Friday, November 27, 2020

A Victory Squad

Why no feast for the Bidenette,

CNN, you crowned him – now

bring the celebration in, declare


Saturday November the twenty-

eight a victory day for the great

Bidenette, let the mighty horde


of eighty million voters rally

for CNN’s proclaimed president-

elect - a grand vizier - organize


his voters into a victory squad,

electric cars, horse-and-carriage,

bikes and such: CNN you are


letting your voters down; why

don’t you call the noble voters,

dead or alive, for a celebratory


event where no gaslighting and

Potemkin accusation will touch

the mighty proclamations of the


great CNN-kingmaker crowd?


27 November 2020

A Fest For Bidenette

Celebrate CNN Prada Soviet

and backstabbing-Faux pay-for-play

a fest for Bidenette!


A fest of existential angst and uncertainty

he knows not when or where or what or why he is

received 80 million votes – or thereabouts –

more than Obama ever saw – à la CNN Prada Soviet


He is not a mediocrity – still has to attain it – à la Salieri

the patron saint of mediocrity - self-declared -

never uncivil, never frail – a strongman – if you will –

plagiarism is just a way to forge ahead, Bidenette said –


Enlist the help of the walking dead – today we celebrate

the Bidenette - on Saturday, 28 November 2020, in every

town and city of every State; we shall rally, voters everywhere

to celebrate CNN Prada Soviet’s Bidenette

and the walking dead!

27 November 2020

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...