Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Extraterrestrial Beings … David Wilcock

A wonderful game of possible probabilities:

Calculate revolutions of all objects celestial
using the magical Nineveh constant - fit the
planets’ rotation into a round cycle number
indicating each object’s sun revolution

The stars become a celestial clock, day one
is the alignment of all planetary bodies, used
as coordinates in the hyperdimensional
gymnastics of extraterrestrial beings

Extraterrestrials travel outside linear time, they
see planets in all probable positions at the same
time so planetary orbits appear as giant rings
and all conjunctions are visible at a glance

Their coordinates set to ‘Omega Point’ where the
cycle begins, planets aligned, they enter our third-
dimension linear time-stream at light-speed, planets
swinging round about like a big clock

They choose a time period within cycles of twenty-
five-thousand Pluto revolutions, Jupiter and Saturn
in conjunction - the perfect time for the arrival of
extraterrestrial beings…

David Wilcock: Divine Cosmos

The Nineveh Constant is a fantastic calculator, as it
is designed to fit the rotation of every planet into
a certain round number of cycles...


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