Monday, August 14, 2017

Enlighten The Minds

May God punish all our enemies for their disrespect
for the quality and quantity of human life, may God
send Black Death and medieval Plague to enlighten
the minds of the rich medical industrialists who make
vast fortunes by inflicting unbearable pain on people
who need medical care for a multitude of suffering

May God decide how to teach those who delight in
destroying the minds of psychiatric & mental patients,
may God take up the cause of the defenceless victims
and illustrate through bringing the same suffering upon
them, how it feels and what they should have done
instead of torturing their fellow-men, may every bad

Sensation they induced in persons they diagnosed
return to haunt them so they feel a perfect replica of all
they have done, for as long as it takes to elevate their
consciousness which is as opaque as the deep abyss
offering a rich breeding ground for torture and disrespect
for humanity and on which their wealthy, materialistic

Lives are based, to teach them about the senseless lies
perpetrated to amass great fortunes without regard for
a God who’s just and will take care of the innocent when
believers decry the falsehoods of modern society…

God Of Retribution

A Little Mermaid walking on feet of fire
paying with slow death for the privilege
of feeling no more, every step painful,
feverishly burning - and worse: locked
out of the cathedral of her mind, estranged
from herself – living a disillusioned life

She discovered the cause of her painful
demise: a local quack prescribed poison
causing hallucinations & black-outs and
running the risk of paralysis as her body
broke down, the shock of discovery made
her lose her voice, brain deteriorating

Leading to the loss of mind, imagination
& the symbolism which confers meaning
to the world of things; she suffered in the
emptiness - reading with amazement that
some misguided souls insisted with near-
terminal stupidity on taking the poison

That destroys personality & life, people
too lazy to read the history of survivors,
requesting advice how to digest the toxic
lies of quacks licensed to kill and destroy
human lives; but respect for the freedom
of everyone to choose their own misery

Is the only moral value: FREEDOM is the
only way to wisdom and the only way to
show and engender LOVE & she rejects
the deception that destroys freedom by
changing victims into zombies made ill
to enrich big pharmaceuticals

Exploiting the guileless while destroying
precious lives: may revenge be visited
upon these medieval quacks by the Just
and Vengeful God of the Old Testament,
may He visit the pain they caused help-
less victims a thousand-fold upon them

Let me quote Psalms in which the Saints of
Old invoked the God of Retribution against
profiteers who exploit the weak & helpless
in society, may medical doctors suffer
every pain and ache they caused!

May God Take Revenge

Rereading Psalms makes me realise without
a Vengeful God to take revenge on those who
disrespect peaceful lives, life is not worthwhile

I’m looking forward to the punishment God will
wreak upon them who insist on fostering gaba-
pentin and Lyrica-pregabalin on those without
protection against exploitation & trust He will
see to it that the unscrupulous medicos suffer
every symptom endured by everyone who took
these drug and suffered trying to come off them

My highest wish is everyone who had a hand in
spreading these toxins be forced to take them in-
definitely, feeling the same pain and despair of
a body wracked by inflammatory cells and fever
and dying cells and muscles destroyed by dis-
integrating enzymes; may every doctor who wrote
a prescription without researching the evil done
by these drugs suffer depression, anxiety and
personal disintegration - my deepest wish is

May Pfizer which refused to withdraw it from the
market suffer bankruptcy, may its directors suffer
with unending itching, may their feet & legs burn
with every step they take, may they grow deaf with
tinnitus and blind with dry, burning eyes; may they
suffer rotting teeth, receding gums and lose their
hair; may they have mouth sores and throat ulcers
& may rotting intestines be cut from their insides

May they have water on the lungs, may they have
trouble breathing, may their hands turn into arthritic
claws and their joints burn with gout ad infinitum,
may they suffer three strokes each at least, may
they have untold hallucinations and black-outs
causing them to crash their cars into each other
and fall in the street and may their unstoppable
temper tantrums cost them their families and jobs

May every problem they forced on every sufferer
devolve on them and keep them busy for an eternity

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...