a delight, but 'When She Was Good’ by Norma Fox Mazer
is not my style, I dislike the voice of the protagonist and her
dead sister Pamela even less; ‘Faith, Hope and Ivy June’ by
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor just reminds why teenagers are best
kept at arm’s length
‘Briar Rose’ by Jane Yolen is even worse; a female author
telling the reader what brand of boots and clothes are worn
by her characters – overcoming the obstacle of obnoxious
style in order to get at the story does not appeal to me, I shall
return these to the library and stick to Graham Hancock’s
research, no need to put up with inane conversations
Most frustrating my eyes are out of focus again, first wear
multifocals at an angle of 45 degrees from my eyebrows and
when sinking down against the pillows change the angle to 45
degrees from my nose, no use to read some more tonight, it is
too difficult when I can’t see, best is try and fall asleep to start
a great book tomorrow – today is gone