The Netherland Protestant Church pays an atheist to
disband the church, to teach people to stop doing
religion because God does not exist
It must be very strange going to his church – No, we
don’t pray here, there is no God to pray to - No, we
don’t worship here
There is no sacred being - No, we don’t sing hymns
because there is no creator to exult – No, we don’t
discuss life after death
There is nothing beyond this life and this world – No,
we don’t administer the sacraments, do not baptize,
keep no Holy Communion
We don’t look at crucifixion, there is no God who had
a son, we don’t conclude marriages, there is no God
to witness a vow being made
People who trust in religion will be exasperated, Bibles
will probably be confiscated and incinerated, believers
should go somewhere else
I approve of this acid test for the congregation, if they
continue to attend, they deserve what they get, if they
object, their faith is true
They would be excommunicated from the liberated church
who finally came out of the closet to admit its long-standing
atheism - if the flock pays
An atheist to tell them why they should stop paying him, they
ought to find better things to do with their money and true
believers will be freed from the false yoke
Of religious exploiters who use the church system to subject
people for political purposes, the few people who really
believe will be freed from such parasites
* ****** ******** *********
Dr Klaas Hendriks from The Hague wrote a book “Belief
in a God that does not exist” declaring his book is against
the church order and if his view is acceptable, there is
something wrong with church foundation
The church decided to let him spread the message of atheism
from the pulpit in a grand act of admission that they are tired
of hiding their atheism, they want to be a humanitarian company
that gets paid for altruism and social welfare
Such honesty is commendable and will give the congregation
a chance to seek religion amongst true believers, not the
official church system which has been atheistic since its
Catholic beginnings
Except for a very few special people, real believers are mostly
found amongst the prosecuted, whenever religion brings
material benefits people stop believing and simply use
the system to obtain material advantages
"Geloven in een God dat niet bestaat" Klaas Hendriks
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