Trump’s immigration ban on seven countries fulfils
Obama’s policies and is correcting Barack’s moral
deficiencies which empowered bigots and fascists
and disarmed victims - the Obama administration
Identified seven problematic countries but he never
acted on the information; Trump did and on behalf of
America enacted the 2015 Terrorist Travel Prevention
act since Iraq, Syria, Libya & Yemen have no control
Over their citizens and Somalia is jihad-plagued and
a failed state - the immigrants from there’ve already
launched terrorist attacks in the US; Sudan and Iran
sponsor terrorism, and as such cannot be trusted on
The status of visa applicants; Obama ignored seven
identified Muslim threats at America’s peril; Trump’ll
keep out US enemies, allowing in only refugees who
need protection like minority religions persecuted in
Their own countries; this Obama did NOT do when
Christians and Yazidis faced annihilation by Islamic
State in Syria: - only 0.5% Christian - and 0.18%
Yazidi refugees were then allowed to enter the US…
Trump refuses entry to creeds which threaten US
citizens by opposing the US Constitution as violent
ideologies - spreading bigotry, honour killing and
persecution of other religions: Obama & UNHCR
Officials refused to help the Christian and Yazidi
fleeing genocide when ISIS threatened all who’ve
no allegiance to the Caliphate - moreover the UN
resents resettlement of Christians from Syria - &
Meantime US Jews criticise Trump’s immigration
order BUT Muslims have never faced genocide -
not ever anywhere - now Trump protects Jewish
victims against their hate-filled hunters, & clearly
Shows he’s not the bigot - while his hypocritical
Jewish critics and Pharisees fit the bill perfectly…
Trump’s temporary ban on 7 countries is based on
Obama’s policies, correcting Barack’s moral de-
ficiencies that empowered bigots and fascists
while disarming their victims
The 2015 Terrorist Travel Prevention Act targets 7
countries: Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya
& Yemen, identified by Obama’s administration as
problematic & requiring harsher vetting policies
For refugee applications because Iraq, Syria, Libya
and Yemen’s governments lack control over their
countries and can’t conclude immigration vetting
protocols with the US – while Turkish,
Saudi Arabian and Egyptian officials implemented
severe visa vetting protocols, and Immigrants from
Somalia, a jihad-plagued failed state, have already
carried out terrorist attacks in the US
Sudan and Iran’s regimes sponsor terrorism and
can’t be trusted to report status of visa applicants;
so these 7 states lack official US counterparts to
vet visa applicants – yet will Trump’s order
Improve vetting outcome, it requires federal agencies
and departments to review immigration practices to
keep out US enemies while allowing only those who
really need protection
Secretary of state & homeland security must protect
persecuted refugees of minority religions in a country
of origin while Obama did the opposite: as Christians
& Yazidis in Syria were threatened with
Annihilation by Islamic State, they received few visas
in 2016 - Syrian refugees to US increased to 13,210
and only 77 - 0.5% - were Christians while only 24 –
0.18% - were Yazidis
Trump bars those with creeds that threaten the US
citizen - The United States can’t admit people who
don’t support its Constitution through their violent
ideologies, bigotry, honour killings & violence
Against women, persecutors of other religions or
oppressors of Americans
Obama refused to help Christian & Yazidi refugees
fleeing genocide, enslavement and rape and the
UNHCR officials did not protect Christians and
Yazidi refugees against ISIS & gangs –
Trafficking in women & threatening men without
allegiance to the caliphate, UN jihadists left the
persecuted Christians & other minorities out of
the UN refugee system as António Guterres
Resents resettlement of Christians from Syria, YET
US Jewish leftists criticise Trump’s order ignoring
the fact Trump’s order is based on Obama policies
which they don’t oppose
Muslims who are NOWHERE targeted for genocide;
while Trump’s Jewish opponents & Obama’s Jewish
champions FAIL to defend Christians, Yazidis and
other religious minorities; but
By protecting these ‘Jewish’ victims against their hate-
filled hunters, Trump clearly shows he’s not the bigot,
while his Jewish critics and Pharisees fit the bill
[Based on article by Caroline Glick]
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
In One Life-Time
The symbolism is clear: all pink and purple flowers
and cloths grouped together on my right, the warmth
and love evoking a feeling of pleasure - while all the
blue cloths are in front of me and to my left - with a
cool and austere professional effect – & behind me
yellow flowers with life-giving powers because I did
not become an ice-cold professional as seen in my
Confession which should have accompanied my sad
production sheet: received and completed ONLY four
documents - nobody required our services - luckily the
tragedy provides content for my eternal lament on our
physical life being without meaning; the five miniature
dolls on the console accuse me of delinquency given
