Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Beaming Like The Sun

Discussion of the new Languages Act, everyone on the bus, rattling
towards the venue where coffee is served, speeches from guest
speakers and replies from the audience - I started checking Arabic
and a French translation about peddling information as discussion
took place around me, read ‘Maurice And His Educated Rodents’
Wondering why moral lessons and stereotypes are easily perceived
in some books, ‘Maurice’ the only book which earned the author a
literature prize - I smiled, feeling wise; whenever Important People
In Impressive Literature Chairs give a prize, it’s for a book that’s not
appealing – the wonderful Alice In Wonderland never won a prize
Neither did Fairytales by the Grimm Brothers - when Flaubert relayed
gossip with style and Balzac spun tales based on contemporaries; the
‘literatoors’ swooned, awarding a prize for Maurice means there must
be something wrong with it; the moral speeches, thinly veiled lectures
on human society - I love Terry Prachett and always will - though
I don’t enjoy ‘Truckers’ - nothing can replace the Johnny Trilogy nor the
Discworld series - I’ll ALWAYS love the gifts Pratchett brought readers
like me, I ADORE ‘Good Omens’ and ‘Maskerade’, Granny Weatherwax
absolutely fabulous; I like Mustrum Ridcully  and delight in ‘Thief of
Time’; therefore I’ll forgive Pratchett ANYTHING
Came home after the Languages Act discussion in a good mood - singing
- knowing my Beloved approves of me, faltering for a long time after my
twin made it clear I am persona non grata in her exciting world, I accept
that slow moving me do not exist in her adventurous life –
Yet I have the wonders of Alice  In Wonderland and Terry Pratchett to
back me up - as well as a cheeky daughter, a laughing son and my
beloved - beaming like the sun…
Wednesday 24 September 2013

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