Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Loyal And True [REV.]
Destroyer Obama is killing 50 years of US-Israeli
support policy, & in UN Council he promotes anti-
Israel resolutions - their sovereignty to be lost with
agreement to resume indefensible 1949 borders;
a boon to terrorist Palestine which rejects Israel’s
right to exist - ceaselessly trying to destroy and
delegitimate the Jewish state
Israel opposes détente with Iran as it will unleash
nuclear armed terrorism while requiring defensive
military strikes - and United Arab Emirates, Egypt,
Jordan, Saudi Arabia & Israel will need negotiate
with Hamas, Qatar, Turkey and the US of A - in a
domestic-crisis-Middle East violence unleashed
by al-Qaida & Islamic State causing existential
Strife between new Islamic Totalitarianism & the
better-known Regular Authoritarianism; there’d be
fights against jihadists in Jordan & Gaza; Judeaen
& Samarian Palestinians thus would probably seek
protection from jihad hate by coming to Israel while
appointment of a Muslim Arab Minister in the new
government might bring Arab Israelis home
Will peace ever exist between one superior power
governed by integrity & nations opposed following
medieval dogma demanding blind trust, exploitation
for personal gain & grim survival - destroying ideals
of loyalty to their leaders ignorant of ethics & moral
codes - Authoritarianism needs absence of creative
inspiration; empowerment is Potentate’s anathema
In their religious power-base governing tenets which
protect reigns established on feudal ignorance, and
subject’s childish faith in leaders denying notions of
human rights, no-one’s entitled to anything except a
leader or king, who won’t trust their subjects - while
THEY can’t trust their superiors to be fair, righteous,
honest, forgiving, loyal and true….
[Wondering about the Middle-Eastern political
set-up & power-bases versus Ideals of Freedom,
Human Rights & Righteousness - offering Justice
to Everyone; Moral and Ethical Principles versus
Absolute Authoritarianism]
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Depression Wins [REV.]
Depression got the better - swinging me between
nowhere & nothing; shining-crystal parlour being
my prison & swimming pool escape freezing me
in a persistent domestic-pattern emptiness until I
wash dishes, switch on radio, tuning into the one
station broadcasting German music that had me
keenly turning the radio every which way until I’m
receiving deep bass Ivan Rebroff interspersed with
a crooning Dean Martin cocooning me safe within, I can sway and sing along while doing the dishes
A cocoon swiftly unravelling after my dishes are
packed away and only Neville Shute is between
me and sinking again, a sugar headache without
redress; fatigue led to sugar which led to biscuits
the circle is closed & I can’t break away, wearing
a frown and ears ringing, paying for the privilege
of being allergic - having chosen a life of subtle
suffering, only the soul gestalt would know if it
worked, to me life’s a mess which can only look
good adorned with glitter and filled with crystal
consciousness - though my crystals shine and
A cloth with silver glitter draped on pristine white
lace looks beautiful, the headache is an ace by
which depression wins this race….
nowhere & nothing; shining-crystal parlour being
my prison & swimming pool escape freezing me
in a persistent domestic-pattern emptiness until I
wash dishes, switch on radio, tuning into the one
station broadcasting German music that had me
keenly turning the radio every which way until I’m
receiving deep bass Ivan Rebroff interspersed with
a crooning Dean Martin cocooning me safe within, I can sway and sing along while doing the dishes
A cocoon swiftly unravelling after my dishes are
packed away and only Neville Shute is between
me and sinking again, a sugar headache without
redress; fatigue led to sugar which led to biscuits
the circle is closed & I can’t break away, wearing
a frown and ears ringing, paying for the privilege
of being allergic - having chosen a life of subtle
suffering, only the soul gestalt would know if it
worked, to me life’s a mess which can only look
good adorned with glitter and filled with crystal
consciousness - though my crystals shine and
A cloth with silver glitter draped on pristine white
lace looks beautiful, the headache is an ace by
which depression wins this race….
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Simply Tune In [REV.]
