An ice princess wearing a rose petal jacket driven to
distraction by the heat she feels, cheeks glowing red
colour exploding, running away and taking up a dew-
drop string, gets rid of the rose-petal jacket and dons
a pitch black top over a snowflake blouse and hangs
the dewdrop string around her neck – then
Adds a silver rose and she’s pleasantly surprised, no
more heat, feeling cool with the dewdrops glistening
around her neck, wondering when she will ever get to
wear the enticing rose petal jacket, this cold night did
not suffice, where could she wear it - never it seems,
sighing she resigns herself to the beauty of
The glittering silver transparency of crystal dewdrops,
one day she SHALL wear her favourite colours - till
then, she’ll be a still life in shadow and light…
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Purple Feathers [REVISED]
The snow queen came back, purple feathers for her hat,
music instrument stickers and pink cashmere silk scarf
spread over a cerise Peruvian skirt draped over an ice-
blue jersey covering a white shawl and big blue jacket,
this way everything fits into her cubicle at work
Crystal tiara encircling a slender-stem computer screen,
a shimmering pink rose drifting in an ice-blue a sea of
molluscs and fishes next to a pristine white corner with
crystals & bridal roses, a sweet Charlotte Brontë sitting
in a green bower with small pink roses - framed by
Strings of beads exuding the mysticism of Indian fakirs,
a large glass glacier supporting purple fairy wings on a
printer, with a stroke of genius the snow queen drapes
the cashmere scarf over all her tea-things, much too
‘ordinaire’ for this fragile and beautiful ice castle
Glittering silver and blue in the sun; Carpe Jugulum and
Dancing Wu Li Masters vying for space on her desk, a
blue Government of Nunavut file & Cassell’s Colloquial
French completing a picture of royal bliss, elegant note-
paper “My enchanted World’ affixed with magnets
To her console supplying finishing touches; daintily
she sips herbal tea, thinking of her Tibetan friends
who taught her to send the bright golden light to
all those she loves…
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Snow Queen Notes
The Snow Queen in a hurry can't find the means to go back in time
to upload the picture she believes to be divine, the only solution is
to upload the picture here and try later to change the whole sphere
of things in her life and mind; dreams of what the future may bring,
dreams that keep hope alive and enable her spirit to survive
Came home, the kitchen a jewel shining bright
then the sun disappeared and the snow queen
cannot gather her thoughts, a voice rasping in
her ears, vegetables to be prepared and salad
on order for the Lord of the Keep, the beautiful
moment empty, the only thing needed to fill this
dream, music and song, the touch of the sun, is
gone - and the dream came to an end…
Strange Pictures
In a city buried in a glacier a Tibetan Monk saw strange
3-D pictures of a strange world with weird creatures and
mountains in place of our seas – towering buildings and
flying machines where mankind and animals peacefully
communicate telepathically
And cities floating on oceans & mushrooming red clouds
then the city disappears. If time is simultaneous and the
universe is one, this is probabilities future and past - a
parallel world where dark fears of continued hostilities
are realised; without reform
Nuclear explosions could destroy our world completely,
these pictures of lifeless worlds could become us; only
forgiveness can save beauty and life from extinction –
the universe splits whenever choices are made for
or against Armageddon
We are free to choose a new world of freedom and
peace – the world of our dreams
In a city buried in a glacier Tibetan Monks saw strange
pictures of world a long ago with mountains in place of
the seas and weird creatures, of scientific progress and
flying machines, high-rise buildings, animals and man-
kind peaceful and communicating telepathically
Oceans with floating cities, hovercraft moving silently,
grand roadway bridges overhead: a flash in the sky
and the city vanished into incandescent gas - a red
and threatening mushroom-shaped cloud in the sky;
if all time is simultaneous as spiritualists say
And the universe exists in unity, it’s possible to think
it’s a picture of all probabilities, the ruins of the future
and past - or even a parallel world where our darkest
suspicions and fears have been realised to show all
the people what danger there are in hostilities
If we do not reform and seek peace, atom bomb ex-
plosions could destroy our world completely, if man
persists in attacking man, these pictures of worlds with-
out life could become ours, the lesson can be used to
teach everyone why only forgiveness can save beauty
And life from extinction, I believe the universe splits
when different choices are made and we are free to
choose Armageddon or create a new world of free-
dom and peace - the world of our dreams…
Monday, April 28, 2014
Spiralling Eternally [REVISED]]
Every note perfectly formed, a unique pearl
with beauty enough to reflect life holistically,
every note a small part of the hologram that
portrays this whole when laser-light of our
consciousness shines upon them, every phrase,
