Thank you so much for "The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld"
by Stephen Briggs, I have scattered the quotes I made
from Pratchett’s books all over the house in various
notebooks; yesterday found my one quote from “Lords
and Ladies” - finally compared with the 27 quotes
Stephan Briggs compiled from “Lords and Ladies”
I felt so inspired on reading his, I got the
book from the library and cannot wait
to read it again
My quote from “Lords and Ladies” is taken from p. 97
where Biggs concentrated on gags and every witty piece,
I concentrate on Pratchett’s brilliant ability to rephrase
quantum physics and information on the smallest particles
in the universe - I enjoy Pratchett’s wit –it flavours his
books and makes them glitter and shine - but I simply
delight in his ability to reformulate modern science to
make it digestible in a most entertaining, clever,
striking way
Here is my quote, the most amazing witticism: given that
the smallest particles are called “quarks” with six flavours-
“Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Truth and Beauty” according to their
energy flow – I was highly amused by the way Pratchett used
this information to come up with the best parody ever:
“Lords and Ladies” p. 97:
“Young wizards talk about the impermanence
of every seemingly rigid time-space framework
in the High Energy Magic Building - the thaum
is the smallest particle of magic and was found
to be made up of resons (thing-ies) or reality
Resons are made up of at least five “flavours”:
Up, Down, Sideways, Sex appeal and Peppermint”
End of quote – I thought in order to keep the
equivalent of six flavours for both quarks and
resons, I want to add a sixth flavour to
Pratchett’s five – the sixth flavour
might be Spearmint, don’t you agree?
Thank you for affording me so much fun
through such a marvellous gift!
[Michelle came back from London with this marvelous
book by Stephen Briggs and gave it to me as a gift]
Monday, October 31, 2011
Fathom [Revised]
We are free I
believe to choose
our own reality
faith alone brings
into being anything
we wish
yet I am unable
to use my freedom
to create space
in which to
be free of other's
I cannot
fathom a way
of learning how
"It is clear from metaphysical literature
a health treatment process needs to
address the psychological framework
of beliefs - habits of thought which,
with the energy of emotion, form
The Universe, under Law of Attraction,
will provide what we expect; being unwell;
disease, psychological disturbance or
emotional distress indicates a need
to adjust one’s matrix of
believe to choose
our own reality
faith alone brings
into being anything
we wish
yet I am unable
to use my freedom
to create space
in which to
be free of other's
I cannot
fathom a way
of learning how
"It is clear from metaphysical literature
a health treatment process needs to
address the psychological framework
of beliefs - habits of thought which,
with the energy of emotion, form
The Universe, under Law of Attraction,
will provide what we expect; being unwell;
disease, psychological disturbance or
emotional distress indicates a need
to adjust one’s matrix of
Present Expectations
A serious undertaking - determine
present expectations in order to
ascertain what possibility
has reasonable probability
to manifest in reality
Currently my expectation is only
directed at ways to dream, I want
to construct visions of the wisest,
most noble things before
creating anything
"It is extremely important to probe and discover
exactly what your present expectations are, not
your desires, but your expectations, for you will
only construct physically that environment which
you believe capable of construction"
present expectations in order to
ascertain what possibility
has reasonable probability
to manifest in reality
Currently my expectation is only
directed at ways to dream, I want
to construct visions of the wisest,
most noble things before
creating anything
"It is extremely important to probe and discover
exactly what your present expectations are, not
your desires, but your expectations, for you will
only construct physically that environment which
you believe capable of construction"
Not Alive Today
I'm not alive today
relegated to a level below
that of the undead
sitting at my desk, unable
to process a single text -
a rampant virus prevents
opening any document
Deeply perturbed by this
seemingly supernatural event
I read counsellingforyourself
indicating we are electrical
circuit boards with several
minds - I know this is true,
sometimes I get up as a
totally different person,
and the mirror shows me
a strange face also
How I wish I could change
mental stations and become
someone else entirely!
relegated to a level below
that of the undead
sitting at my desk, unable
to process a single text -
a rampant virus prevents
opening any document
Deeply perturbed by this
seemingly supernatural event
I read counsellingforyourself
indicating we are electrical
circuit boards with several
minds - I know this is true,
sometimes I get up as a
totally different person,
and the mirror shows me
a strange face also
How I wish I could change
mental stations and become
someone else entirely!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Delight In Variety
Others tell us what ‘truth’ should be when we
are small and with this tunnel vision we tackle
the world of experience and symbolism, bored
in our mental citadels
My life began when I discovered mysteries of
the unexplained: Egyptian pyramid blocks too
heavy for forklifts, ancient astronaut theories,
spontaneous human combustion
The face on Mars, levitation, spiritualism, the
Bermuda Triangle, UFO’s, theosophy, Sufi
dancers and the Mahabharata – requiring
a new definition of ‘truth’
Which I found in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld
law that belief always manifest in reality, thus
faith is the magic ingredient which determines
‘truth’ and being
By using beauty and harmony, love and wisdom
as guidelines, I choose how much reality to
accord any symbol I come across without
demanding consistency because
Quantum physics allows for everything to be
possible in an infinity of space and time; I do
not allow assumptions & preconceptions
to limit my mental freedom
As I strive to embrace everything which inspires
wonder, love and respect in my heart, no contra-
diction allowed to spoil my delight in variety
as the spice of life
are small and with this tunnel vision we tackle
the world of experience and symbolism, bored
in our mental citadels
My life began when I discovered mysteries of
the unexplained: Egyptian pyramid blocks too
heavy for forklifts, ancient astronaut theories,
spontaneous human combustion
The face on Mars, levitation, spiritualism, the
Bermuda Triangle, UFO’s, theosophy, Sufi
dancers and the Mahabharata – requiring
a new definition of ‘truth’
Which I found in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld
law that belief always manifest in reality, thus
faith is the magic ingredient which determines
‘truth’ and being
By using beauty and harmony, love and wisdom
as guidelines, I choose how much reality to
accord any symbol I come across without
demanding consistency because
Quantum physics allows for everything to be
possible in an infinity of space and time; I do
not allow assumptions & preconceptions
to limit my mental freedom
As I strive to embrace everything which inspires
wonder, love and respect in my heart, no contra-
diction allowed to spoil my delight in variety
as the spice of life
Friday, October 28, 2011
Return To Sanctity
When allergy symptoms become unbearable I
always end up sitting cross-legged on my bed
reading the Bible - Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
the Sermon on the Mount and Ephesians, if
feeling adventurous a quick detour to one
Corinthians thirteen
Why love is more important than faith and hope
though I believe wisdom is required to apply love
correctly – without it, love becomes impractical
even faith and hope only acquire value if led by
wisdom as blind faith and false hope are sign-
posts leading nowhere
After reading everything prescribed and required
and all that appeals to me; I return to the sanctity
in the words of the scribes to rest my mind, taking
my thoughts on a religious journey to calm
my soul and release my feelings…
always end up sitting cross-legged on my bed
reading the Bible - Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
the Sermon on the Mount and Ephesians, if
feeling adventurous a quick detour to one