that my existence is quite superfluous - and I lost
A very good reason for sorrow: my computer screen
was dying, but was removed by two irate colleagues
who firmly pushed me out of the way, unplugged my
dead screen & brought another - changing plugs and
adroitly spiriting away this cross and thus leaving my
poor soul without justified suffering; as all the allergic
symptoms abated & headache disappeared, my soul
could only find one reason for its sadness: the lack
Of challenge and adventure in the freezing routines
of an office job, yet there are warm orange flowers
and bright lime-green cloths behind me showing that
life and hope always shine far beyond this office and
that life is bigger and wider than work - because we
build things then pull them down and we only retain
the whole gamut of feelings we experienced while
occupied. So this became my overarching quest:
How to be happy doing whatever is at hand, which is
an immense distance from the noble-suffering-ideal
of my youthful fantasies based on dark assumptions,
now it’s hard work to remove these festering theories
from my mind - it seems to be an almost impossible
task to carry out in one lifetime…
[Pretoria, Tuesday 31 January 2017]
and cloths grouped together on my right, the warmth
and love evoking a feeling of pleasure - while all the
blue cloths are in front of me and to my left - with a
cool and austere professional effect – & behind me
yellow flowers with life-giving powers because I did
not become an ice-cold professional as seen in my
Confession which should have accompanied my sad
production sheet: received and completed ONLY four
documents - nobody required our services - luckily the
tragedy provides content for my eternal lament on our
physical life being without meaning; the five miniature
dolls on the console accuse me of delinquency given
that my existence is quite superfluous - and I lost
A very good reason for sorrow: my computer screen
was dying, but was removed by two irate colleagues
who firmly pushed me out of the way, unplugged my
dead screen & brought another - changing plugs and
adroitly spiriting away this cross and thus leaving my
poor soul without justified suffering; as all the allergic
symptoms abated & headache disappeared, my soul
could only find one reason for its sadness: the lack
Of challenge and adventure in the freezing routines
of an office job, yet there are warm orange flowers
and bright lime-green cloths behind me showing that
life and hope always shine far beyond this office and
that life is bigger and wider than work - because we
build things then pull them down and we only retain
the whole gamut of feelings we experienced while
occupied. So this became my overarching quest:
How to be happy doing whatever is at hand, which is
an immense distance from the noble-suffering-ideal
of my youthful fantasies based on dark assumptions,
now it’s hard work to remove these festering theories
from my mind - it seems to be an almost impossible
task to carry out in one lifetime…
[Pretoria, Tuesday 31 January 2017]
Monday, January 30, 2017
Dissolving My Brain [Rev]
Every so often I fall asleep again; I’m sipping black
coffee & trying to stay awake, but it runs down my
chin as I doze off, desperately seeking the solution
that saved me as a child - one of slow reading - or
rather, drinking-in Keurboslaan, of escapism into a
noble-ideals wonder-world of integrity, enchanting
the wandering mind into calmness and stopping
awareness of physical pain until a feeling of well-
being eases my temperament - Keurboslaan is a
Drug, a fairy-tale read slowly, slowly, it rid me of
fatigue ruining my life at age ten; my head was fit
to burst - the same headache dissolving my brain
I am nursing today - nothing was left but red pain,
then visualising these scenes for juveniles quelled
the essence of pain - wandering glowing passages
where godlike beings shone, admiring the beautiful
landscape speaking sweet words; the most godlike
being leading as protagonist - more fascinating
Than anything or being I’ve ever come across, it’s
as if my sensation of pain flees when I’m in hallowed
atmosphere of this dream-place - this small village
called Keurboslaan - a choice name for the golden
country where all characters and I are held safe in
arms of a Fate more wonderful than the mind can
imagine or words describe, now I stay awake and
only feel the headache when putting the life-saving
book down …
coffee & trying to stay awake, but it runs down my
chin as I doze off, desperately seeking the solution
that saved me as a child - one of slow reading - or
rather, drinking-in Keurboslaan, of escapism into a
noble-ideals wonder-world of integrity, enchanting
the wandering mind into calmness and stopping
awareness of physical pain until a feeling of well-
being eases my temperament - Keurboslaan is a
Drug, a fairy-tale read slowly, slowly, it rid me of
fatigue ruining my life at age ten; my head was fit
to burst - the same headache dissolving my brain
I am nursing today - nothing was left but red pain,
then visualising these scenes for juveniles quelled
the essence of pain - wandering glowing passages