Living in an electric universe means dear Lobsang
Rampa needn’t posit silver cord connection between
physical and astral bodies, it’s as unnecessary as
connections between cell-phones, we simply tune in
& receive sight, sound and touch without an ‘astral
body’ moving consciousness
To use computer or cell-phone we needn’t leave
material reality, connection to websites via satellite
is immediate, consciousness remains ensconced in
the body while we interact with all known sources of
knowledge - levitation or travelling not required to
find info or share thoughts
By ‘Channelling’ some folk tune into frequencies which
technology cannot access, death is a device falling apart
less affecting wavelength carrying information, switched-
off a computer doesn’t affect programs available, need
for physical movement is obviated
I don’t have to fear astral travelling at night; Lobsang’s
right life’s about right wavelength-tuning: on death we’re
confined to our favoured wavelength, positive or negative,
in life we prepare where & how we’ll be in the afterlife,
we’re responsible for our joy - or the pain of
Thoughts & deeds determine our position on losing freedom
of physical expression; thus I’m upset remembering pain of
betrayal I caused a friend by lying to her on rejection by the
group’s leaving without her, I should’ve said her attitude
made her unpopular - should’ve taken her side and
stayed with her - instead
Fabricated a see-through lie ostensibly sparing her feelings
meaning betrayal; how many bad deeds compromising my
integrity will accompany me to eternity? From now I’ll try to
stay on the positive wavelength in order to be connected
and stay there upon death…
Rampa needn’t posit silver cord connection between
physical and astral bodies, it’s as unnecessary as
connections between cell-phones, we simply tune in
& receive sight, sound and touch without an ‘astral
body’ moving consciousness
To use computer or cell-phone we needn’t leave
material reality, connection to websites via satellite
is immediate, consciousness remains ensconced in
the body while we interact with all known sources of
knowledge - levitation or travelling not required to
find info or share thoughts
By ‘Channelling’ some folk tune into frequencies which
technology cannot access, death is a device falling apart
less affecting wavelength carrying information, switched-
off a computer doesn’t affect programs available, need
for physical movement is obviated
I don’t have to fear astral travelling at night; Lobsang’s
right life’s about right wavelength-tuning: on death we’re
confined to our favoured wavelength, positive or negative,
in life we prepare where & how we’ll be in the afterlife,
we’re responsible for our joy - or the pain of
Thoughts & deeds determine our position on losing freedom
of physical expression; thus I’m upset remembering pain of
betrayal I caused a friend by lying to her on rejection by the
group’s leaving without her, I should’ve said her attitude
made her unpopular - should’ve taken her side and
stayed with her - instead
Fabricated a see-through lie ostensibly sparing her feelings
meaning betrayal; how many bad deeds compromising my
integrity will accompany me to eternity? From now I’ll try to
stay on the positive wavelength in order to be connected
and stay there upon death…
Friday, April 17, 2015
Immensely Enriched [REV.]