Corinthians thirteen
Why love is more important than faith and hope
though I believe wisdom is required to apply love
correctly – without it, love becomes impractical
even faith and hope only acquire value if led by
wisdom as blind faith and false hope are sign-
posts leading nowhere
After reading everything prescribed and required
and all that appeals to me; I return to the sanctity
in the words of the scribes to rest my mind, taking
my thoughts on a religious journey to calm
my soul and release my feelings…
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Chagrined (Revised)
Reached new depths of spectacular failure today
could not stay awake for a riveting discussion on
the French elections – and couldn’t concentrate
on a stimulating news reel about endemic crime
in Marseilles
Nor express my joy in discovering Greek Robin
Hoods reconnecting electricity for the poor to save
their dignity or my delight in machines taking over
boring human jobs; it means seeking creative ways
to provide for our needs
My words fell into Sounds of Silence, even the star
pupil couldn’t break the spell, impossibly failed to
express what he felt, amazing in-depth discussion
on intricate French election procedures, blood-
curdling stuff by the way –
Must have fried our brains, words and terms ran
away pursued by a voracious language plague,
chastised and deeply chagrined I can only cry about
the time wasted trying to prepare for a spell in the
darkest part of hell…
could not stay awake for a riveting discussion on
the French elections – and couldn’t concentrate
on a stimulating news reel about endemic crime
in Marseilles
Nor express my joy in discovering Greek Robin
Hoods reconnecting electricity for the poor to save
their dignity or my delight in machines taking over
boring human jobs; it means seeking creative ways
to provide for our needs
My words fell into Sounds of Silence, even the star
pupil couldn’t break the spell, impossibly failed to
express what he felt, amazing in-depth discussion
on intricate French election procedures, blood-
curdling stuff by the way –
Must have fried our brains, words and terms ran
away pursued by a voracious language plague,
chastised and deeply chagrined I can only cry about
the time wasted trying to prepare for a spell in the
darkest part of hell…
Election in Tunisia without meeting the
most important criteria for successful
government and the highest good of
the nation-state:
Educating the leaders of Africa, how to
bring about separation between church
and state, how to provide for multi-ethnic
-religious, and -cultural peoples
Moving from Western-style democracy
- which always fails in Africa - towards
Federalism – studying Transitology to
change authoritarian regimes…
Searching for Transitologists: Contemporary Theories of Post ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - by J Gans-Morse - 2004 -
Carothers (2002)... definitions of modernisation theory and
transitology.... economic, social, then political evolution—
….authoritarianism and democracy (Brown, 2000)
most important criteria for successful
government and the highest good of
the nation-state:
Educating the leaders of Africa, how to
bring about separation between church
and state, how to provide for multi-ethnic
-religious, and -cultural peoples
Moving from Western-style democracy
- which always fails in Africa - towards
Federalism – studying Transitology to
change authoritarian regimes…
Searching for Transitologists: Contemporary Theories of Post ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - by J Gans-Morse - 2004 -
Carothers (2002)... definitions of modernisation theory and
transitology.... economic, social, then political evolution—
….authoritarianism and democracy (Brown, 2000)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Dreams of Quantum Physics
“Yes: scribes of all kinds are so boring, nobody reads them,
we prefer to read the buccaneers and mavericks with lovely
ideas and theories up their sleeves who entertain & contribute
to expanding the infinite parallel realities universe of quantum
physics and allow the human mind freedom to improvise
instead of tethering it to whatever constricting definitions
keep you happy.”
Dr Heiser’s Request:
“Dear Ancient Astronaut Enthusiast, this letter’s
intent is in research’s interest, kindly provide
answers and data to support your theories.”
Dear Doctor Heiser, As a bookworm and Pyramidiot, I
find reading Sitchin interesting and amusing, exciting
and enjoyable while other sources are boring to read;
without the imaginative Sitchin component, the clay
tablets’ contents become lacklustre.
Dr Heiser:
1. Can you please provide transcripts of Zecharia Sitchin's
academic ancient language work? I would like to post this
information on my website.
I would read the information with great interest – though Sitchin’s
books are interesting and riveting enough to keep the reader
happily occupied without this – it would be lovely to have it.
Since a variety of theories makes the world a richer, more
interesting place, I would love to find more imaginative
theories as different interpretations of the same
material are so gratifying.
2. Can you explain why Sitchin's work on Genesis 1:26-27 overlooks
so many obvious grammatical indications that the word elohim in that
passage refers to a single deity?
Good grief no, who cares?
3. Can you explain why Zecharia Sitchin (or you in turn) have not
included the comparative linguistic material from the Amarna texts
that shows the Akkadian language also uses the plural word for
"gods" to refer to a single deity or person?
I plead guilty your honour – the only explanation I can give for
remaining remiss in doing this is laziness and fascination with
the imagination – what reasons Sitchin has I cannot fathom,
and I don’t give a damn – please forgive Rhett Butler’s
influence… [It is all Gone WithThe Wind]
4. Can you explain how the interpretation of the word "nephilim"
as referring to "people of the fiery rockets" is viable in light
of the rules of Hebrew morphology? Can you bring forth an
ancient text where naphal has such a meaning?
Nope, and it does not bother me at all – I am not a scholar, you
know, and refuse to be pedantic and bore other people to death –
I leave it to others and follow the dreams of quantum physics.
5. Can you produce a text that says the Anunnaki come from
the planet Nibiru or that Nibiru is a planet beyond Pluto? Study
the 182 occurrences of "Anunnaki" in a search online at the
Electronic Corpus of Sumerian Literature website.
Ugh, you succeed in making these exciting ideas into the most
boring material – you do your bit and bore your students with
scientific research while the rest of us have fun, how’s that?
6. Can you explain why the alleged sun symbol on cylinder seal
VA 243 is not the normal sun symbol or the symbol for the
sun god Shamash?
Nope, and I couldn’t care less. Since I cannot do anything else
with Sitchin than read and enjoy him, I need not try to be
pedantic and pedagogic at all.
7. Can you explain why your god = planet equivalencies do not
match the listings of such matching in cuneiform astronomical
texts? I provided a scholarly article on the planets in cuneiform
literature as proof that Sitchin erred in this regard.
I am sure this must be riveting reading – I am sure those inured to
the rigours of scholarly officialese cannot wait to digest this brilliant
and marvellously exciting article!
8. Can you explain why many of Sitchin's word meanings of
Sumerian and Mesopotamian words are not consistent with
Mesopotamian cuneiform bilingual dictionaries, produced
by Akkadian scribes?
Yes: scribes of all kinds are so boring, nobody reads them,
we prefer to read the buccaneers and mavericks with lovely
ideas and theories up their sleeves who entertain & contribute
to expanding the infinite parallel realities universe of quantum
physics and allow the human mind freedom to improvise
instead of tethering it to whatever constricting definitions
keep you happy.
“Thank you for taking the time to respond. I will of course
post any responses on this site.”
The pleasure is all mine, I assure you.
“Sincerely, Michael Heiser, Ph.D.”
we prefer to read the buccaneers and mavericks with lovely
ideas and theories up their sleeves who entertain & contribute
to expanding the infinite parallel realities universe of quantum
physics and allow the human mind freedom to improvise
instead of tethering it to whatever constricting definitions
keep you happy.”