where godlike beings shone, admiring the beautiful
landscape speaking sweet words; the most godlike
being leading as protagonist - more fascinating
Than anything or being I’ve ever come across, it’s
as if my sensation of pain flees when I’m in hallowed
atmosphere of this dream-place - this small village
called Keurboslaan - a choice name for the golden
country where all characters and I are held safe in
arms of a Fate more wonderful than the mind can
imagine or words describe, now I stay awake and
only feel the headache when putting the life-saving
book down …
Friday, January 27, 2017
In My Head
It’s raining full-throttle, then the pace slacks off
and all the time I can play a game with the rain
that brings me joy; & far-off against the horizon
sunlight escapes into silver translucent clouds
which infuses the grass an inner shine creating
a bright-green light; the crocodile pool becomes
a shimmering topaz against the wet paving
The rain throttled back completely & the colour
in the garden intensifies, my game is going great;
if only I could enact this fantasy like a Jim Carrey
wearing Loki’s Mask in the movie, so others could
enjoy the scene with me, but explaining the game
would sound too much like self-aggrandizement
while it’s merely inserting a fairy-tale narrative -
Which inspires all dreams - into reality’s scene,
delightful as the rain languorously winds down
and comes to a sinuous stop for only a moment
before setting off again - and I have no objection
against the same wonderful dream repeating it-
self over and over in my head…
and all the time I can play a game with the rain
that brings me joy; & far-off against the horizon
sunlight escapes into silver translucent clouds
which infuses the grass an inner shine creating
a bright-green light; the crocodile pool becomes
a shimmering topaz against the wet paving
The rain throttled back completely & the colour
in the garden intensifies, my game is going great;
if only I could enact this fantasy like a Jim Carrey
wearing Loki’s Mask in the movie, so others could
enjoy the scene with me, but explaining the game
would sound too much like self-aggrandizement
while it’s merely inserting a fairy-tale narrative -
Which inspires all dreams - into reality’s scene,
delightful as the rain languorously winds down
and comes to a sinuous stop for only a moment
before setting off again - and I have no objection
against the same wonderful dream repeating it-
self over and over in my head…
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
In Exciting Tones [+ Rev]
My yesterday is a glorious miniature cameo framed
against today’s ordinary existence: yesterday brought
3 Pratchett books into my life, I was free to float in the
pool all afternoon like a sun-bathing reptile - without
the sorrow of responsibility like a child on an eternal
break from school and content with my achievement
of graduating within the narrative imperative – while
deleting the categorical imperative since it broke my
heart because I never managed to achieve the ideals
Set by the musical Queen of Hearts: though I couldn’t
discard the sweet rhythms in lines taking precedence
over rules which constricted my translations till death
seemed the only way out, poetry flowed in unfettered
expression saving my overwrought mind as dancing
words delineated my theories and spiritual ideas - &
my Big Bro unraveled the reference & perspective by
removing the chafing chains resulting from having to
be someone else, denying my soul-spirit the life that
it desired; only a Poet can teach me how words can
Dance in vowels while consonants create patterns &
templates that channel the shine of inspiration and
understanding as love flows in the grooves sculpted
by wisdom - today started at a slow pace as these
unfocused eyes saw a bleak world - but after sweet
coffee I remembered yesterday’s treats when all my
passions flared together: family, the best poet ever,
New Fairytales & Prachett’s “Soul Music” playing in
my head in exciting tones…
[Wednesday 25 January 2017]
In Exciting Tones [Revised, thanks to Ivan]
My yesterday is that glorious miniature cameo framed
against today’s ordinary existence: yesterday brought
three Pratchett books into my life - freed to float in the
pool all afternoon like a sun-bathing reptile - & without
a harrow of responsibility, so like a child on an eternal
break from school - and so content with achievement
of graduating within their narrative imperatives - while
deleting the categorical imperative since it broke my
heart because I didn’t manage to achieve ideals set
By the musical Queen of Hearts: although I couldn’t
discard the sweet rhythms in lines taking precedence
over rules which constricted my translations till death
seemed the only way out, poetry flowed in unfettered
expression saving my overwrought mind as dancing
words delineated my theories and spiritual ideas - &
my Big Bro unraveled the reference & perspective by
removing the chafing chains resulting from having to
be someone else, denying my soul-spirit the life that
it desired; only a Poet can teach me how words can
Dance in vowels while consonants create patterns &
templates that channel the shine of inspiration and