Just been enriched immensely by the task list
addition of 2 letters to our beloved President;
one written by a self-styled Sir, an unrepentant
reprobate offering himself for the highest office
in our country, yet quite content his frequent
letters remain comment-less, only receiving
an automatic acknowledgement, & the other
From a almost illiterate poor lady begging help
to apply for a state grant as her husband’s bad
back prevents him from working, least it seems
it might be - handwriting is illegible, sentences
lack connective words, ‘hope early reply tired of
suffering, pumpkins, house rent, daughter yard
onions’ - she must grow her own vegetables -
Describing heart-rending events; difficult to pull
myself back from global warming cries as we’re
actually entering a new tho small ice-age; sun’s
an electric phenomenon with spots causing cold
filament streams preparing a deep-freeze for the
northern hemisphere: all this against the even-
cadence rippling streams of my colleagues
Having endless conversations on the telephone
& forcing me to raise IPod volume - swaying to
Johann Strauss while clinging to my desk having
lost my sanity ages ago, living in the Mad Hatter’s
world can be made safe by withdrawing attention
from what others do into a meditative cocoon of
my coming swim in an autumn pool -
Drinking hot tea & coffee with spoons full of sugar
to keep my system going, abstaining from eating
protein, meat only weekly: time to start relaying
the sad one-word exclamations of the Lady-In-
Distress in elegant English for help in her plight,
she needs the sugar spoonfuls more that I do
addition of 2 letters to our beloved President;
one written by a self-styled Sir, an unrepentant
reprobate offering himself for the highest office
in our country, yet quite content his frequent
letters remain comment-less, only receiving
an automatic acknowledgement, & the other
From a almost illiterate poor lady begging help
to apply for a state grant as her husband’s bad
back prevents him from working, least it seems
it might be - handwriting is illegible, sentences
lack connective words, ‘hope early reply tired of
suffering, pumpkins, house rent, daughter yard
onions’ - she must grow her own vegetables -
Describing heart-rending events; difficult to pull
myself back from global warming cries as we’re
actually entering a new tho small ice-age; sun’s
an electric phenomenon with spots causing cold
filament streams preparing a deep-freeze for the
northern hemisphere: all this against the even-
cadence rippling streams of my colleagues
Having endless conversations on the telephone
& forcing me to raise IPod volume - swaying to
Johann Strauss while clinging to my desk having
lost my sanity ages ago, living in the Mad Hatter’s
world can be made safe by withdrawing attention
from what others do into a meditative cocoon of
my coming swim in an autumn pool -
Drinking hot tea & coffee with spoons full of sugar
to keep my system going, abstaining from eating
protein, meat only weekly: time to start relaying
the sad one-word exclamations of the Lady-In-
Distress in elegant English for help in her plight,
she needs the sugar spoonfuls more that I do
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Africa Month [REV.]
“DAC staff requested to attend launch of Africa
Month on Friday 24 April 2015, bring own lunch
and do wear traditional attire”, oh dear, my tea in
a flask lunch won’t be very exciting - traditional
attire can only be my wedding dress & at present
I’m too midline-exuberant to fit into it - like my
More sedate colleagues I’ll be wearing usual
working clothes, boring in the extreme, maybe
I can borrow a suit from my son, or beloved -
that ought to be fun, just exchanging everyday
boredom for something new’d add glamorous
glitz to a normal event: it can inspire seeking
Traditional attire; with my heart aglow I let the
world know my desire to fulfil a vow to dress
appropriately, maybe find a tie recess-deep in
cupboards seldom explored - I suppose with
this ideal I won’t be bored listening to music,
poetry & odes to Africa being the very best -
How uplifting; I’m sifting ideas coursing thru
my head like electricity flowing from the sun’s
corona in filaments to form currents, proof of
an electric universe we live in where truth vies
against establishment unwillingness to let go
of the sun as a nuclear reactor - which will
Eventually lead to burn-out - but don’t let me
fry my brain out with inexplicable theories on
the Internet, my main object is to invite a little
Alien in my head to join in preparation for
our launch of 24 April Africa day….
Month on Friday 24 April 2015, bring own lunch
and do wear traditional attire”, oh dear, my tea in
a flask lunch won’t be very exciting - traditional
attire can only be my wedding dress & at present
I’m too midline-exuberant to fit into it - like my
More sedate colleagues I’ll be wearing usual
working clothes, boring in the extreme, maybe
I can borrow a suit from my son, or beloved -
that ought to be fun, just exchanging everyday
boredom for something new’d add glamorous
glitz to a normal event: it can inspire seeking
Traditional attire; with my heart aglow I let the
world know my desire to fulfil a vow to dress
appropriately, maybe find a tie recess-deep in
cupboards seldom explored - I suppose with
this ideal I won’t be bored listening to music,
poetry & odes to Africa being the very best -
How uplifting; I’m sifting ideas coursing thru
my head like electricity flowing from the sun’s
corona in filaments to form currents, proof of
an electric universe we live in where truth vies
against establishment unwillingness to let go
of the sun as a nuclear reactor - which will
Eventually lead to burn-out - but don’t let me
fry my brain out with inexplicable theories on
the Internet, my main object is to invite a little
Alien in my head to join in preparation for
our launch of 24 April Africa day….
