Sunday, June 11, 2023

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly

this works for many people as they repeat the jargon

flawlessly and I wish I could get into the same frame

of mind - unfortunately - something within me needs

to feel sad for no reason at all; I listen when the guru

Explains nobody needs to understand us for living a

happy life, so I stopped communicating as it seemed

redundant & today everything seems to be redundant

in the extreme; not communicating - FEELING is the

way to go - heck - FEELING is not working for me - I

Feel a headache coming on everyday - some kind of

intervention required to fix this medical situation; why

do I always feel ill - according to the guru it’s because

I introduce RESISTANCE to the free-flowing current

of pure, positive energy - what I desire above all is

To become that pure, positive energy - which I can  

only do by dying eventually…


Friday, June 9, 2023

Fine-Tune His Scam

Finally some fun, a phishing expedition launched by a

solemn voice on my cell-phone, telling me that he, well-

wisher and altruist, stopped a transaction on my credit

card - I’m waiting with morbid curiosity to hear what

information he requires for his fraudulent transactions;

but I’m playing with fire - this criminal might get me to

divulge information against my better judgement, so I

ring off wondering what code he needed to separate me

from the funds in my credit card, whether he already had

my card number and just needed to fine-tune his scam


But it’s a fool’s game and I happily see on line that the

scammer did not take any money - now I’ll never know

how he reacted to being foiled like this: did he shout &

curse or simply called his next victim - and where did

he get my details, why did he think me an idiot telling

me to visit my bank the next day, as everybody knows

credit card transactions are only done by phone - what

a pity that my morbid fascination with criminals could

not be given free rein as it would lead to financial loss

which I can ill afford…

Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...