyssean
struggle; there will not be any Cyclops or sirens to
face, in fact, after a lot of frustration Quasimodo
always prevails – it is just not every enjoyable to
tackle life stuck in the mind and body of a
Tortured soul like Quasimodo...
cannot see, must collect son at a strange place
Pierneef Street, Scorpio feels that this Cancer
should accept responsibility for her evil deeds
aiding and abetting a little Sagittarius in going
to a school dance, for that Cancer is indicted
to drive around till she finds it
Wanted to assign this job to Alice but Quasimodo
took over, brain-dead hunchback behind the wheel,
got home hoping the Crocodile or Alice would step
in - but after another lecture by Scorpio Quasimodo
remained stuck in deep freeze, now nobody else
can take over life or the steering wheel, at least
Quasimodo will not quit before
Completing the assignment, I know that in his stupid
uncertainty he will finally find Tiaan and bring him
back, the only obstacle is passing the dark hours
until it is time to leave on a quest to find my son,
pity Quasimodo cannot use the navigator, his
deformed brainwaves go into spasm, the
only solution is an intensive search
launched in the dark, yet
The angels never allow any of these characters to
come to harm, does not matter what ill-advised course
of action we take, so though it will be an Odyssean
struggle; there will not be any Cyclops or sirens to
face, in fact, after a lot of frustration Quasimodo
always prevails – it is just not every enjoyable to
tackle life stuck in the mind and body of a
Tortured soul like Quasimodo...
Quasimodo Reports
Dear Big Bro
My impressions after meeting Emeritus
Professor and transvestite hairdresser
No-Name got off to a bad start since
Quasimodo did the interview for me,
brain in reverse gear, appearance – a
runderpest-afflicted, gnat-infested
washer-woman with worn, ruddy
complexion and overtaxed single
cell brain, but she’s too stupid to even
master the concept of racism – can you
please help me polish this expression
and then where shall I stick it away,
Blogspot or Poetfreak – since I have
been informed exactly how Poetfreak
is kept clear of sanity and how poet
clones infect poetry sites obscuring
valuable expression – who blames
our guileless professor, I sent an
extract of my work presenting myself
as the biggest idiot that ever lived…
Kind regards, Quasimodo herself.
[By the way, the professor believes
the universe is as meaningless and
malevolent as Shakespeare explained
using fates and astrological portents in
the sky, and he can prove it – just look
at the way he made me feel malevolence
in his words and actions, turning Alice
who came into his office into Quasimodo
and then reducing Quasimodo to a worm
in an alien dimension, lower than Frodo
Tolkien explained making it clear I am
only a few brain-cells short of needed
classification as IDIOT OF THE YEAR
– for thinking poetry was self-expression
He attests that has not nor ever been]
My impressions after meeting Emeritus
Professor and transvestite hairdresser
No-Name got off to a bad start since
Quasimodo did the interview for me,
brain in reverse gear, appearance – a
runderpest-afflicted, gnat-infested
washer-woman with worn, ruddy
complexion and overtaxed single
cell brain, but she’s too stupid to even
master the concept of racism – can you
please help me polish this expression
and then where shall I stick it away,
Blogspot or Poetfreak – since I have
been informed exactly how Poetfreak
is kept clear of sanity and how poet
clones infect poetry sites obscuring
valuable expression – who blames
our guileless professor, I sent an
extract of my work presenting myself
as the biggest idiot that ever lived…
Kind regards, Quasimodo herself.