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Chaos - Thunderbolt
Electric Universe Theory, based on realizing
electric formations are depicted in prehistoric
petroglyphs & ancient rock art - representing
electrical discharges in the prehistoric skies
Plasma science and space probes show how
electricity played a key role in these celestial
phenomena which point to our electrical Sun,
which is the stellar centre of our solar system
Heavenly bodies are strung along the invisible
Power Lines which are detected in radio noise
and magnetic fields showing that the pearls in
Indra’s heaven are the electric lights within an
Electric universe; pictures of a Squatting Man
represent plasma instabilities seen in images
of electrical discharges in the laboratory; also
ancient peoples identified certain planets with
The ‘Thunderbolt of the Gods’ described and
represented in ancient myths & rock art – but
these dreadful thunderbolts clearly are high-
energy plasma discharges that cause such
Chaos and terror on our Planet Earth in this
enchanting Electric Universe…
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Absurd, Even Bizarre [REV.]
We calculate everything we did, languages covered,
document forms, clients sorted - advice we deigned
to give each time we stopped and waved, all books
recommended, each phrase we changed, every line
marked; our magnificent teamwork with its awesome
flexibility, KRA & GAF - crafty thought or social gaffe
to be ignored, our peccadilloes killed by silence -
Marks awarded for acronyms we found, or strange
combinations of nouns in neologisms & finely tuned
phrase as tears to an impressed creator’s eyes; we
render an account of steps we take, each breath we
dared to make, and this is such an uplifting thought -
accentuated by great music: “That Happy Feeling &
Swingin’ Safari”; a first round in Assessment Jousts
completed, self-congratulations in self-justification
and self-recommendation, increasing self-esteem,
astounded at not dying of madness or pain - life is
wonderful as long as we realise that Lewis Carrol’s
imagination is the surreal & absurd, even bizarre
Alice-framework which defines we protagonists in
this, our little life…
We calculate everything we did, every
language covered, every client sorted,
every form of document, all advice we
deigned to give, every time we stopped
and waved, every book recommended
every phrase we changed, every line
we marked, our magnificent teamwork,
amazing flexibility, every KRA and every
GAF: every crafty thought & social gaffe
to be ignored, all our peccadilloes killed
by total silence - marks awarded for
every acronym we found, every strange
combination of nouns in neologisms and
every finely tuned phrase bringing tears
to the impressed creator’s eyes
We render an account of every step we
took, every breath we dared to breathe –
this is such an uplifting thought, it will be
accentuated by great music: “That Happy
Feeling and Swingin’ Safari”; a first round
in the Assessment Jousts completed, self-
congratulations upon self-recommendation
and self-justification, increased self-esteem,
astounded at not dying of madness or pain,
life is wonderful as long as we realise that
Lewis Carrol’s imagination is the surreal &
absurd, even bizarre; Alice-framework which
defines us as protagonists in this little life...
document forms, clients sorted - advice we deigned
to give each time we stopped and waved, all books
recommended, each phrase we changed, every line
marked; our magnificent teamwork with its awesome
flexibility, KRA & GAF - crafty thought or social gaffe
to be ignored, our peccadilloes killed by silence -
Marks awarded for acronyms we found, or strange
combinations of nouns in neologisms & finely tuned
phrase as tears to an impressed creator’s eyes; we
render an account of steps we take, each breath we
dared to make, and this is such an uplifting thought -
accentuated by great music: “That Happy Feeling &
Swingin’ Safari”; a first round in Assessment Jousts
completed, self-congratulations in self-justification
and self-recommendation, increasing self-esteem,
astounded at not dying of madness or pain - life is
wonderful as long as we realise that Lewis Carrol’s
imagination is the surreal & absurd, even bizarre
Alice-framework which defines we protagonists in
this, our little life…
We calculate everything we did, every
language covered, every client sorted,
every form of document, all advice we
deigned to give, every time we stopped
and waved, every book recommended
every phrase we changed, every line
we marked, our magnificent teamwork,
amazing flexibility, every KRA and every
GAF: every crafty thought & social gaffe
to be ignored, all our peccadilloes killed
by total silence - marks awarded for
every acronym we found, every strange
combination of nouns in neologisms and
every finely tuned phrase bringing tears
to the impressed creator’s eyes
We render an account of every step we
took, every breath we dared to breathe –
this is such an uplifting thought, it will be
accentuated by great music: “That Happy
Feeling and Swingin’ Safari”; a first round
in the Assessment Jousts completed, self-
congratulations upon self-recommendation
and self-justification, increased self-esteem,
astounded at not dying of madness or pain,
life is wonderful as long as we realise that
Lewis Carrol’s imagination is the surreal &
absurd, even bizarre; Alice-framework which
defines us as protagonists in this little life...
