Work colleagues helping refine my
new self-image - just becoming Miss
Marple is too restrictive, given my
love for racing in a fast car - à la
Schumacher - imagine, if you will
My wearing his racing gear and Miss
Marple’s hat fastened with a long
hat-pin atop the helmet while I’m
clutching a pink rose-embroidered
bag at my side - oh why stop there,
Also imagine me flying through the
air true Mary Poppins’ style while
holding her umbrella, her carpet bag
hanging over the other arm; and I’m
singing “The Hills Are Alive” like
Julie Andrew’s Maria Von Trapp in
The Sound of Music - flying high,
also enunciating “The Rain In Spain
Stays Mainly In the Plain” like Eliza
Dolittle in My Fair Lady; my fear of
Losing capacity to imagine reality
of new self-imagery as different is
put to rest - mixing up my “Favourite
Things” lets me regard old age with
equanimity, flow with the times -
Changing my work station practices
astral dimensions where we modify
appearances by thought forms only –
“I Can Spread my Wings, Do a 1000
Things I’ve Never Done Before…”
[Thank you to all the classics and songs
which infuse my life with joy and happiness]
[10 March 2014]
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