understanding as love flows in the grooves sculpted
by wisdom - today started at a slow pace as these
unfocused eyes saw a bleak world - but after sweet
coffee I remembered yesterday’s treats when all my
passions flared together: family, the best poet ever,
New Fairytales & Pratchett’s “Soul Music” playing in
my head in exciting tones…
[Tuesday 31 January 2017]
against today’s ordinary existence: yesterday brought
3 Pratchett books into my life, I was free to float in the
pool all afternoon like a sun-bathing reptile - without
the sorrow of responsibility like a child on an eternal
break from school and content with my achievement
of graduating within the narrative imperative – while
deleting the categorical imperative since it broke my
heart because I never managed to achieve the ideals
Set by the musical Queen of Hearts: though I couldn’t
discard the sweet rhythms in lines taking precedence
over rules which constricted my translations till death
seemed the only way out, poetry flowed in unfettered
expression saving my overwrought mind as dancing
words delineated my theories and spiritual ideas - &
my Big Bro unraveled the reference & perspective by
removing the chafing chains resulting from having to
be someone else, denying my soul-spirit the life that
it desired; only a Poet can teach me how words can
Dance in vowels while consonants create patterns &
templates that channel the shine of inspiration and
understanding as love flows in the grooves sculpted
by wisdom - today started at a slow pace as these
unfocused eyes saw a bleak world - but after sweet
coffee I remembered yesterday’s treats when all my
passions flared together: family, the best poet ever,
New Fairytales & Prachett’s “Soul Music” playing in
my head in exciting tones…
[Wednesday 25 January 2017]
In Exciting Tones [Revised, thanks to Ivan]
My yesterday is that glorious miniature cameo framed
against today’s ordinary existence: yesterday brought
three Pratchett books into my life - freed to float in the
pool all afternoon like a sun-bathing reptile - & without
a harrow of responsibility, so like a child on an eternal
break from school - and so content with achievement
of graduating within their narrative imperatives - while
deleting the categorical imperative since it broke my
heart because I didn’t manage to achieve ideals set
By the musical Queen of Hearts: although I couldn’t
discard the sweet rhythms in lines taking precedence
over rules which constricted my translations till death
seemed the only way out, poetry flowed in unfettered
expression saving my overwrought mind as dancing
words delineated my theories and spiritual ideas - &
my Big Bro unraveled the reference & perspective by
removing the chafing chains resulting from having to
be someone else, denying my soul-spirit the life that
it desired; only a Poet can teach me how words can
Dance in vowels while consonants create patterns &
templates that channel the shine of inspiration and
understanding as love flows in the grooves sculpted
by wisdom - today started at a slow pace as these
unfocused eyes saw a bleak world - but after sweet
coffee I remembered yesterday’s treats when all my
passions flared together: family, the best poet ever,
New Fairytales & Pratchett’s “Soul Music” playing in
my head in exciting tones…
[Tuesday 31 January 2017]
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Reptilian Fairy Queene [Rev]
Coffee, sugar sweet taking me 3 fathoms deep,
milk; chocolate with toffee a scrumptious treat
which threatens to remove my teeth, add vodka
5 times distilled in an exceptional black bottle
chosen by my son as it’s so smooth, he says
A new stainless steel watch, a pattern forming
the rim makes it shine like diamonds in the sun,
large numbers easily read by my right brain as
my left is gone; my Beloved found a striking set
of knives & forks in wooden blocks for himself
He is so rational while I left the earth soon after
my birth as I cannot stay grounded - given my
restless spirit without proper moorings, and my
mental ship’s anchor, compass and gyroscope
irrevocably lost, therefore my family keeps me
In tow, happy to have me around since my love
for them is my highest delight; we celebrated 27
years together, my rational, organised husband
and I: he realised I was different and in the end
he’s the strong root that keeps my life’ s bloom
Safe while I strive for Crystal Consciousness to
reflect all the beauty, incense, spice, nectar and
perfume within a ubiquitous narrative imperative
changing me into a water sprite - & my Beloved
smiles when I come home: together we are
Whole, apart we are incomplete - so sweet the
bond crafted by safe routine and a castle for us,
the kids, the garden & a pool for this crocodile
taking flights being a Reptilian Fairy Queene…
[20 January 2017 – 27th wedding anniversary]
milk; chocolate with toffee a scrumptious treat
which threatens to remove my teeth, add vodka
5 times distilled in an exceptional black bottle
chosen by my son as it’s so smooth, he says
A new stainless steel watch, a pattern forming
the rim makes it shine like diamonds in the sun,
large numbers easily read by my right brain as
my left is gone; my Beloved found a striking set