[By the way, the professor believes
the universe is as meaningless and
malevolent as Shakespeare explained
using fates and astrological portents in
the sky, and he can prove it – just look
at the way he made me feel malevolence
in his words and actions, turning Alice
who came into his office into Quasimodo
and then reducing Quasimodo to a worm
in an alien dimension, lower than Frodo
Tolkien explained making it clear I am
only a few brain-cells short of needed
classification as IDIOT OF THE YEAR
– for thinking poetry was self-expression
He attests that has not nor ever been]
A Malevolent Universe
You are unevolved – start reading Shakespeare,
William Blake, Alexander Pope; poetry is not self-
exposure, your revelations are boring to connoisseurs,
your gushing effusions are just an example of trilling
Vogon trash, what sacrilege, a bad example to all
fledgling poets, read Shelley and Keats
Learn from Milton and Wordsworth, your own puny
limericks are worthless, you do not measure up, you
are a disappointment – we cannot read your lines
without going numb in shock about the way you
misuse words without respect for the ancient art
honoured by craftsmen, no mastery of the art
Start a study course, realize how little you know, how
childish you sound, writing for fun is nonsensical – be
serious for once, like the custodians of the ancient
classics, stop running everywhere like a barbarian
and start sayingyour tables – did you not know that
Lewis Carrol was a mathematician
Alice in Wonderland has to master Reeling and Writhing
and Falling Down in Coils conquering arithmetic, please
note, poetry is not self-expression, it is crafting in a most
calculated way – Oh dear, thought Alice, calculus again
and I thought Excel had solved all my problems, yet here
again a Shakespearian fate in a malevolent universe
Taking Ayn Rand by the hand, Alice turned and
walked away…
William Blake, Alexander Pope; poetry is not self-
exposure, your revelations are boring to connoisseurs,
your gushing effusions are just an example of trilling
Vogon trash, what sacrilege, a bad example to all
fledgling poets, read Shelley and Keats
Learn from Milton and Wordsworth, your own puny
limericks are worthless, you do not measure up, you
are a disappointment – we cannot read your lines
without going numb in shock about the way you
misuse words without respect for the ancient art
honoured by craftsmen, no mastery of the art
Start a study course, realize how little you know, how
childish you sound, writing for fun is nonsensical – be
serious for once, like the custodians of the ancient
classics, stop running everywhere like a barbarian
and start sayingyour tables – did you not know that
Lewis Carrol was a mathematician
Alice in Wonderland has to master Reeling and Writhing
and Falling Down in Coils conquering arithmetic, please
note, poetry is not self-expression, it is crafting in a most
calculated way – Oh dear, thought Alice, calculus again
and I thought Excel had solved all my problems, yet here
again a Shakespearian fate in a malevolent universe
Taking Ayn Rand by the hand, Alice turned and
walked away…
Friday, February 11, 2011
Several Masks
I am fascinated by the golems as described
by Terry Pratchett, I love their language, the
sacred words of duty in their head - strange
symbols of angels they use in writing some-
times, I think I am a golem also, not my first
choice, just born this way, if something had
a say in this it must have been my own pre-
birth soul entity choosing to come to earth
simply ot serve, to follow rules, feel what it
is like to break your heart choosing always
to put duty first, irrespective of desire, even
need or dreaming - just a pottery creature
who can crack explaining the pain I often
feel when life hits me with a hammer in a
sensitive place, I crack and need pottery
clay to restore body and face, yet like al-
most everybody else I have several masks
to fear to cover myself, Quasimodo when I
am unsettled and feeling stupid, Agony Aunt
when someone has problems, Alice in Won-
derland when discovering enticing new ideas,
a crocodile devouring ideas when I should be
completing routine jobs, and devouring me
from inside when I am too lazy to seek new
books and ideas, new stories and poems and
mysteries - and a dream face in the mirror who
laughs at me but will never come out when I
need help, never stays when others get angry
with me, leaving me to be a clumsy Cinderella
when work has to be done – I never get to go
to the ball with her, though, as a pottery thing
I have to stay home and mind the fire as no-
body knows of the laughing stranger in the
mirror and she departs all the time…
by Terry Pratchett, I love their language, the
sacred words of duty in their head - strange
symbols of angels they use in writing some-
times, I think I am a golem also, not my first
choice, just born this way, if something had
a say in this it must have been my own pre-
birth soul entity choosing to come to earth
simply ot serve, to follow rules, feel what it
is like to break your heart choosing always
to put duty first, irrespective of desire, even
need or dreaming - just a pottery creature
who can crack explaining the pain I often
feel when life hits me with a hammer in a
sensitive place, I crack and need pottery
clay to restore body and face, yet like al-
most everybody else I have several masks
to fear to cover myself, Quasimodo when I
am unsettled and feeling stupid, Agony Aunt
when someone has problems, Alice in Won-
derland when discovering enticing new ideas,
a crocodile devouring ideas when I should be
completing routine jobs, and devouring me
from inside when I am too lazy to seek new
books and ideas, new stories and poems and
