Crashing into a wall of impossible text, legislation
of the kind that only Mr Slant, a zombie of about
four hundred year’s undead existence can stand
without crashing into waves of nihilism
Casting about for positive focal points, consulted my
favourite guru who kept repeating the mantra ‘keep
thinking of what you desire and it will come to you’
suddenly a clown appeared with a whistle
Calling us to the foyer to receive chips and chocolate
to celebrate the issue of our first newsletter, the guru’s
words vindicated as I always think about stuff to chew,
being the female equivalent of
Mr Tulip, I should be called Mrs Tulip, sniffing spearmint
and peppermint oils, seeking relief from clogged sinuses
and tinnitus, my brain as scrambled as Mr Tulip’s, I am
dependent on Mr Pin – that would be Martin –
To make all the decisions in life, while I am closeted with a
book trying to become resigned to being the village idiot
wherever I go given the speed with which my thought
processes disintegrate and scatter the little insight
I might have gained through a lifetime of reading…
“The Truth” – Terry Pratchett – Mr Slant – a zombie lawyer,
almost 400 years undead
Two characters, Mr Tulip and Mr Pin, who remind of Mr
Albert Wint and Mr Charles Kidd two fictional characters
in the James Bond film “Diamonds Are Forever”

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