of knives & forks in wooden blocks for himself
He is so rational while I left the earth soon after
my birth as I cannot stay grounded - given my
restless spirit without proper moorings, and my
mental ship’s anchor, compass and gyroscope
irrevocably lost, therefore my family keeps me
In tow, happy to have me around since my love
for them is my highest delight; we celebrated 27
years together, my rational, organised husband
and I: he realised I was different and in the end
he’s the strong root that keeps my life’ s bloom
Safe while I strive for Crystal Consciousness to
reflect all the beauty, incense, spice, nectar and
perfume within a ubiquitous narrative imperative
changing me into a water sprite - & my Beloved
smiles when I come home: together we are
Whole, apart we are incomplete - so sweet the
bond crafted by safe routine and a castle for us,
the kids, the garden & a pool for this crocodile
taking flights being a Reptilian Fairy Queene…
[20 January 2017 – 27th wedding anniversary]
Thursday, January 19, 2017
In Delft Blue [Rev]

I’m floating with snowflakes on blue clouds
as the main decorating theme - bobbing on
a bright electric-blue consciousness stream
knowing my daughter is happy just playing
a miming prop in TV scenes: a quiet nurse
reappearing later as a background patient;
revelling in my eldest daughter’s plans for a
beach wedding - adverse effects of trying a
blackened eyeliner to be Goth like she is -
I’m dreamy in Delft blue with silver lines
Silver lines, Delft blue blouse, a blue & white
snowflake-paper-covered box holding papers,
cascading white lace folds around me, and a
white-and-silver box for easy access to a PC
mouse - a small box covered with pink roses
& gold lettering, ceramic cat-brooch with pink
flowers on my console, turquoise pen-holder,
tray with snow scene under my kettle, and a
new, wide-brimmed straw-coloured hat with
pink scarf and silver fan on my hat-stand
[Tuesday 24 January 2017]
[Pretoria, Thursday 19 January 2017
Revised Tuesday, 24 January 2017]
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Gloriously Unleashed [R]
My feelings of impending doom have been vindicated;
my ever-present depression just awaiting a chance to
be unshackled to aggravate situations, has gloriously
been unleashed; it’s terribly upsetting when there’s no
intellectual challenge as it gives rise to feelings of the
most overpowering existentialism
My bare existence on earth becomes frightening and
meaningless when there’s no difficulty forcing me to
climb mountains and brave all those dragons - I feel
wasted as a depressed human being if there’s nothing
to prove my fears correct, why waste my magnificent
powers of self-doubt and childhood assumptions of
Idiocy on comfort - now I have a Portuguese Permit to
relay into English, it’s in small font, strange terms - so,
cheerfully depressed I again plunge into the abyss of
my ignorance, happy to be horror-stricken by my fate
as I sink into the darkest dungeon of my deep despair,
shouldering the responsibility
Of being the world’s biggest loser in the intelligence
stakes of the intellect, NOW I can breathe again, all
I feared is coming true - thus my life will be justified:
by being the village idiot and laughing clown hiding
my tears, I make sure my life has meaning & I am
right, even if it kills me…
[Thursday 12 January 2017]
my ever-present depression just awaiting a chance to
be unshackled to aggravate situations, has gloriously
been unleashed; it’s terribly upsetting when there’s no
intellectual challenge as it gives rise to feelings of the
most overpowering existentialism
My bare existence on earth becomes frightening and
meaningless when there’s no difficulty forcing me to
climb mountains and brave all those dragons - I feel
wasted as a depressed human being if there’s nothing
to prove my fears correct, why waste my magnificent
powers of self-doubt and childhood assumptions of
Idiocy on comfort - now I have a Portuguese Permit to
relay into English, it’s in small font, strange terms - so,
cheerfully depressed I again plunge into the abyss of
my ignorance, happy to be horror-stricken by my fate
as I sink into the darkest dungeon of my deep despair,
shouldering the responsibility
Of being the world’s biggest loser in the intelligence
stakes of the intellect, NOW I can breathe again, all
I feared is coming true - thus my life will be justified:
by being the village idiot and laughing clown hiding
my tears, I make sure my life has meaning & I am
right, even if it kills me…
[Thursday 12 January 2017]
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Waiting For Me [Rev]
I’ve been so unhappy today reading about psychopaths;
the author claims the World is run by them & they don’t
have a conscience or normal feelings - but they’re calm
enough to make decisions, while we - when our hearts
are breaking - don’t know what to do in a crisis…
It’s another conspiracy theory: an elite group uses mass
media, television esp. to brainwash all into ignorance so
they can destroy the World at leisure - but wait a minute,
if elites enjoy power so much, how could they delight in
destroying it and the world of their own enjoyment?