mysteries - and a dream face in the mirror who
laughs at me but will never come out when I
need help, never stays when others get angry
with me, leaving me to be a clumsy Cinderella
when work has to be done – I never get to go
to the ball with her, though, as a pottery thing
I have to stay home and mind the fire as no-
body knows of the laughing stranger in the
mirror and she departs all the time…
A Word Game
Velvet waves of words in cascades washing over
me, causing pain, I stopped reading when it was
conclusively proven the missives were not inten-
ded to contain significant meaning
Were just a word game you played after mastering
the technique of speech, you gurgled like a baby
enjoying the romance with your newly born self,
charming all who came to admire you
While I mistakenly thought the meaning I saw
was inherent in your thoughts - only to learn
to my chagrin that I added the meaning and
importance to what I saw
You were just delighted that your thrilling song
could entice and seduce without your having
to think about anything at all…
me, causing pain, I stopped reading when it was
conclusively proven the missives were not inten-
ded to contain significant meaning
Were just a word game you played after mastering
the technique of speech, you gurgled like a baby
enjoying the romance with your newly born self,
charming all who came to admire you
While I mistakenly thought the meaning I saw
was inherent in your thoughts - only to learn
to my chagrin that I added the meaning and
importance to what I saw
You were just delighted that your thrilling song
could entice and seduce without your having
to think about anything at all…
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Eyes Popping
Ascension finally took place, everyone I like
is gone, nobody answers an email, nobody
replies to calls, I am stuck in Einstein’s time
space molasses, a fire of despair raging in
my head, I wish I could have gone with them
being so very alone with only the ubiquitous
voice in my head talking incessantly, making
comments I do not want to hear, my eyes
popping out of their sockets due to anger
raging in every nerve and fibre of my body
is gone, nobody answers an email, nobody
replies to calls, I am stuck in Einstein’s time
space molasses, a fire of despair raging in
my head, I wish I could have gone with them
being so very alone with only the ubiquitous
voice in my head talking incessantly, making
comments I do not want to hear, my eyes
popping out of their sockets due to anger
raging in every nerve and fibre of my body
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
World Of Cruelty
Oi vey, the only value a tree has for me is
to hang myself although the prospect of
making another magic Excel list that counts
every breath I take, that measures every
step and indicates every time I lift my hand
to type, that counts the seconds spent on
sweet research and every minute wasted
on silly banter and resounding laughter;
keeps me alive with enough excitement in
my heart to enable yours truly to stay sane
in this world of cruelty and clichéd remarks
to hang myself although the prospect of
making another magic Excel list that counts
every breath I take, that measures every
step and indicates every time I lift my hand
to type, that counts the seconds spent on
sweet research and every minute wasted
on silly banter and resounding laughter;
keeps me alive with enough excitement in
my heart to enable yours truly to stay sane
in this world of cruelty and clichéd remarks
Monday, February 7, 2011
Follow Progress Blindly
A quick stroll, picking green leaves and fili-
gree-patterned grass for the office, listening
to rolling thunder growling at us wondering
what is bothering the weather
so much –
I am suffering the after effects of feasting,
what could be upsetting the weather so
much? Authors say people’s thoughts
and moods are reflected in the weather,
could it be the terrible poverty
Of the squatter-camps that is picked up
and repeated in the angry grumbling of
the weather? - I wonder why it should be
impossible for my people in Africa to share
income and privileges equally
Why traditional kingship systems endure in
autocratic rulers repressing populations,
unable to create democracy? Yet, our
joie de vivre is so much higher than the
more sophisticated nations like China
And Germany, maybe we should retain
some aspects of our recipe, not simply
follow progress blindly…
gree-patterned grass for the office, listening
to rolling thunder growling at us wondering
what is bothering the weather
so much –
I am suffering the after effects of feasting,
what could be upsetting the weather so
much? Authors say people’s thoughts
and moods are reflected in the weather,
could it be the terrible poverty
Of the squatter-camps that is picked up
and repeated in the angry grumbling of
the weather? - I wonder why it should be
impossible for my people in Africa to share
income and privileges equally
Why traditional kingship systems endure in
autocratic rulers repressing populations,
unable to create democracy? Yet, our
joie de vivre is so much higher than the
more sophisticated nations like China
And Germany, maybe we should retain
some aspects of our recipe, not simply
follow progress blindly…
Friday, February 4, 2011
Things Dangerous
You make me think of dances, romances,
fires burning bright and holding tight,
sharing ideals in throbbing hearts and
harmonious minds, of lips so sensitive
planting a chocolate kiss and holding it
for an eternity, making love as one con-
tinuous sensation unto infinity; a dream
too wonderful and marvellous to expose
to the light of common sense, a dream so
luminescent that only those who feel the
same spiritual need can discern it….