Monday, April 13, 2015
Sound Sweet No More
Frittered the morning away, focussed on
the child prodigy phenomenon, Amira’s
pure voice is lovable, but it drove me to
tears to hear her SanRemo rendition of
O Mio Babbino Caro - Oh My Beloved
Daddy - her voice sounded strained, so
unlike her previous performance at the
Holland Talent Contest; I discerned no
sign of improvement & phrasing worse
than ever with an excuse: pre-recorded
music’s tempo too slow for Amira’s ren-
dition, hence forced gulps of air - but
Listen to the gritty sound as she strains
her voice - the lack of unhindered free
flow of air through her throat on the high
notes: the powerful voice so unforced &
sweet on her first DVD now seems to be
loosening at the seams - why won’t her
parents insist on voice tuition to teach
how to take care of her heavenly sweet
vocal chords that sound sweet no more,
but seem to stagger under the attack of
endless repeats of the same repertoire:
when will practise bring strong breathing
And elastic vocal chords which do not
become gritty on frequent use, but add
resonance & balance to the songs she
choose - it would be wonderful to hear
her doing age-appropriate work instead
of these English interviews which leave
her dumbfounded whenever she should
be looking and saying thank you…
the child prodigy phenomenon, Amira’s
pure voice is lovable, but it drove me to
tears to hear her SanRemo rendition of
O Mio Babbino Caro - Oh My Beloved
Daddy - her voice sounded strained, so
unlike her previous performance at the
Holland Talent Contest; I discerned no
sign of improvement & phrasing worse
than ever with an excuse: pre-recorded
music’s tempo too slow for Amira’s ren-
dition, hence forced gulps of air - but
Listen to the gritty sound as she strains
her voice - the lack of unhindered free
flow of air through her throat on the high
notes: the powerful voice so unforced &
sweet on her first DVD now seems to be
loosening at the seams - why won’t her
parents insist on voice tuition to teach
how to take care of her heavenly sweet
vocal chords that sound sweet no more,
but seem to stagger under the attack of
endless repeats of the same repertoire:
when will practise bring strong breathing
And elastic vocal chords which do not
become gritty on frequent use, but add
resonance & balance to the songs she
choose - it would be wonderful to hear
her doing age-appropriate work instead
of these English interviews which leave
her dumbfounded whenever she should
be looking and saying thank you…
Friday, April 10, 2015
An Irrepressible Official [REV.]