After my sorrowful distress this thought is uplifting and
I decide to throw the World back into WWW hands of its
Internet gurus and read a children’s book instead; I feel
my spirit reviving with dark clouds of depression lifting -
why need I read about sorrowful theories when there’s
Always a beautiful world waiting for me out there - and
everyone else - to contribute to its discovery?
the author claims the World is run by them & they don’t
have a conscience or normal feelings - but they’re calm
enough to make decisions, while we - when our hearts
are breaking - don’t know what to do in a crisis…
It’s another conspiracy theory: an elite group uses mass
media, television esp. to brainwash all into ignorance so
they can destroy the World at leisure - but wait a minute,
if elites enjoy power so much, how could they delight in
destroying it and the world of their own enjoyment?
After my sorrowful distress this thought is uplifting and
I decide to throw the World back into WWW hands of its
Internet gurus and read a children’s book instead; I feel
my spirit reviving with dark clouds of depression lifting -
why need I read about sorrowful theories when there’s
Always a beautiful world waiting for me out there - and
everyone else - to contribute to its discovery?
Friday, January 6, 2017
A Million Pieces [Rev]
The day was a beaut, everything bad turned into
something good, even the text on my desk was
interesting as I tackled each subject carefully; I
even had good rapport with Scorpio - and then
an inevitable sting in the tail - that rebuke for my
interfering and telling the most dependable, loyal
person on earth to slack off and relax - it earned
her a demerit mark; oh, the hurt look in her eyes
as Scorpio called her integrity into question - but
it was all MY fault for telling her to not overwork -
I had betrayed her trust, injured her honour and
now this scintillating day has turned into ashes
as my face’s burned and my heavy heart laden
with self-reproach; I’d held the finest porcelain
day in my hands, a most fragile joy - and it fell
to break into a million pieces…
something good, even the text on my desk was
interesting as I tackled each subject carefully; I
even had good rapport with Scorpio - and then
an inevitable sting in the tail - that rebuke for my
interfering and telling the most dependable, loyal
person on earth to slack off and relax - it earned
her a demerit mark; oh, the hurt look in her eyes
as Scorpio called her integrity into question - but
it was all MY fault for telling her to not overwork -
I had betrayed her trust, injured her honour and
now this scintillating day has turned into ashes
as my face’s burned and my heavy heart laden
with self-reproach; I’d held the finest porcelain
day in my hands, a most fragile joy - and it fell
to break into a million pieces…
Keep Breathing [Rev]
And so apparently the better way is
breathing ourselves into Well-Being
until there are enduring feelings of
appreciation, love, eagerness, and
joy which well up to show us we’ve
released resistance & now we can
allow the Well-Being waiting for us -
unwavering - flowing for eternity in a
sweet, unending stream of intelligent,
joyous energy that is shining in silver
and pristine white; I shall try to keep
breathing my dear swami friend…
breathing ourselves into Well-Being
until there are enduring feelings of
appreciation, love, eagerness, and
joy which well up to show us we’ve
released resistance & now we can
allow the Well-Being waiting for us -
unwavering - flowing for eternity in a
sweet, unending stream of intelligent,
joyous energy that is shining in silver
and pristine white; I shall try to keep
breathing my dear swami friend…
Long Grey Lines [Rev]
‘tis strange, so very strange; my inner timetable
doesn’t mesh with the office hours - it seems my
mental gyroscope’s unbalanced & my life ship’s
battered by invisible winds, thus every hour feels
like a whole day in which I enter another cross-
section of cyclic time - & that stretches in every
direction and on into infinity - while I drift on the
surface of a single horizontal line
I have fun briefly, relaying words for a few seconds
then my system short-circuits and my mind aborts
as my head explodes - after adding salt to my tea
I feel better and resume my languorous trip among
little groups of clustered words, the storm abating;
then existence grows transparently thin again and
the shining white marble monuments of meaning I
have carefully constructed melt - becoming the
most delicate of lace before disappearing
The frothing waves of thoughts I relish in sink into
sands of nothingness and all that‘s left is dappled
reality consumed by cold, sad, opaque transiency;
while the beautiful fountain of wisdom dries up, the
long hours become many aeons slowly flowing in
long grey lines
[Friday 6 January 2017 at work]
doesn’t mesh with the office hours - it seems my
