Monday, June 29, 2015

Accrued Interest [REV]

Taking these theories to their logical conclusion -
was WWII with Himmler’s extermination of race
the only way to discard Phrenology and Racism,
otherwise the pseudo-science could never be
dismantled; yet why did millions have to suffer -

How do killers get freedom when there’s never
defence for Nazism - or apartheid South Africa:
idolising development at the cost of sacrificing
all human rights - the high number of the poor
& uneducated attests to the residual problems

Of racial slavery; a democracy set on unequal
foundations and crumbling in payment for past
racial sacrifice - thus the boon of capitalism is
doomed to benefit only those already wealthy;
discrimination changed from race to wealth;

Money is criterion to classify people while the
masses cannot understand why a free welfare
state is worse than a totalitarian regime - and
why nothing has changed for the illiterate and
disadvantaged - by taking everything from its

Rightful owners, apartheid created a debt and
no development ever disinfects contaminated
nations’ psyches, Revenge wars with Wisdom,
only the extent of Restitution will determine an
outcome of the present conflict; let’s pray

That the Love of former suppressors will make
them willing to pay their long overdue debt’s
accrued interest…

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