Stolly* brought an Ouija board to con-
jure whole cupboardfuls of spirit
beings: Abyssinian horseman
Tarafou, Black Fairy of the
Glen, Dad* flirted with the
wife of Count Vazquerie
killed by her husband
The God of Tempest, an Ocean
Spirit, the God of the West Wind
claiming enough power to open
the entrails of the earth, a god
calling himself the Ocean of the
Deep, a churchwarden in spirit-
land ringing chapel bells
Author Anne Fine’s description of
spirit games in a children’s book
makes for a lot of fun, proving
playing with these concepts
gives delightful scope for
using the imagination...
*Stolly is the main character, a young
boy with a vivid imagination
*Dad is the father of Stolly’s friend Ian
where Stolly is practically part of the family
“Up on Cloud Nine” by Anne Fine
Corgi ed. 2003; quotes taken
from pages 31 to 33
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