every peak in Ave Maria becomes feeling that
expresses longing, reverence, a dream of help
from spiritual dimensions, a silent meditation
composing my mind, calming my heart, filling
the moment with delight; my soul soars and
returns to the hologram, merging individual
feeling with a kaleidoscope of multifaceted
emotion containing everything that has been,
with enough space for an infinite range that
keeps growing, spiralling eternally
[When Maria Callas sings, I see her as a potter
carefully forming every notes– deftly changing
her mouth, using her breath, to create rounded
notes that sometimes stretch into a longer
line, waxing and waning perfectly…]
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Unpretentious Impressive Life
A new hero here, Richard Feynman physicist
a TV programme on his Fantastic life which
revealed a brilliant mind, quirky personality
Childlike interest in things, solving long math
problems with diagrams led others to discover
mathematical reality exists as 3-D geometry
As an amplituhedron with triangular facets re-
sembling an intricate jewel; also that space
and time are not intrinsic to our existence
(Seems logical considering the freedom of our
thoughts and the magnificence of our dreams -
consciousness is pre-amplituhedron being
The jewel’s form brought forth space and time
as the defining outline of the electro-magnetic
particles which are the building blocks of life)
Feynman enjoyed physics and uses made of it
and had no use for honour and accolades, ex-
plaining the Nobel prize was not necessary –
Had a such a strong sense of his dignity he did
not need obeisance from others, he joked and
had fun - taking up art, playing bongo drums
Won a gambling game on street, studied biology,
was amazingly accomplished while he remained
unpretentious in his impressive life!
Saturday, April 26, 2014
I’m Freezing – Diary Notes
Trying to sing the sweetest notes at the beginning of
Ave Maria in a shopping centre right after listening to
Maria Callas is a great disappointment, though sacred
feeling is alive in my heart and seems to follow me like
a misty silver-blue aura while I float down the stalls, it
reaches nobody else and I sound more like dying all
by myself; saw the most beautiful roses you refused
to look at as you are focused on your own mission
Quickly get things then running home, I run after you
like a demented athlete at the local zombie marathon;
now sitting outside a martyr to my hearing as there is
a high, thin staccato voice on sports TV drumming into
my skull, just this morning I got my son to tune out the
heavy bass in his music as it drives me mad and now
this – sitting in the cold with earphones, safe from the
invasive noises of radio & TV while my ankles freeze
The problem is that the new earphones put pressure on
my ears and I dare not complain as I chose these myself
and you bought them as a gift - let me try to wear them
out some, take off my glasses and not breathe a word
of distress; the pressure increasing and I’m freezing…
Ave Maria in a shopping centre right after listening to
Maria Callas is a great disappointment, though sacred
feeling is alive in my heart and seems to follow me like
a misty silver-blue aura while I float down the stalls, it
reaches nobody else and I sound more like dying all
by myself; saw the most beautiful roses you refused
to look at as you are focused on your own mission
Quickly get things then running home, I run after you
like a demented athlete at the local zombie marathon;
now sitting outside a martyr to my hearing as there is
a high, thin staccato voice on sports TV drumming into
my skull, just this morning I got my son to tune out the
heavy bass in his music as it drives me mad and now
this – sitting in the cold with earphones, safe from the
invasive noises of radio & TV while my ankles freeze
The problem is that the new earphones put pressure on
my ears and I dare not complain as I chose these myself
and you bought them as a gift - let me try to wear them
out some, take off my glasses and not breathe a word
of distress; the pressure increasing and I’m freezing…
Friday, April 25, 2014
Enough To Help Me [REVISED]
Drank vodkatini to escape my allergy, tried tequila
yesterday, simply ate dangerous food today - only
because I had nothing else, couldn’t think of what
to do; now I have to fight over-whelming lassitude,
lack of decision - and ever threatening depression
when you express lack of happiness in your daily
Life; I sympathise, but how much more wonderful
when its your own optimistic self - tho’ insomniac
last night so I told you stories from NatGeoWild -
zoo-keeper raising a 4-month old kangaroo, how
a lion ate a baby giraffe, a crocodile taken from a
mud-pit, its water having been drained
To a crocodile girlfriend; you fell asleep, I thought
you would but I couldn’t sleep, wrote the penitent
verse on aversion to voluptuous Barbie dolls, MY
favourite dolls look like 5-year old kids – then my
poet mentor ignored it as frivolity not making the
grade - and with your good news of receiving
Money due to you I’m even more depressed and
since you feel so down champagne isn’t on yet -
at least I have ‘Dragon’s Den’ and ‘Strictly Come
Dancing’; a fairytale on Sunday - enough to help
me through the grey reality in which we live our
little lives…