Dr Heiser’s Request:
“Dear Ancient Astronaut Enthusiast, this letter’s
intent is in research’s interest, kindly provide
answers and data to support your theories.”
Dear Doctor Heiser, As a bookworm and Pyramidiot, I
find reading Sitchin interesting and amusing, exciting
and enjoyable while other sources are boring to read;
without the imaginative Sitchin component, the clay
tablets’ contents become lacklustre.
Dr Heiser:
1. Can you please provide transcripts of Zecharia Sitchin's
academic ancient language work? I would like to post this
information on my website.
I would read the information with great interest – though Sitchin’s
books are interesting and riveting enough to keep the reader
happily occupied without this – it would be lovely to have it.
Since a variety of theories makes the world a richer, more
interesting place, I would love to find more imaginative
theories as different interpretations of the same
material are so gratifying.
2. Can you explain why Sitchin's work on Genesis 1:26-27 overlooks
so many obvious grammatical indications that the word elohim in that
passage refers to a single deity?
Good grief no, who cares?
3. Can you explain why Zecharia Sitchin (or you in turn) have not
included the comparative linguistic material from the Amarna texts
that shows the Akkadian language also uses the plural word for
"gods" to refer to a single deity or person?
I plead guilty your honour – the only explanation I can give for
remaining remiss in doing this is laziness and fascination with
the imagination – what reasons Sitchin has I cannot fathom,
and I don’t give a damn – please forgive Rhett Butler’s
influence… [It is all Gone WithThe Wind]
4. Can you explain how the interpretation of the word "nephilim"
as referring to "people of the fiery rockets" is viable in light
of the rules of Hebrew morphology? Can you bring forth an
ancient text where naphal has such a meaning?
Nope, and it does not bother me at all – I am not a scholar, you
know, and refuse to be pedantic and bore other people to death –
I leave it to others and follow the dreams of quantum physics.
5. Can you produce a text that says the Anunnaki come from
the planet Nibiru or that Nibiru is a planet beyond Pluto? Study
the 182 occurrences of "Anunnaki" in a search online at the
Electronic Corpus of Sumerian Literature website.
Ugh, you succeed in making these exciting ideas into the most
boring material – you do your bit and bore your students with
scientific research while the rest of us have fun, how’s that?
6. Can you explain why the alleged sun symbol on cylinder seal
VA 243 is not the normal sun symbol or the symbol for the
sun god Shamash?
Nope, and I couldn’t care less. Since I cannot do anything else
with Sitchin than read and enjoy him, I need not try to be
pedantic and pedagogic at all.
7. Can you explain why your god = planet equivalencies do not
match the listings of such matching in cuneiform astronomical
texts? I provided a scholarly article on the planets in cuneiform
literature as proof that Sitchin erred in this regard.
I am sure this must be riveting reading – I am sure those inured to
the rigours of scholarly officialese cannot wait to digest this brilliant
and marvellously exciting article!
8. Can you explain why many of Sitchin's word meanings of
Sumerian and Mesopotamian words are not consistent with
Mesopotamian cuneiform bilingual dictionaries, produced
by Akkadian scribes?
Yes: scribes of all kinds are so boring, nobody reads them,
we prefer to read the buccaneers and mavericks with lovely
ideas and theories up their sleeves who entertain & contribute
to expanding the infinite parallel realities universe of quantum
physics and allow the human mind freedom to improvise
instead of tethering it to whatever constricting definitions
keep you happy.
“Thank you for taking the time to respond. I will of course
post any responses on this site.”
The pleasure is all mine, I assure you.
“Sincerely, Michael Heiser, Ph.D.”
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Beauty and Magic
Totally bemused I followed the raging debate
between Sitchin’s followers and his detractors,
I realise everybody has a place to be right in
quantum physics’ infinite universe, therefore
Impossible to choose between the claims of
veracity; I chose to use the only criterion that
has meaning - Feeling – how do Sitchin’s
theories make me feel in comparison with
The rendition of scholars claiming Tiamat a
real person and everything about cosmic
cataclysm just a myth by ignorants writing
poetic renditions for unknown purposes
Reading Zecharia Sitchin’s books makes me
feel good - I have fun and am entertained
while the raging debate makes me feel
bad – even sad – that others feel
They should destroy the beautiful images he
created, pointing out flaws in every enchanting
creation he constructed from the same building
blocks used by his commentators to attack him
Learned scholars only manage to make previously
interesting things seem boring - when I look at the
shining images Sitchin created in my mind versus
the boring grey pictures drawn by his critics
I turn away from what they tote as reality and enjoy
the beauty of Sitchin’s surmises without bothering
to say anything about veracity – who cares when
Beauty and Magic are the only criteria?
1, Zecharia Sitchin – “Genesis Revisted”
2. Internet Debates
[A poet’s viewpoint differs from that of the pedantic
scholar and pedagogic instructor – I cannot accept
that being grey, boring and depressed is the right
way to survive life – I want to have fun, dream of
great things, sing a song, jump in the air, shout
and yodel and stick out my tongue at everything
that bores me to death!]
between Sitchin’s followers and his detractors,
I realise everybody has a place to be right in
quantum physics’ infinite universe, therefore
Impossible to choose between the claims of
veracity; I chose to use the only criterion that
has meaning - Feeling – how do Sitchin’s
theories make me feel in comparison with
The rendition of scholars claiming Tiamat a
real person and everything about cosmic
cataclysm just a myth by ignorants writing
poetic renditions for unknown purposes
Reading Zecharia Sitchin’s books makes me
feel good - I have fun and am entertained
while the raging debate makes me feel
bad – even sad – that others feel
They should destroy the beautiful images he
created, pointing out flaws in every enchanting
creation he constructed from the same building
blocks used by his commentators to attack him
Learned scholars only manage to make previously
interesting things seem boring - when I look at the
shining images Sitchin created in my mind versus
the boring grey pictures drawn by his critics
I turn away from what they tote as reality and enjoy
the beauty of Sitchin’s surmises without bothering
to say anything about veracity – who cares when
Beauty and Magic are the only criteria?
1, Zecharia Sitchin – “Genesis Revisted”
2. Internet Debates
[A poet’s viewpoint differs from that of the pedantic
scholar and pedagogic instructor – I cannot accept
that being grey, boring and depressed is the right
way to survive life – I want to have fun, dream of
great things, sing a song, jump in the air, shout
and yodel and stick out my tongue at everything
that bores me to death!]