mental gyroscope’s unbalanced & my life ship’s
battered by invisible winds, thus every hour feels
like a whole day in which I enter another cross-
section of cyclic time - & that stretches in every
direction and on into infinity - while I drift on the
surface of a single horizontal line
I have fun briefly, relaying words for a few seconds
then my system short-circuits and my mind aborts
as my head explodes - after adding salt to my tea
I feel better and resume my languorous trip among
little groups of clustered words, the storm abating;
then existence grows transparently thin again and
the shining white marble monuments of meaning I
have carefully constructed melt - becoming the
most delicate of lace before disappearing
The frothing waves of thoughts I relish in sink into
sands of nothingness and all that‘s left is dappled
reality consumed by cold, sad, opaque transiency;
while the beautiful fountain of wisdom dries up, the
long hours become many aeons slowly flowing in
long grey lines
[Friday 6 January 2017 at work]
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Emotional Tools [Rev]
My Duchess sent a voice message, laughing to hide
her embarrassment: she feels scared of people since
they react negatively in her presence; - once before
Alice messed things up by saying her contemptuous
tones of voice and arrogant acting with odd moods
were overt belligerent attitudes telepathically relayed
while also conveyed with facial expressions, but the
Duchess insisted other people were at fault as it was
definitely not her; she believed she talked and acted
with kindness - she meant well - but
how can she learn her attitude’s bellicose, hostile &
aggressive like an unrepentant oppressor bent on
showing the world her superiority - which makes it
impossible to value the advice of the inferior Queen
of Hearts or Wonderland-Alice; so Alice just listens
in sympathy, holding her tongue: how to reach the
Duchess’ inner child trying to live a grown-up life
with the emotional tools of a five-year-old child…
her embarrassment: she feels scared of people since
they react negatively in her presence; - once before
Alice messed things up by saying her contemptuous
tones of voice and arrogant acting with odd moods
were overt belligerent attitudes telepathically relayed
while also conveyed with facial expressions, but the
Duchess insisted other people were at fault as it was
definitely not her; she believed she talked and acted
with kindness - she meant well - but
how can she learn her attitude’s bellicose, hostile &
aggressive like an unrepentant oppressor bent on
showing the world her superiority - which makes it
impossible to value the advice of the inferior Queen
of Hearts or Wonderland-Alice; so Alice just listens
in sympathy, holding her tongue: how to reach the
Duchess’ inner child trying to live a grown-up life
with the emotional tools of a five-year-old child…
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Also Forgive Me [Rev]
Back in the office I feel like an alien after
the holiday - as if I’m in chains standing
at my desk; colleagues seem like weird
creatures from another Galaxy - I feel
even more alienated on the ‘Net’ where
people praise things I detest intensely
I feel like a criminal for breathing in this
sacred space for translators with boring
texts to be relayed faithfully; if feeling or
imagination enters there is blue murder
and they’re right, no changes should be
allowed and I regret my lack of success
In functioning like a photocopy machine
while eating my way to emotional peace;
yet it seems as if we have been here for
an eternity in the space of one morning,
the day will never end; it’s difficult to say
how I feel, knowing my translated words
Will be changed arbitrarily by a superior,
entering like an alto Valkyrie & trampling
my little citadel of fragile self-esteem,
breastplate agleam, steering her steed
straight through my dreams, her strong
heart beating mightily - but I know that
Only the experience of love and joy will
stay in our hearts & I will be resigned;
then content in the privilege of having a
job, being alive, being who I am, loving
my family and my colleagues: Fraulein
Rottenmeier, Mother Abbess, Sister
Sunshine & the rest, making peace with
screeching singers belting out songs to
be sung sweetly conferring forgiveness;
oh please - also forgive me…
the holiday - as if I’m in chains standing
at my desk; colleagues seem like weird
creatures from another Galaxy - I feel
even more alienated on the ‘Net’ where
people praise things I detest intensely
I feel like a criminal for breathing in this
sacred space for translators with boring
texts to be relayed faithfully; if feeling or
imagination enters there is blue murder
and they’re right, no changes should be
allowed and I regret my lack of success
In functioning like a photocopy machine
while eating my way to emotional peace;