Liaising with Goblins, Free Knight Lancers and
giving Eldritch advice the official arranged for a
quotation from the Spectre to do a Pique-Nique
Transformation; this officious and over-zealous
official arranged a musical note collection from
the Hunting Jaguar for the Deepset In Despair
Department, and gamely sent A Sorcery Sheet
To Mr Domino of Torino from Toronto Diggings
Department, the [teeth-gnashing and generally
bashing] official also arranged for a Sign Doddle
at the request of Mr Jaccato of the Department
of Calciferous Communications, the [now openly
detested] official sent Mr Domino’s Didgeridoo
and Sorcery Sheet to Mr Mohair of the Unit for
Negligent Homicidal Nubian Newts, the [to be
stoned and crucified upside down] official got
Nibble-Fibbly Tricolours for State of Ratified &
Riddled Nation Address, the [irritating, & to be
maimed] official decreed Abibi Shimmer, Safiir
from Safaarah, gallivanting in Malawia, could
not send a Scribble for the Lady Jamiilah
Then the obfuscating official arranged a quotation
modifying Faraansa for Indigenous Synchronicity
Minty Group - the unremitting official, undeterred
by maleficent glare, sent requests for Kulmekka
insubordination to the PotAndPanSAL Formation
and the Capettan Troupe at the request of Mme
Pompadour - the irrepressible official assisted a
Member of public with correct Incantation spells -
now the incorrigible official is preparing to stop
being assiduous & to brew Klatchian coffee to
wake up from these officially induced dreams…
giving Eldritch advice the official arranged for a
quotation from the Spectre to do a Pique-Nique
Transformation; this officious and over-zealous
official arranged a musical note collection from
the Hunting Jaguar for the Deepset In Despair
Department, and gamely sent A Sorcery Sheet
To Mr Domino of Torino from Toronto Diggings
Department, the [teeth-gnashing and generally
bashing] official also arranged for a Sign Doddle
at the request of Mr Jaccato of the Department
of Calciferous Communications, the [now openly
detested] official sent Mr Domino’s Didgeridoo
and Sorcery Sheet to Mr Mohair of the Unit for
Negligent Homicidal Nubian Newts, the [to be
stoned and crucified upside down] official got
Nibble-Fibbly Tricolours for State of Ratified &
Riddled Nation Address, the [irritating, & to be
maimed] official decreed Abibi Shimmer, Safiir
from Safaarah, gallivanting in Malawia, could
not send a Scribble for the Lady Jamiilah
Then the obfuscating official arranged a quotation
modifying Faraansa for Indigenous Synchronicity
Minty Group - the unremitting official, undeterred
by maleficent glare, sent requests for Kulmekka
insubordination to the PotAndPanSAL Formation
and the Capettan Troupe at the request of Mme
Pompadour - the irrepressible official assisted a
Member of public with correct Incantation spells -
now the incorrigible official is preparing to stop
being assiduous & to brew Klatchian coffee to
wake up from these officially induced dreams…
Ministry of Gobbledygook [REV.]
There was so little to say that I said it with aplomb,
and like so little in statistics I embroidered details
of when writing my Assessment, told the listening
ears of fun in translating bureaucracy of a country
in Africa with noun strings forming new amalgams
such as “Public Service Work Force Numbers” &
Strange appellations “Ministry of Budget Payroll
Department" and the “Public Service Payroll”; it’s
funny since terms coined by author Joan Aiken, i.e.,
“Ministry of Alarm & Despondency” describe where
readers are told a laundry basket at the entrance
receives all unwanted correspondence
There’s a General Gloom Division where people
carry Magic Insurance cards and complain to the
Public Magician; after such a story it’s delightful to
be employed by our Ministry of Cultural Goons in
the Division for Magicking Blue & White into Red
and where we have to account for every official
Gulp of oxygen we take, explain the effect of our
star sign on the shoes we choose to wear & why
we burst into tears when the word aircon is used,
wear sleeveless tops in the middle of winter and
leg warmers through summer; I love our Superb
Ministry of Gobbledygook & Diddlydoo for
Fiddlesticks where music notes follow me in the
air as I float down the stairs yodelling with joy -
for being alive in Voltaire’s best of all universes,
if you know what I mean
and like so little in statistics I embroidered details
of when writing my Assessment, told the listening
ears of fun in translating bureaucracy of a country
in Africa with noun strings forming new amalgams
such as “Public Service Work Force Numbers” &
Strange appellations “Ministry of Budget Payroll
Department" and the “Public Service Payroll”; it’s
funny since terms coined by author Joan Aiken, i.e.,
“Ministry of Alarm & Despondency” describe where
readers are told a laundry basket at the entrance
receives all unwanted correspondence
There’s a General Gloom Division where people
carry Magic Insurance cards and complain to the
Public Magician; after such a story it’s delightful to
be employed by our Ministry of Cultural Goons in
the Division for Magicking Blue & White into Red
and where we have to account for every official
Gulp of oxygen we take, explain the effect of our
star sign on the shoes we choose to wear & why
we burst into tears when the word aircon is used,
wear sleeveless tops in the middle of winter and
leg warmers through summer; I love our Superb
Ministry of Gobbledygook & Diddlydoo for
Fiddlesticks where music notes follow me in the
air as I float down the stairs yodelling with joy -
for being alive in Voltaire’s best of all universes,
if you know what I mean
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
My Little Task [REV.]