Nobody should be allowed to speak words
as sweet as these - I feel total delight on
reading this, my heart burns, you set fire to
everyone – oh this is beautiful, you know I
love your voice; but everything is subservient
to the ideal of perfect protection for all,
make you feel safe and secure while your
enchanting words sing melodies that melt
my heart and bring my spirit
to a standstill…
This is so marvellous, I wish I could cry
and get it over with, you make me wish...
for things that are dangerous... but my first
wish is for the safety of your heart, the sweet
principles that make you as beautiful as you are...
fires burning bright and holding tight,
sharing ideals in throbbing hearts and
harmonious minds, of lips so sensitive
planting a chocolate kiss and holding it
for an eternity, making love as one con-
tinuous sensation unto infinity; a dream
too wonderful and marvellous to expose
to the light of common sense, a dream so
luminescent that only those who feel the
same spiritual need can discern it….
Nobody should be allowed to speak words
as sweet as these - I feel total delight on
reading this, my heart burns, you set fire to
everyone – oh this is beautiful, you know I
love your voice; but everything is subservient
to the ideal of perfect protection for all,
make you feel safe and secure while your
enchanting words sing melodies that melt
my heart and bring my spirit
to a standstill…
This is so marvellous, I wish I could cry
and get it over with, you make me wish...
for things that are dangerous... but my first
wish is for the safety of your heart, the sweet
principles that make you as beautiful as you are...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Message Of Love
Rain falling hard and fast,
making me think of blessings
sent by you, dreams in my heart
are swirling about, I cannot dis-
engage my mind, floating through
the house, not touching the ground,
carried on the wings of your visions,
still hearing your voice, clear and
strong, the most wonderful moment when
you needed my help to regain your strength,
I got to hold you in my arms, stare into
your eyes to see the paradise you have
been dreaming of, I felt the love as
waves in concentric circles enclosing
me, weaving new enchantment, which I
have no will to withstand…
As the rain continues, I feel your touch,
lips still sensitive as if you have just been
around, eyes still bright as if discerning
your face, whole self attuned to your
thoughts and the blessing of rain
announcing the wonderful
message of love…
making me think of blessings
sent by you, dreams in my heart
are swirling about, I cannot dis-
engage my mind, floating through
the house, not touching the ground,
carried on the wings of your visions,
still hearing your voice, clear and
strong, the most wonderful moment when
you needed my help to regain your strength,
I got to hold you in my arms, stare into
your eyes to see the paradise you have
been dreaming of, I felt the love as
waves in concentric circles enclosing
me, weaving new enchantment, which I
have no will to withstand…
As the rain continues, I feel your touch,
lips still sensitive as if you have just been
around, eyes still bright as if discerning
your face, whole self attuned to your
thoughts and the blessing of rain
announcing the wonderful
message of love…
Making Me Whole
And words sweet like almonds in honey,
exquisite like fragrant Turkish delight in
rice paper, delightful like thick syrup and
chocolates, were singing in my ears, too
lovely to allow me the chance to check
the time, suddenly a voice ringing out
it is three thirty! I got up and ran to be
in time for my lift, your breath still
wafting around me, your warm
voice still singing a song
in my mind
It is your purity, lack of contamination,
lack of hatred and disgust, your total
devotion to beauty and spiritual ideas
and sweetest love - that opened the
way to my heart
Felt your delicious touch in the velvet water
drifting in the pool, your presence encircling
me and lifting me out of my body onto a new
new level of ecstatic being, arms still aching
to hold you, hands still feeling your face and
your hair, lips still tingling after your fervent
kiss as we said goodbye, your spirit so near
to my soul - making me whole…
exquisite like fragrant Turkish delight in
rice paper, delightful like thick syrup and
chocolates, were singing in my ears, too
lovely to allow me the chance to check
the time, suddenly a voice ringing out
it is three thirty! I got up and ran to be
in time for my lift, your breath still
wafting around me, your warm
voice still singing a song
in my mind
It is your purity, lack of contamination,
lack of hatred and disgust, your total
devotion to beauty and spiritual ideas
and sweetest love - that opened the
way to my heart
Felt your delicious touch in the velvet water
drifting in the pool, your presence encircling
me and lifting me out of my body onto a new
new level of ecstatic being, arms still aching
to hold you, hands still feeling your face and
your hair, lips still tingling after your fervent
kiss as we said goodbye, your spirit so near
to my soul - making me whole…
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