yesterday, simply ate dangerous food today - only
because I had nothing else, couldn’t think of what
to do; now I have to fight over-whelming lassitude,
lack of decision - and ever threatening depression
when you express lack of happiness in your daily
Life; I sympathise, but how much more wonderful
when its your own optimistic self - tho’ insomniac
last night so I told you stories from NatGeoWild -
zoo-keeper raising a 4-month old kangaroo, how
a lion ate a baby giraffe, a crocodile taken from a
mud-pit, its water having been drained
To a crocodile girlfriend; you fell asleep, I thought
you would but I couldn’t sleep, wrote the penitent
verse on aversion to voluptuous Barbie dolls, MY
favourite dolls look like 5-year old kids – then my
poet mentor ignored it as frivolity not making the
grade - and with your good news of receiving
Money due to you I’m even more depressed and
since you feel so down champagne isn’t on yet -
at least I have ‘Dragon’s Den’ and ‘Strictly Come
Dancing’; a fairytale on Sunday - enough to help
me through the grey reality in which we live our
little lives…
Shine Laserlight Brain [SHORTENED]
What a gem, the world’s history told by a Tibetan hermit,
incorporated into my expanding kaleidoscopic world view
with Zecharia Sitchin, the Bible and evolution directed by
the earth’s rhythms; wondering again about planet Tiamat
split in two by Niburu and one piece still intact
The remnant of the other half formed the asteroid belt, the
Moon accompanying Tiamat, oceans flowing into the hole
left by the lost half, concurring with Velikovsky & Zitchin’s
Sumerian chronicles: explosions, incandescent gas globes,
an advanced race bringing life to a wobbling Earth
A nuclear bomb destroying earth, a warlike race wasting the
solar system, a planet dislodged struck Earth, a few humans
and animals survived to continue into an ice age - one can
incorporate everything in one theory, every particle contains
all the rest, just think holistically of Indra’s heaven
Never be scared of a different opinion, everyone has the right
to their own ideas, pounce on everything good to increase the
number of facets in our amplituhedron world; shining your laser
light-brain on everything, including every beautiful scientific
or spiritual theory…
[Lobsang Rampa – The Hermit – Abraham: Everything is true,
WE decide which truth to live by investing belief in it; because
we are free to use our brain to examine every aspect of our
mental and physical reality!]
Shine Laserlight Brain - [ORIGINAL]
Coming upon this gem, the history of the world according to a
Tibetan hermit - incorporated into my expanding kaleidoscopic
world view – making space for Zecharia Sitchin, the Bible and
evolution directed by the earth’s rhythms, I read and wondered
again about the planet Tiamat cleft in two by Niburu
The planet, now halved, one piece still intact while the remnant
of the other half formed the asteroid belt, and the Moon still ac-
companying our stricken planet until the wounds were healed,
the water spreading in the hole left by the lost half, so concurring
with Velikovsky and Zecharia Zitchin’s Sumerian chronicles:
Our time started when a huge comet collided with a dead world
in Milky Way’s centre - exploding incandescent gas globes shot
out to form the planets, an advanced race explored new worlds,
dropping biological specimens on land and sea; many millennia
later they were inspired to bring huge dinosaurs to planet Earth
When the Earth wobbled on its axis they broke up the one super-
continent with a laser beam and after thousands of years with so
many climate changes, humanity developed a mighty civilization,
but mankind stole the advanced race’s technology - fought them
and let off a nuclear device which all but destroyed the planet
Sinking cities and continents beneath the oceans, for centuries
the advanced race stayed away from the irradiated planet and
on their return brought more human and animal specimens for
spreading on all continents, humans built cities & worshipped
the supervising race as gods then a terrible thing happened
A race with horny growths on the forehead from another galaxy
attacked the advanced race’s empire wasting our solar system
with cataclysmic battles in the skies; atmospheres blasted away,
worlds destroyed, a planet dislodged striking the Earth to cause
a catastrophic loss of life while just a few humans and animals
Helped by the advanced race, sailed to safety in an ark and all
ended in an ice age which covered the earth for so long… see
it’s possible to incorporate everything in every theory, just think
holistically, fit bits and pieces into a giant jigsaw puzzle, look
for similarity and never be scared of a new opinion, accept
That everyone has the right to have their own viewpoint, pounce
on everything good in their idea – increase the number of facets
of our hologram reality by shining your laser light-brain on every
part of reality and every beautiful scientific or spiritual theory…
[Lobsang Rampa – The Hermit – Everything is true, WE decide
which truth to incorporate in our lives by investing our belief in
it; all because we are free to use our brain and examine every
aspect of our mental and physical reality! ]
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Doll Aficionado [REVISED]