Monday, October 24, 2011
Beautiful Principles
We are poor examples of the beautiful
principles of life - physical manifestation
always falls short, yet the wonder of the
concept behind the attempt to illustrate
the idea is never diminished in any way
The dream remains intact and there will
forever be another chance to do it better,
therefore, never bewail failure, knowing
that the very next concretisation will
already be an improvement
A never-ending spiral evolution continuing
ad infinitum, the joy of new beginnings will
always be as beautiful and fresh as a new
bloom, as full as promise as a baby just
born – symbolism redeems everything
That has ever been…
principles of life - physical manifestation
always falls short, yet the wonder of the
concept behind the attempt to illustrate
the idea is never diminished in any way
The dream remains intact and there will
forever be another chance to do it better,
therefore, never bewail failure, knowing
that the very next concretisation will
already be an improvement
A never-ending spiral evolution continuing
ad infinitum, the joy of new beginnings will
always be as beautiful and fresh as a new
bloom, as full as promise as a baby just
born – symbolism redeems everything
That has ever been…
A Wondering Heart (Revised)
Please, do not require a return to immoral
cosmogony just because Sitchin relates
myths on Sumerian clay tablets. The more
theories the merrier, increasing expansion
of an infinite universe, offering relief to the
overtaxed brain, respite to dreaming
But as literal stories enjoy discovery with a
wondering heart without bitter rejection of
current spiritual ideas – the old cosmogony
recounts tales of murder and lust, chaos and
death; later authors of spiritual documents
extracted ethical rules for good government
and a group’s welfare
Do not start new trends of interpretation of
ancient texts and try to revert to primitive
times if all this is new to you – just enjoy the
wonderment for its own sake, keep hedging
your bets – I choose what is good by applying
Occam’s razor, why not find your own system
less threatening anyone else in the process
After reading “Genesis Revisited” by Zecharia
Sitchin and checking his translation against
others, the above is my conclusion.
cosmogony just because Sitchin relates
myths on Sumerian clay tablets. The more
theories the merrier, increasing expansion
of an infinite universe, offering relief to the
overtaxed brain, respite to dreaming
But as literal stories enjoy discovery with a
wondering heart without bitter rejection of
current spiritual ideas – the old cosmogony
recounts tales of murder and lust, chaos and
death; later authors of spiritual documents
extracted ethical rules for good government
and a group’s welfare
Do not start new trends of interpretation of
ancient texts and try to revert to primitive
times if all this is new to you – just enjoy the
wonderment for its own sake, keep hedging
your bets – I choose what is good by applying
Occam’s razor, why not find your own system
less threatening anyone else in the process
After reading “Genesis Revisited” by Zecharia
Sitchin and checking his translation against
others, the above is my conclusion.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Listen To Yourself
Finally, your subconscious managed to
communicate, to state how much you
hate being alone in that flat, those in
control got the message and made
the changes so long overdue, you
shall have a new apartment
You shall work in a different office; you hid
your unhappiness for far too long, hid your
fear behind a smile that grew more brittle
every day, your fragile self-control was
shattering yet no-one picked up the
cues to rewrite the script
Least of all you, you never listen to yourself,
this time your inner being came out, made
its plea and see - everything changed over-
night; next time leave your dreamy state
and directly explain what you feel, do
not wait until pain starts to peel
The masks from your face – so painful and
unnecessary if you will only say what is in
your heart – next time please try, as for
now – I am so glad you are free!
communicate, to state how much you
hate being alone in that flat, those in
control got the message and made
the changes so long overdue, you
shall have a new apartment
You shall work in a different office; you hid
your unhappiness for far too long, hid your
fear behind a smile that grew more brittle
every day, your fragile self-control was
shattering yet no-one picked up the
cues to rewrite the script
Least of all you, you never listen to yourself,
this time your inner being came out, made
its plea and see - everything changed over-
night; next time leave your dreamy state
and directly explain what you feel, do
not wait until pain starts to peel
The masks from your face – so painful and
unnecessary if you will only say what is in
your heart – next time please try, as for
now – I am so glad you are free!
Can You Let Us In? (Revised)
Can you let us in? Are you imprisoned
inside – is there room for our love?
In an unbearable World where do we go? You
never believed benevolence is an extension
of fundamental self – could you see universal
goodness that is there for you too?
Is there a prayer to make on your behalf, what
is your dream, where would you go, what would
you accept as fulfilment? We cannot bring back
loved ones you have lost, only offer you
A new life which begins again, are you strong
enough – what else could there be after death?
Can anyone do for you what you refuse to do
for yourself – can we carry your cross
for a while – if you demand the presence of
those who are gone and reject what you have
left, destroying what is pure and innocent, what
can we say, how can we apply ointment
of love if you refuse it, how do we help mend
your heart if you dislike everything on sight
simply because we are not them – how can
we help, can you let us in?
inside – is there room for our love?
In an unbearable World where do we go? You
never believed benevolence is an extension
of fundamental self – could you see universal
goodness that is there for you too?
Is there a prayer to make on your behalf, what
is your dream, where would you go, what would
you accept as fulfilment? We cannot bring back
loved ones you have lost, only offer you
A new life which begins again, are you strong
enough – what else could there be after death?
Can anyone do for you what you refuse to do
for yourself – can we carry your cross
for a while – if you demand the presence of
those who are gone and reject what you have
left, destroying what is pure and innocent, what
can we say, how can we apply ointment
of love if you refuse it, how do we help mend
your heart if you dislike everything on sight
simply because we are not them – how can
we help, can you let us in?
Friday, October 21, 2011
Used To Be Like That
Joyously explained to our Scorpion how
wonderful yesterday’s class; Libra smiled,
twirled in delight, Madame La Pompadour
still not around, living in her own universe,
maybe peopled with even more wonderful
creatures than those in my own
Animated discussion of Madame’s frequent
illnesses enabling her to stay on cloud nine
or somewhere out of sight, turned my eyes
back to the new version of the Mabhabharata
playing in my mind, an intrigue triggered by a
creature decked in shimmering crystals
Stories flowing like velvet; I explained my belief
all spirits are eternal, Christophe said there would
not be space to house these in an [infinite] universe
I said spirits are like electricity and magnetism, do
not require space at all, Marius said philosophy is
lagging behind technology
I pointed out that he did not read philosophy, did
not keep track, how could he know, he agreed;
reading about spiritual effects made me forget
how materialistic Western thinking is, how small
the world, no concept of infinity – I used to be
like that – deeply unhappy in such
A blinkered, limited five-sensory state
FLEA Chronicles
[A grandiose dream to take my eyes from reality
once the dream came reality changed, thoughts
create the world we live in – but it is so difficult to
control my mind as so many personalities inside
my head vie to take the lead and I am just glad
when Alice succeeds!]
wonderful yesterday’s class; Libra smiled,
twirled in delight, Madame La Pompadour
still not around, living in her own universe,
maybe peopled with even more wonderful
creatures than those in my own
Animated discussion of Madame’s frequent
illnesses enabling her to stay on cloud nine
or somewhere out of sight, turned my eyes
back to the new version of the Mabhabharata
playing in my mind, an intrigue triggered by a
creature decked in shimmering crystals
Stories flowing like velvet; I explained my belief
all spirits are eternal, Christophe said there would
not be space to house these in an [infinite] universe
I said spirits are like electricity and magnetism, do
not require space at all, Marius said philosophy is
lagging behind technology
I pointed out that he did not read philosophy, did
not keep track, how could he know, he agreed;
reading about spiritual effects made me forget
how materialistic Western thinking is, how small
the world, no concept of infinity – I used to be
like that – deeply unhappy in such
A blinkered, limited five-sensory state
FLEA Chronicles
[A grandiose dream to take my eyes from reality
once the dream came reality changed, thoughts
create the world we live in – but it is so difficult to
control my mind as so many personalities inside
my head vie to take the lead and I am just glad
when Alice succeeds!]