yet it seems as if we have been here for
an eternity in the space of one morning,
the day will never end; it’s difficult to say
how I feel, knowing my translated words
Will be changed arbitrarily by a superior,
entering like an alto Valkyrie & trampling
my little citadel of fragile self-esteem,
breastplate agleam, steering her steed
straight through my dreams, her strong
heart beating mightily - but I know that
Only the experience of love and joy will
stay in our hearts & I will be resigned;
then content in the privilege of having a
job, being alive, being who I am, loving
my family and my colleagues: Fraulein
Rottenmeier, Mother Abbess, Sister
Sunshine & the rest, making peace with
screeching singers belting out songs to
be sung sweetly conferring forgiveness;
oh please - also forgive me…
Monday, January 2, 2017
Awe-inspiring Message [Rev]
Looking at diverse interpretations of Phantom of the
Opera - & knowing everyone is right within their own
perspective determined by its unique setting; but I'm
perplexed by criticism of Joel Schumacher's movie
since it complements my opinion of it as an allegory
through symbolism - other people compare actors,
Yet others think music & lyrics are trite and repetitive
since, like Shakespearian Sonnets, these are all too
familiar; some complain it differs from original text or
praise Sierra Boggess as a voluptuous Christine in
the 25th year celebration production; yet I have found
Joel Schumacher's clean-cut film rendition points out
The underlying symbolism while confusion of a music
hall darkness detracts from the clean lines, the stage
actors belt out their songs as if their microphones are
out of order and the small stage space is suffocating -
Schumacher presents the story as allegorical of what
forgiveness means to those who have lost all hope:
Because Beauty felt pity for the fate of Decadence &
forgave his transgressions, He accepted deliverance
and erased his sins by setting Love free: the key is in
the final scene where Christine forgave the Phantom
for committing murder and terrorising her and Ralph -
the Phantom is freed from a desire to make them pay
For his life of suffering; he learned to love & set them
free to be happy: it's a Miracle Play & Schumacher's
Emmy Rossum is just right to convey this message in
an ethereal voice as she personifies Beauty through
Christine; - Gerard Butler's uncouth Phantom voice
perfectly portrays his degradation & self-loathing
Patrick Wilson as Raoul, the Vicomte, is courageous,
always loving & protective towards Christine, shows
the Phantom she'll be safe with him - therefore Joel
Schumacher's vision illuminates the symbolism most
beautifully as Forgiveness Redeems Degradation; -
forcing the plot to become a literary success through
Realistic psychological development of individuals
would have clouded this awe-inspiring message
Opera - & knowing everyone is right within their own
perspective determined by its unique setting; but I'm
perplexed by criticism of Joel Schumacher's movie
since it complements my opinion of it as an allegory
through symbolism - other people compare actors,
Yet others think music & lyrics are trite and repetitive
since, like Shakespearian Sonnets, these are all too
familiar; some complain it differs from original text or
praise Sierra Boggess as a voluptuous Christine in
the 25th year celebration production; yet I have found
Joel Schumacher's clean-cut film rendition points out
The underlying symbolism while confusion of a music
hall darkness detracts from the clean lines, the stage
actors belt out their songs as if their microphones are
out of order and the small stage space is suffocating -
Schumacher presents the story as allegorical of what
forgiveness means to those who have lost all hope:
Because Beauty felt pity for the fate of Decadence &
forgave his transgressions, He accepted deliverance
and erased his sins by setting Love free: the key is in
the final scene where Christine forgave the Phantom
for committing murder and terrorising her and Ralph -
the Phantom is freed from a desire to make them pay
For his life of suffering; he learned to love & set them
free to be happy: it's a Miracle Play & Schumacher's
Emmy Rossum is just right to convey this message in
an ethereal voice as she personifies Beauty through
Christine; - Gerard Butler's uncouth Phantom voice
perfectly portrays his degradation & self-loathing
Patrick Wilson as Raoul, the Vicomte, is courageous,
always loving & protective towards Christine, shows
the Phantom she'll be safe with him - therefore Joel
Schumacher's vision illuminates the symbolism most
beautifully as Forgiveness Redeems Degradation; -
forcing the plot to become a literary success through
Realistic psychological development of individuals
would have clouded this awe-inspiring message
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