Amazing, a human ‘Barbie’ wearing thick make-up and
contact lenses to replicate the doll; another ‘would-be’
getting her brain emptied by hypnotherapy to become
its mindless namesake. She should be told there is no
need for this measure, the desire to become just like
the doll shows she is already there in her mind
There’s no need for more - she’s like the princess who
arrives at a pool where all go to become beautiful and
is told her doing good deeds made her shine so bright,
she already has all the beauty there is - dare I criticise
when there’s a paper doll next to my bed just to remind
me of joy in her face - of the wonderment
A Charlotte Brontë plastic doll on my desk inspires me
by her determined eyes, her rosebud smile, what right
have I, doll aficionado, to criticise women who want to
appear dolls symbolising youth and love; difference is
my dolls stand for genius and look like 5yr olds - very
different from the voluptuous near-adult Barbies…
Another Office Daydream
in the open-plan office I concocted a plan to the
advantage of both of us - lent her my ‘Phantom
of the Opera’ DVD so she can watch it, gave her
my ‘Phantom’ music score with lyrics, eventually
we can sing the songs together - beginning with
‘Think of Me Fondly’ – thus her love of song
will include the lyrics and melodies I love…
My colleague Hanlie said when she was about 7
she made her own magazine and wrote her own
short stories - reminding me I babbled pretending
I could speak strange languages when I was small
told children’s stories on our old type-recorder and
changed my voice for each character, the best fun
ever and later, imitating BBC radio drama, enjoyed
practising fake Spanish & Russian accents
Since we can recall such happy times we’ll add to
these memories - Hanlie writing book reports - and
Mimi singing ‘Phantom of the Opera songs with me,
when dancing to the melodies of ‘The Merry Widow’,
Mankidi wanted to learn these steps borrowed from
Mandela’s magical shuffle which had once made the
Queen of England dance with him – we could try to
convince the Chief Director to dance also
Yet it would be more sophisticated to dance a tango
with him, imitating Death taking Renata Flitworth to
the harvest feast, moving up and down arms held
in the air like the prow of an old sailing ship - ah,
another office daydream…
[Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett]
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Digesting Lovable Lobsang
Lobsang Rampa makes for happy reading -
he claims average man vibrates at a certain
frequency which puts him within range of one
specific octave & so he remains unaware of
life-forms in all other octaves – this explains
why I can’t see ghosts, my frequency must
be very specific for human beings only
Tibetan monks found a cave with relics from
an earlier civilisation, a scary theory without
the balance derived from relativism claiming
relics actually come from the future, with time
travel so prevalent a concept it’s a great idea;
then there is a reference to Mme Blavatsky’s
warning against the power of Thought Forms
Which could persecute their creator, Lobsang
confirms this telling of a Japanese monk who
read a lot & dabbled in the occult until his own
Thought Form haunted him; the monk ingested
too many conflicting theories without digesting
the contents - ah, I’m safe, I digest all I read,
making summaries and drawing conclusions
Before tackling the next book, wide reading
convinced me we all have a right to cherish
childhood ideas of celestial provision since
nothing deters our Oversouls from listening
to our petitions; we can create our own life
to bring us into contact with sweet people
& creatures, thank you Lobsang Rampa
For hours of enjoyable reading, not letting
fear for the base beings in the lower astral
regions overpower you as they were power-
less against your purity when you looked
them in the eye while exploring those low-
frequency dimensions, saving us from
going there inadvertently, teaching us
What happens when a guilty conscience is
allowed to make life a living hell - we
can take care to live in unconditional
love for a happy, shining life…
Sweet Beguilement [REVISED]
They who lament absence of technique and mature sound
in young upstarts & wannabes who, even before 10 years
of age imitate opera greats, belt out ‘O Mio Babbino Caro’
with shrill voices yet sweet middle register – should state
which role models they would decree for these singers
who value and excellence so much
Should they be denied joy in singing like their favourite
‘artistes’ because they’re too young to possess mature
vocal chords, remain in shadows until years of singing
classes perfect their diction, depriving the masses that
sweet beguilement offered by these talented dreamers;
or should they all imitate modern pop stars
Celestial music rendered in very young voices holds
such beautiful promise it charms more than an expert
lyrical rendering of emotional distress threatening 17yr
olds; like scenes of an expansive Diva’s mature Valkyrie
who trills threats to papa in shaky voice overpowered
by emotion, hiccupping with carefully wrought tears…
Here we have a great problem and eternal conundrum;
we only find 10yr olds or large Grande Dames singing
these songs: Why no 17yr olds? And ‘Nessum Dorma',