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Beauty Inside
I could not stay down in the deepest part of despair
as always my fictional characters came with a play
an allegory, a parable of wisdom triumphant over
blackness and death, as I grit my teeth and sank
lower under the yoke
The drama they enacted started to lift my feet until I
was out of my body - determined to wear the crown
of thorns I went to French class to listen to politics -
presented by Christophe Emery – and determinedly
the story kept going
Then we talked about cloning and clichés, there was
room for me to breathe, better emotion than horror at
politicians’ complete lack of ethics filled my heart, we
listened to Rima explain about Maghreb, I showed
her the article about Algeria
Where classic Arabic is the state language although
nobody can understand it; the sun came out and the
purple explosions of Jacarandas became an Arc de
Triomphe for me – I can visualise you in a new way,
see you conquer the enemy:
Loneliness and despair - I dream of Carine being
uplifted and finding new joy, her eyes opening
wide to see the beauty inside
the wonder of life…
as always my fictional characters came with a play
an allegory, a parable of wisdom triumphant over
blackness and death, as I grit my teeth and sank
lower under the yoke
The drama they enacted started to lift my feet until I
was out of my body - determined to wear the crown
of thorns I went to French class to listen to politics -
presented by Christophe Emery – and determinedly
the story kept going
Then we talked about cloning and clichés, there was
room for me to breathe, better emotion than horror at
politicians’ complete lack of ethics filled my heart, we
listened to Rima explain about Maghreb, I showed
her the article about Algeria
Where classic Arabic is the state language although
nobody can understand it; the sun came out and the
purple explosions of Jacarandas became an Arc de
Triomphe for me – I can visualise you in a new way,
see you conquer the enemy:
Loneliness and despair - I dream of Carine being
uplifted and finding new joy, her eyes opening
wide to see the beauty inside
the wonder of life…
Started a New Play
My Scorpio colleague jumps into the day
with ice-cold precision and complete lack
of existential angst, no other emotion than
irritation apparent, the beautiful easygoing
Libran saunters gracefully through wide
scope projects that scares the little alien
clinging to the rafters in my head, to death
Today the little alien is into Freudian self-
destruction and sabotages everything I do,
Agony Aunt within me gave up in disgust,
my inner Alice has withdrawn and only a
shell is left – luckily my characters have
started a new play and the story unfolding
makes a wonderful day, thank you
Thank you to everyone who consented to
appear in my life to become archetypes
populating my fictional universe, it is so
wonderful when I meet you here, creating
the perfect ambiance for the unfolding of
a most wonderful dream without my
having to go anywhere!
[Seeing me so destitute, my fictional characters
started a new play and the sweetness obliterates
the world and its problems so that Agony Aunt –
grim-faced and tight-lipped – is left carrying
consciousness while inside such a magnificent
emotional unfolding is creating the most perfect
delicate tracery of sublime emotion]
with ice-cold precision and complete lack
of existential angst, no other emotion than
irritation apparent, the beautiful easygoing
Libran saunters gracefully through wide
scope projects that scares the little alien
clinging to the rafters in my head, to death
Today the little alien is into Freudian self-
destruction and sabotages everything I do,
Agony Aunt within me gave up in disgust,
my inner Alice has withdrawn and only a
shell is left – luckily my characters have
started a new play and the story unfolding
makes a wonderful day, thank you
Thank you to everyone who consented to
appear in my life to become archetypes
populating my fictional universe, it is so
wonderful when I meet you here, creating
the perfect ambiance for the unfolding of
a most wonderful dream without my
having to go anywhere!
[Seeing me so destitute, my fictional characters
started a new play and the sweetness obliterates
the world and its problems so that Agony Aunt –
grim-faced and tight-lipped – is left carrying
consciousness while inside such a magnificent
emotional unfolding is creating the most perfect
delicate tracery of sublime emotion]
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Dream He Is There
I know the depth of your despair – because I
am there; though I am not allowed to cry with
you - how impossible to hold back the tears
when I am by myself, life seems increasingly
meaningless given that I cannot help you
Cannot carry your pain, I am losing interest, all
seems preposterous given your situation - and
why shouldn’t we cry; why did he have to die,
why should you be bereft, alone, having night-
mares, how can I sleep when I know that
You dream he is there, only to wake up and find
he is still gone? How can I go on when your life
contains so much pain which I cannot alleviate,
much less make you feel better again? So let
me cry tonight, maybe tomorrow
I shall see again…
am there; though I am not allowed to cry with
you - how impossible to hold back the tears
when I am by myself, life seems increasingly
meaningless given that I cannot help you
Cannot carry your pain, I am losing interest, all
seems preposterous given your situation - and
why shouldn’t we cry; why did he have to die,
why should you be bereft, alone, having night-
mares, how can I sleep when I know that
You dream he is there, only to wake up and find
he is still gone? How can I go on when your life
contains so much pain which I cannot alleviate,
much less make you feel better again? So let
me cry tonight, maybe tomorrow
I shall see again…
Nothing At All
I have fallen out of my life, I am not present
within the outline which indicates where the
real me should be, no feelings, no dreams
The hope I harboured inside proved to be
without meaning – I have forgotten what I
used to hope for, nothing new to replace
What used to be, just cold emptiness in my
heart, wait, my heart is lost, freezing again
like I did as a child, no significance left
Life was like this in the beginning, the great
divide between virtual warmth, a good book,
a piece of music, a story - and -
The emptiness of real life without room for
emotion as an ever-increasing descent in-
to a million small deaths on a daily basis
The pain ought to be gone - yet it is not - the
pain is all that is left, oh yes; even pure
misery is preferable to nothing at all
within the outline which indicates where the
real me should be, no feelings, no dreams
The hope I harboured inside proved to be
without meaning – I have forgotten what I
used to hope for, nothing new to replace
What used to be, just cold emptiness in my
heart, wait, my heart is lost, freezing again
like I did as a child, no significance left
Life was like this in the beginning, the great
divide between virtual warmth, a good book,
a piece of music, a story - and -
The emptiness of real life without room for
emotion as an ever-increasing descent in-
to a million small deaths on a daily basis
The pain ought to be gone - yet it is not - the
pain is all that is left, oh yes; even pure
misery is preferable to nothing at all
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Schizophrénie Algérien - Mme Boulbina
Les Mots de
Madame Seloua
Luste Boulbina
(Quoted from
En Algérie
il n'y a pas
équitable et
les conflits
de la société
Rien ne peut
se régler autour
d'un bien
Un mot
qui revient
chez les
c'est la
Jaloux de leur
les dirigeants
ont importé
une langue
officielle - l'arabe
qui a été
à la langue
subie (le
Or l'arabe
est étrangère
à l'algérien
de la rue
Mais comme
c'est un symbole
de souveraineté
ou de ce qu'on
croit tel
on préfère
vivre dans
Philosophie politique en Afrique contemporaine : Etat des lieux - Le ... lutte politique
en Algérie s'est faite par la guerre. ...