Returning guilelessly, innocently, after the Easter
weekend, landing into a bureaucratic explosion of
administrative efficiency & killer statistics, groups
of happy fools drooling to inventory non-existent
old paper copies of ancient documents
All my production reports contain errors - have to
be redone, becoming embroiled in a bitter, heart-
breaking yearly assessment task, work agreement
and more unpalatable administration needs, acrid
tears welling up while I suffer stress of bent back,
Head lolling, bees swarming in my ears, trying to
unravel knots I made during the year to remind me
of what has been done; biggest problem remains
how to explain so few documents received and the
prolific Arabic and Hebrew Studies I undertook
To enrich the Department, albeit indirectly, with my
new-found knowledge & abilities; after this diatribe
I laugh at myself, it’s an easy job made intricate by
my mystery-seeking mind, as soon as I’m finished,
I’ll realise how small is my little task…
weekend, landing into a bureaucratic explosion of
administrative efficiency & killer statistics, groups
of happy fools drooling to inventory non-existent
old paper copies of ancient documents
All my production reports contain errors - have to
be redone, becoming embroiled in a bitter, heart-
breaking yearly assessment task, work agreement
and more unpalatable administration needs, acrid
tears welling up while I suffer stress of bent back,
Head lolling, bees swarming in my ears, trying to
unravel knots I made during the year to remind me
of what has been done; biggest problem remains
how to explain so few documents received and the
prolific Arabic and Hebrew Studies I undertook
To enrich the Department, albeit indirectly, with my
new-found knowledge & abilities; after this diatribe
I laugh at myself, it’s an easy job made intricate by
my mystery-seeking mind, as soon as I’m finished,
I’ll realise how small is my little task…
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Allow The Peace [REV.]
Covered all available surfaces in cascades of
white lace - I’d like to be Ms Marple with ideas
going everywhere - yet nephew decreed it old-
fashioned; removed white from Carine’s room;
current cold spell had me blanket-gathering, in
such loving care I face my kids’ derision -
Despite knowing they froze last night; used up
newspapers lining our old Jack Russell’s lair;
after all I’ve done & read it seems my thoughts
still are not enough nor ever will be for happy
company after physical death - thanks to the
Internet I know there are infinite dimensions &
worlds, once done with physical & learned mind
control we’re free to visit new places - every time
I let my thoughts go, I recall the bad things I did
and cringe - let’s hope that releasing everything
in the final Gestalt will free us of all guilt and
allow the peace we’re lacking right now….
white lace - I’d like to be Ms Marple with ideas
going everywhere - yet nephew decreed it old-
fashioned; removed white from Carine’s room;
current cold spell had me blanket-gathering, in
such loving care I face my kids’ derision -
Despite knowing they froze last night; used up
newspapers lining our old Jack Russell’s lair;
after all I’ve done & read it seems my thoughts
still are not enough nor ever will be for happy
company after physical death - thanks to the
Internet I know there are infinite dimensions &
worlds, once done with physical & learned mind
control we’re free to visit new places - every time
I let my thoughts go, I recall the bad things I did
and cringe - let’s hope that releasing everything
in the final Gestalt will free us of all guilt and
allow the peace we’re lacking right now….
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Arms In The Way [REV.]
