Drifting quietly at work, the cantabile discussions,
pianissimo remarks of my considerate colleagues
forming a strange background to my tired mind that
cannot be forced to focus on lists and statistics, all
meaning and significance of symbols flowing away
until only lines and smiles, forms and sounds can
calm my disheveled thoughts
Listening to the music of James Mokotong while
following the trail of the fairies traced by Google,
checking on opals as the king of jewels and stage
costumes in between, made it seem as if time started
to fly and ere long the long, buzzing afternoon was at
an end and I took my dying succulent – too little sun-
shine for my desert friend – and fled home
Singing “Blue Spanish Eyes” as I went, feeling the
need for a nostalgic atmosphere to enrich the day
wearing a shroud of rain clouds blue and grey…
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