La philosophie politique africaine et ses développements
CSPRP – Paris Diderot / CNRS Nancy 2
Vendredi 20 juin 2008
Notes prises par Laurent Ladouce
Le Centre de sociologie des pratiques et des représentations
politiques (CSPRP - est une
équipe d'accueil pour des chercheurs, des doctorants et des
post-doctorants français et étrangers. Le CSPRP organisait
le vendredi 20 juin un colloque à Paris VII, en coopération
avec le CNRS de Nancy 2 sur le thème «La philosophie
politique africaine»
Madame Seloua
Luste Boulbina
(Quoted from
En Algérie
il n'y a pas
équitable et
les conflits
de la société
Rien ne peut
se régler autour
d'un bien
Un mot
qui revient
chez les
c'est la
Jaloux de leur
les dirigeants
ont importé
une langue
officielle - l'arabe
qui a été
à la langue
subie (le
Or l'arabe
est étrangère
à l'algérien
de la rue
Mais comme
c'est un symbole
de souveraineté
ou de ce qu'on
croit tel
on préfère
vivre dans
Philosophie politique en Afrique contemporaine : Etat des lieux - Le ... lutte politique
en Algérie s'est faite par la guerre. ...
La philosophie politique africaine et ses développements
CSPRP – Paris Diderot / CNRS Nancy 2
Vendredi 20 juin 2008
Notes prises par Laurent Ladouce
Le Centre de sociologie des pratiques et des représentations
politiques (CSPRP - est une
équipe d'accueil pour des chercheurs, des doctorants et des
post-doctorants français et étrangers. Le CSPRP organisait
le vendredi 20 juin un colloque à Paris VII, en coopération
avec le CNRS de Nancy 2 sur le thème «La philosophie
politique africaine»
Monday, October 17, 2011
Light of Love – For Carine
Now that I understand the extent of your despair
and depth of your pain, chemical imbalance and
lack of care without your beloved, I can see why
your spirit feels oppressed
it has nothing to do with me or the world around
you, on a deeper level you know I cling to hope
as the only relief when I suffer while you cannot
find the life-giving power of
positive expectations as yet – but I shall pray and
meditate and hold a mental image of you happy
and safe without troubling the overpowering
darkness with the light of love
and understanding which is too strong as yet and
will only make you unhappy by creating desire for
something which still needs time to slowly, silently
develop and grow...
and depth of your pain, chemical imbalance and
lack of care without your beloved, I can see why
your spirit feels oppressed
it has nothing to do with me or the world around
you, on a deeper level you know I cling to hope
as the only relief when I suffer while you cannot
find the life-giving power of
positive expectations as yet – but I shall pray and
meditate and hold a mental image of you happy
and safe without troubling the overpowering
darkness with the light of love
and understanding which is too strong as yet and
will only make you unhappy by creating desire for
something which still needs time to slowly, silently
develop and grow...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Not Home Tonight
Tiaan not home tonight, Nici nowhere in sight,
Martin surviving his life, I am watching X factor
alone, Tiaan introduced me to the programme
last week; without his presence, I am by myself
I miss my son’s sardonic humour, his smile, his
long-suffering patience when his dad comes down
on him and his friends; his Stoic acceptance when
his acerbic, hostile Scorpion dad administers a
Sting to his knight-in-shining-armour image; Tiaan
filled with zeal to help those suffering, while his dad
wants him to set rules and self-interest above all else
- Tiaan so enthusiastic about life, concerned to
- earn the marks he deserves, to build a six-pack,
to take care of us, becoming a dedicated cook; oh,
how I miss him – though I am so proud of his new
self-confidence visiting his friends…
Martin surviving his life, I am watching X factor
alone, Tiaan introduced me to the programme
last week; without his presence, I am by myself
I miss my son’s sardonic humour, his smile, his
long-suffering patience when his dad comes down
on him and his friends; his Stoic acceptance when
his acerbic, hostile Scorpion dad administers a
Sting to his knight-in-shining-armour image; Tiaan
filled with zeal to help those suffering, while his dad
wants him to set rules and self-interest above all else
- Tiaan so enthusiastic about life, concerned to
- earn the marks he deserves, to build a six-pack,
to take care of us, becoming a dedicated cook; oh,
how I miss him – though I am so proud of his new
self-confidence visiting his friends…
The Ideal (Revised)
Beauty of ‘The Ideal’, a dream of
wonder – needs no surreal reality
disposed to be enchanting
Cultures which conceived of the
magic created by an amazing
and unique human being
Any vision that creates inspirational
delight of people united in desire
for love and peace
Any delineation of such an infinitely
uplifting principle as - Do unto others
as you would have them do unto you –
brings wonder and joy
to the human heart…
wonder – needs no surreal reality
disposed to be enchanting
Cultures which conceived of the
magic created by an amazing
and unique human being
Any vision that creates inspirational
delight of people united in desire
for love and peace
Any delineation of such an infinitely
uplifting principle as - Do unto others
as you would have them do unto you –
brings wonder and joy
to the human heart…
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Staring at Audrey Hepburn’s ball gown worn in My
Fair Lady, I realise the best approximation of a
dress made of shimmering crystals formed by lacy
sprays of fine water drops
has already been created, this leaves my fantasy
intact: Wearing a dress made of water splashing
from a fountain then running down, is the only
way to materialise my original vision…
Emotional Storm

Seeking refuge in the surreal atmosphere
of the opera Tales of Hoffmann, my mind
imploding, falling in upon itself in violent
reaction to an overdose of politics
No comfort as yet in the safety of the library,
no intellect left - cannot reflect - a strangling
headache, got a book to cushion the leftover
splinters of my emotions, to cool the fever
Of hatred for cold political texts that reduce
me to the state of a vegetable, Jung’s tests
said this reaction is immature, everybody
must learn to get along without the lure
Of imagination and beauty; Sonia Choquette
said we should be inured to images of pain,
violence and suffering; so be it, I cannot pass
the threshold of pain caused by such studies
Tried so hard I lost my mind, feels like my
brain cannot recuperate - no synapse will
ever fire again, listening to Barcarolle over
and over, the only calming sound
In this emotional storm...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Resemble Don Quixote
Watching Taboo about freaks I realize
I am a freak too – whereas some freaks
get their adrenalin- high from compulsive
shopping, others from sky-diving and one
from eating road-kill for protein
I get my high from reading, my mind has the
shamanistic ability to give me an emotional
experience when the words touch my heart
and I am very careful who I allow to enter
my thoughts, having learnt
Through trial and error that few people care
about the effect their ideas have on others,
stating impatiently it is their right to say any-
thing they like; luckily I also learned about
the freedom to tune them out
To ignore anything that makes the world
seem bad; all spiritual masters agree we
are free to establish the world we live in
by seeking role models who changed
the world for the better - I am not
One of them, even if it is my ideal to join
their ranks - but I resemble Don Quixote
more than Charlotte Bronte or Leo
Tolstoy; world opinion changing
I am a freak too – whereas some freaks
get their adrenalin- high from compulsive
shopping, others from sky-diving and one
from eating road-kill for protein
I get my high from reading, my mind has the
shamanistic ability to give me an emotional
experience when the words touch my heart
and I am very careful who I allow to enter
my thoughts, having learnt
Through trial and error that few people care
about the effect their ideas have on others,
stating impatiently it is their right to say any-