My arms are in the way - I don’t know where to put them,
just on the mattress doesn’t work, & lifted up onto pillows
is uncomfortable - it is exacerbated by glasses so dirty I
can’t see properly; with the study’s windows closed it is
too hot - yet opening them lets in an ice-cold breeze
The pill to help me sleep does not have that supposed
somnambulant effect beyond causing me loss of sight,
no more reading tonight, happily ensconced in ballet-
tales when my eyes unglued & I got into bed just to
discover that I just can’t sleep at all anyway
At work I read about Electrical Universe and Plasma
Theory – it meets Occam’s razor ‘simplicity criterion’,
afterwards at home I wanted to unwind with childish
stories - which drives dear Lobsang mad, he thinks
we should study every tragedy there ever can be
Only tragedy I face tonight is insomnia caused by arms
refusing to relax, stiff neck & bad back; guilt conscience
reveals I had instant soup today and maybe the strong
cup of tannin-rich tea with caffeine just before getting
into bed played a significant role also -
If only I knew where to put my arms when I lie down -
and how to get comfortable when I get into bed, even
sleeping on the floor would be fine, I really don’t care;
I have only one problem to face:- where to put my
arms when they are in the way...
just on the mattress doesn’t work, & lifted up onto pillows
is uncomfortable - it is exacerbated by glasses so dirty I
can’t see properly; with the study’s windows closed it is
too hot - yet opening them lets in an ice-cold breeze
The pill to help me sleep does not have that supposed
somnambulant effect beyond causing me loss of sight,
no more reading tonight, happily ensconced in ballet-
tales when my eyes unglued & I got into bed just to
discover that I just can’t sleep at all anyway
At work I read about Electrical Universe and Plasma
Theory – it meets Occam’s razor ‘simplicity criterion’,
afterwards at home I wanted to unwind with childish
stories - which drives dear Lobsang mad, he thinks
we should study every tragedy there ever can be
Only tragedy I face tonight is insomnia caused by arms
refusing to relax, stiff neck & bad back; guilt conscience
reveals I had instant soup today and maybe the strong
cup of tannin-rich tea with caffeine just before getting
into bed played a significant role also -
If only I knew where to put my arms when I lie down -
and how to get comfortable when I get into bed, even
sleeping on the floor would be fine, I really don’t care;
I have only one problem to face:- where to put my
arms when they are in the way...
Chaos And Terror [REV.]
Based on inspirational forensic investigation of the
astronomical aspects in prehistoric petroglyphs &
recording huge electrical discharges in prehistoric
skies, we’ve inherited an Electric Universe
Combined with plasma science & space probes its
clear electricity plays the key role in such celestial
dynamics - it brings us to see the electrical nature
of our Sun, the centre of our solar system where
Planets and stars are strung along invisible Cosmic
Power Lines detectable only as magnetic fields and
radio noise; the pearls in Indra’s heaven are electric
lights within an Electric Universe;
Enigmatic prehistoric petroglyphs represent the same
plasma instabilities seen in images of lab-generated
electrical discharges - also ancient peoples identified
certain planets with a dreadful weapon, that of
The ‘Thunderbolt of the Gods’ - as represented and
described in myths and rock art, and which we see
as high-energy plasma discharges - causing chaos
and terror on Earth…
An Electric Universe, based on the inspiration of
the forensic investigation of astronomical aspects
in prehistoric petroglyphs which recorded mighty
electrical discharges in prehistoric skies
Combined with plasma science & space probes it
is clear electricity plays a key role in such celestial
dynamics - it brings us to see the electrical nature
of our Sun, the centre of our solar system
Where planets and stars are strung along invisible
Cosmic Power Lines which are detectable only as
radio noise & magnetic fields; the pearls in Indra’s
heaven are electric lights within an
Electric universe; enigmatic prehistoric petroglyphs
represent the same plasma instabilities seen in the
images of lab-generated electrical discharges, also
ancient peoples identified certain planets with
A dreadful weapon, the ‘thunderbolt of the gods’ –
described & represented in myths and rock art, and
which we see as high-energy plasma discharges
causing chaos and terror on Earth…
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