thing they like; luckily I also learned about
the freedom to tune them out
To ignore anything that makes the world
seem bad; all spiritual masters agree we
are free to establish the world we live in
by seeking role models who changed
the world for the better - I am not
One of them, even if it is my ideal to join
their ranks - but I resemble Don Quixote
more than Charlotte Bronte or Leo
Tolstoy; world opinion changing
Enneagram (Revised)
But no, nothing helped when I tried to be myself
reading old books, even a new one on sixth sense
said I should take heed of every single pain my
body produced to determine what I think
I feel a stranger in my own skin after a day
doing Big Five & Enneagram questionnaires
– which classify me the most selfish, unhelpful,
self-centred human alive;
even fairy pictures in my Treasury of Children’s
Poetry failed to restore me; according to the
questionnaires, I am detrimental to people
I meet in social contexts - I am devastated
cannot believe I am the MEAN uncaring person
Jung’s questionnaire says; I shall explain to
those I love HOW MUCH I love them, but if it
is true, I wanted to MUCH be better than that –
am still trying as a matter of fact…
Light Of Pure Life
Went to a shop to look at crystal lamps when my
eyes were caught by crystal lace fabrics perfect
for creating the beautiful gown I always dream
of, formed when I walk in the sea splashing
with my feet till sprays of crystal drops
cover me in silver white layers
I wondered how to make a dress from liquid crystal
to shimmer and shine wherever I went, now having
found the perfect crystal lace my dream is fulfilled –
though my book on Secret Tools for Six-Sensory
Living recommends seeking psychic healing
through the power of crystals
as the only dream worth cherishing; but a crystal
dress seems more attractive to me than people
who try to sell the psychic power of crystals -
only charlatans use these devices - I love
New Age ideas but without evidence of
their success, crystals remain
enchanting symbols representing the beauty,
clarity and light of pure life…
eyes were caught by crystal lace fabrics perfect
for creating the beautiful gown I always dream
of, formed when I walk in the sea splashing
with my feet till sprays of crystal drops
cover me in silver white layers
I wondered how to make a dress from liquid crystal
to shimmer and shine wherever I went, now having
found the perfect crystal lace my dream is fulfilled –
though my book on Secret Tools for Six-Sensory
Living recommends seeking psychic healing
through the power of crystals
as the only dream worth cherishing; but a crystal
dress seems more attractive to me than people
who try to sell the psychic power of crystals -
only charlatans use these devices - I love
New Age ideas but without evidence of
their success, crystals remain
enchanting symbols representing the beauty,
clarity and light of pure life…
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Warmth And Beauty
The warmth and beauty of this moment
go beyond mere reality, if Seth is right
and true continuity lies in something else
than mere development in space and time
Then this is part of a long series of beautiful
moments that have accumulated since my
early youth and it connects experiences of
insight that span chronological reality
Like the silver cord that binds spirit to
physical form – watching Fred Astaire
perform while dreaming on Turandot
devouring the illustrated book
My mind calms down as if Cesar Milan*
himself is taking charge of the canine
posing as my psyche, I am in a state
of such wonderful delight!
*Cesar Milan presents a programme on TV
called "Dog Whisperer", he rehabiliates
dogs (my mind is a dog) and trains their
owners - oh dear, my ego is out of all
go beyond mere reality, if Seth is right
and true continuity lies in something else
than mere development in space and time
Then this is part of a long series of beautiful
moments that have accumulated since my
early youth and it connects experiences of
insight that span chronological reality
Like the silver cord that binds spirit to
physical form – watching Fred Astaire
perform while dreaming on Turandot
devouring the illustrated book
My mind calms down as if Cesar Milan*
himself is taking charge of the canine
posing as my psyche, I am in a state
of such wonderful delight!
*Cesar Milan presents a programme on TV
called "Dog Whisperer", he rehabiliates
dogs (my mind is a dog) and trains their
owners - oh dear, my ego is out of all
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A Hundred Spells

Turandot, Puccini’s opera, told by stylised illustrations in a book
the heart of an Ice Princess frozen by the Moon Goddess, three
riddles posed to every Prince who wished to be her suitor on pain
of death if he could not get the answers right, beheaded by
imperial gesture of the shimmering beauty
Another Prince intrigued by the Princess, the first riddle: Every
night it soars anew, every day it dies - Hope, he replied; Illusion
said the Princess cold - the second riddle: Dream and the flame
flares anew - It is my blood that burns within with love for you,
answered the Prince - the third riddle: What is ice
that gives you fire - You cast a hundred spells - he sighed, The
answer is Turandot; he won the challenge, but would not marry
her against her will, set her one riddle - Say my name, made
her a gift of it to doom them both if she named him, then she
declared LOVE to be the stranger’s name
Chose to marry the strange Prince who by being brave and
generous won her respect; she despised all others but
feared him, cried her first tears - Conquer you or be
conquered – an enchanting Persian tale from A
Thousand and One Nights
Turandot text 1995 by Marianna Mayer, illustrations by
Winslow Pels; published by William Morrow and
Monday, October 3, 2011
Enchanting Simplicity
I have not had a single supernatural experience
except what might easily be termed hallucinations
and imaginations, only my limited consciousness act
as criterion to determine whether what I learn
might contain any value and truth
I reject theories which trigger a suspicion of
misinformation or falsehood and always return
to well-known texts after trying other stuff
that leaves me feeling dissatisfied
Today I returned to Seth after trying other spiritual authors
whose views I cannot accept and once again Seth impresses
me as enchanting; an important criterion, my own Occam’s
Razor – beauty and truth in simplicity and harmony
I respect everybody’s sixth sense as much as I respect my own
while I simply have to follow my own and leave everybody else
to their own unique devices
When reading Seth, I never get the feeling that some ignorant
knave is warbling on, trying to sell his own song, working with
half-baked ideas; even when the allergy is bad and I hate my-
self, the world and everyone else; I still find value in reading
Seth’s words - thus they meet my most cherished criterion
Whatever remains valid while I am under the evil spell of
the allergy, stand out; when quantum physics and science
seem insipid and pointless; Seth always retains his hold
on my imagination – even when my head is shrinking in
allergic reaction -
Experience the effect and determine how it felt; I respect your
right to refuse to look at things that are important to me only –
I know one cannot force others to feel the kind of magic
perceived in an individual’s unique state of mind
I simply hope that one sibling poet might feel the same
enchantment that holds me in thrall when my mental
and emotional world disintegrates…
"The self you know is only one fragment of your identity. Fragment
selves are not strung together like beads in a string, they resemble
the skins of an onion or segments of an orange, connected through
one vitality, growing into various realities - while originating from
one and the same source."
"If you have a limited concept of the nature of reality, your ego will
keep you in the small enclosed area of your accepted reality. If your
intuitions and creative instincts are given freedom, they definitely will
communicate knowledge of the greater dimensions to the physically
oriented portion of your personality."
“All your attention is focused - in a specialized way - upon one
bright point called REALITY – but there are other realities about
you - while you ignore their existence and blot out all stimuli that
come from them."
except what might easily be termed hallucinations
and imaginations, only my limited consciousness act
as criterion to determine whether what I learn
might contain any value and truth
I reject theories which trigger a suspicion of
misinformation or falsehood and always return
to well-known texts after trying other stuff
that leaves me feeling dissatisfied
Today I returned to Seth after trying other spiritual authors
whose views I cannot accept and once again Seth impresses
me as enchanting; an important criterion, my own Occam’s
Razor – beauty and truth in simplicity and harmony
I respect everybody’s sixth sense as much as I respect my own
while I simply have to follow my own and leave everybody else
to their own unique devices
When reading Seth, I never get the feeling that some ignorant
knave is warbling on, trying to sell his own song, working with
half-baked ideas; even when the allergy is bad and I hate my-
self, the world and everyone else; I still find value in reading
Seth’s words - thus they meet my most cherished criterion
Whatever remains valid while I am under the evil spell of
the allergy, stand out; when quantum physics and science
seem insipid and pointless; Seth always retains his hold
on my imagination – even when my head is shrinking in
allergic reaction -
Experience the effect and determine how it felt; I respect your
right to refuse to look at things that are important to me only –
I know one cannot force others to feel the kind of magic
perceived in an individual’s unique state of mind
I simply hope that one sibling poet might feel the same
enchantment that holds me in thrall when my mental
and emotional world disintegrates…
"The self you know is only one fragment of your identity. Fragment
selves are not strung together like beads in a string, they resemble
the skins of an onion or segments of an orange, connected through
one vitality, growing into various realities - while originating from
one and the same source."
"If you have a limited concept of the nature of reality, your ego will
keep you in the small enclosed area of your accepted reality. If your
intuitions and creative instincts are given freedom, they definitely will
communicate knowledge of the greater dimensions to the physically
oriented portion of your personality."
“All your attention is focused - in a specialized way - upon one
bright point called REALITY – but there are other realities about
you - while you ignore their existence and blot out all stimuli that
come from them."
Sunday, October 2, 2011
How I Love (Revised)
The rain came with assuring displays of
Valkyrian thunder and lightning; at last
we can breathe again – showers have
cleansed the air and with an iniquitous
sun gone I can watch TV all day;
Tiaan stayed with a friend overnight, never
slept; sleeping now at midday. Nici said she
would like to adopt her friend’s adorable
boa constrictor, agreeably feed him mice,
I warned I would leave our home
A joyful discovery – I am flexible enough
to watch TV in the spiritual Lotus position
just like my book’s sweet protagonist;
watched Tales of Belle of Beauty and The
Beast; delighted – just how I would imagine
She must have spent her enchanted castle
days by herself with only servants under a
spell to take care of her – Nici so happy, her
friend is back, found her lost necklace
in the driveway
Texting us now with her Blackberry birthday
present from her room, at last we can plan a
proper celebration, she said with shining
eyes, condescending to share a restaurant
meal with her family –
Oh, I love my little world
with these wonderful kids…
Valkyrian thunder and lightning; at last
we can breathe again – showers have
cleansed the air and with an iniquitous
sun gone I can watch TV all day;
Tiaan stayed with a friend overnight, never
slept; sleeping now at midday. Nici said she
would like to adopt her friend’s adorable
boa constrictor, agreeably feed him mice,
I warned I would leave our home
A joyful discovery – I am flexible enough
to watch TV in the spiritual Lotus position
just like my book’s sweet protagonist;
watched Tales of Belle of Beauty and The
Beast; delighted – just how I would imagine
She must have spent her enchanted castle
days by herself with only servants under a
spell to take care of her – Nici so happy, her
friend is back, found her lost necklace
in the driveway
Texting us now with her Blackberry birthday
present from her room, at last we can plan a
proper celebration, she said with shining
eyes, condescending to share a restaurant
meal with her family –
Oh, I love my little world
with these wonderful kids…
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Calm and Well (Revised)
As a child I hated the life I was born into,
detested humanity, averse to everything about
my overexcited brain in a family where the misery
of nervous tension was normality – no-one ever
calmed down – led to multiple allergies
The body changes when a new personality asserts;
as a child I inadvertently programmed myself to
think of mealtimes and food as the worst possible
experience in my life, mind in overdrive as
family interaction drove me nearly insane
Today I can’t eat breakfast unless the allergic
reaction food triggers is mollified by migraine
medication – if I eat something wholesome to
stabilise blood sugar, unbearable depression
and pain reduces me to a zombie state
I am Marvin the Paranoid Android, a state
so unnatural doctors and dieticians cannot
rectify it, I live a precarious balance between
excessive pain and being comfortable as a
submissive human being
I marvel at the Dog Whisperer – my psyche is an
anxious, uncalmable dog unable to live in the now,
maybe my brain is that of a canine who needs the
right discipline – if only I knew how to provide it
in order to feel calm and well permanently
[When I eat whole-wheat breakfast cereal my eyes go out of focus,
electricity dance in leaping flames in my head and I become too
depressed to pick up my pen – or anything else. When I eat other
things like fatty bacon and eggs or chicken mayonnaise, a migraine
pill relieves the distress and I do not become so depressed – simply
put on weight at an alarming rate, nearly choking myself with the
growing girth around my midriff – and eating nothing is not possible
as hunger and light-headedness make working and concentration im-
possible. I am still trying to reprogram my mind to reprogram my
body to secrete different chemicals in different amounts, convinced
that life as a calm, stable, submissive canine type would be much
easier without the horrific allergy symptoms. My diary notes
explain all this.]
detested humanity, averse to everything about
my overexcited brain in a family where the misery
of nervous tension was normality – no-one ever
calmed down – led to multiple allergies
The body changes when a new personality asserts;
as a child I inadvertently programmed myself to
think of mealtimes and food as the worst possible
experience in my life, mind in overdrive as
family interaction drove me nearly insane
Today I can’t eat breakfast unless the allergic
reaction food triggers is mollified by migraine
medication – if I eat something wholesome to
stabilise blood sugar, unbearable depression
and pain reduces me to a zombie state
I am Marvin the Paranoid Android, a state
so unnatural doctors and dieticians cannot
rectify it, I live a precarious balance between
excessive pain and being comfortable as a
submissive human being
I marvel at the Dog Whisperer – my psyche is an
anxious, uncalmable dog unable to live in the now,
maybe my brain is that of a canine who needs the
right discipline – if only I knew how to provide it
in order to feel calm and well permanently
[When I eat whole-wheat breakfast cereal my eyes go out of focus,
electricity dance in leaping flames in my head and I become too
depressed to pick up my pen – or anything else. When I eat other
things like fatty bacon and eggs or chicken mayonnaise, a migraine
pill relieves the distress and I do not become so depressed – simply
put on weight at an alarming rate, nearly choking myself with the
growing girth around my midriff – and eating nothing is not possible
as hunger and light-headedness make working and concentration im-
possible. I am still trying to reprogram my mind to reprogram my
body to secrete different chemicals in different amounts, convinced
that life as a calm, stable, submissive canine type would be much
easier without the horrific allergy symptoms. My diary notes
explain all this.]
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