so dramatically destroyed by the three tenors in André
Rieu’s concerts so much so that I must bypass them
when concentrating against the background music -
Sung so enchantingly in Amira’s immature sweet voice,
shrill in high notes but controlled by adding cute shy
vibrato - oh heavens, how masterly she controls it, just
needs time to develop better vocal chords, thus Nessum
Dorma is restored, like resurrection belief in Biblical
characters, joy in musical prodigies heroic attempts
Can’t be measured or taken away while we have free
access to the Internet…
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Delightful Pain
Back at work after Easter break
Thokozile sighs, not ready yet and
I laugh, glad to be back, searching for
Information and enjoying my lovely
snow queen work station
I explain my theory of the privilege we
have to complain while we’re sure of a
job never having to wake up in the pain
of unemployment or feeling hungry unless
we’re dieting of course – a self-inflicted
suffering making us virtuous paragons
of sacrifice for comely appearance
I tell her we even have all the security guards
to talk to when we’re lonely, that we ENJOY
complaining about imaginary deprivation -
we cheerfully accept the responsibility for
enunciating about so-called difficulties
and she agrees, it IS fun to be here
Dr Joyce and Winston both admonish me to
publish one day, but I explain a publisher must
make a profit to make it a viable proposition – they
don’t understand because all their writings in an
African language are published immediately as
part a project to promote these, I smile, for
Me - writing is about freedom of expression and
leaving a legacy, hoping someday people might
read about the Department of Arts and Culture
where we forged a new way of life and sought
the way forward in post-apartheid South Africa
I send information about the new Dutch singing
sensation to all my colleagues and enjoy their
surprise when learning this little girl with South
African roots sings like Maria Callas –
What a wonderful day - to be alive in the office
to enjoy some more delightful pain…
[Tuesday 22 April 2014]
Diary Notes: Happy Suffering
Back at work after Easter break
my colleague sighs she’s not ready yet
I laugh because I’m glad to be back
searching for information and enjoying
my lovely snow queen work station
I explain my theory of the privilege we
have to complain while we’re sure of a
job and never have to wake up in the
pain of unemployment or feeling hungry
unless we’re dieting of course – which is
another self-inflicted suffering for the
privileged which makes us into virtuous
paragons of sacrifice for appearance
I tell Thokozile that we even have all the
security guards to talk to when we’re lonely,
that we ENJOY complaining about imaginary
deprivations, that we cheerfully accept the
responsibility for enunciating about so-called
difficulties and she agrees, it IS fun to be here
in the office – then I meet Dr Joyce and Winston
Both admonishing me to publish one day, I explain
a publisher must make a profit to make it a viable
proposition – they don’t understand at all because their
writings in African languages are published as part
of a project to promote these - I smile, for me writing
is about enjoying freedom of expression and leaving
a legacy, hoping someday people might read about
the Department of Arts and Culture where we forged
a new way of life and sought the way forward - then
I send information about the new Dutch singing
sensation to all my colleagues and enjoy their
surprise about a little girl with South African
roots singing like Maria Callas –
What a wonderful day to be alive in the office to
enjoy some more happy suffering…
[Tuesday 22 April 2014]
Thokozile sighs, not ready yet and
I laugh, glad to be back, searching for
Information and enjoying my lovely
snow queen work station
I explain my theory of the privilege we
have to complain while we’re sure of a
job never having to wake up in the pain
of unemployment or feeling hungry unless
we’re dieting of course – a self-inflicted
suffering making us virtuous paragons
of sacrifice for comely appearance
I tell her we even have all the security guards
to talk to when we’re lonely, that we ENJOY
complaining about imaginary deprivation -
we cheerfully accept the responsibility for
enunciating about so-called difficulties
and she agrees, it IS fun to be here
Dr Joyce and Winston both admonish me to
publish one day, but I explain a publisher must
make a profit to make it a viable proposition – they
don’t understand because all their writings in an
African language are published immediately as
part a project to promote these, I smile, for
Me - writing is about freedom of expression and
leaving a legacy, hoping someday people might
read about the Department of Arts and Culture
where we forged a new way of life and sought
the way forward in post-apartheid South Africa
I send information about the new Dutch singing
sensation to all my colleagues and enjoy their
surprise when learning this little girl with South
African roots sings like Maria Callas –
What a wonderful day - to be alive in the office
to enjoy some more delightful pain…
[Tuesday 22 April 2014]
Diary Notes: Happy Suffering
Back at work after Easter break
my colleague sighs she’s not ready yet
I laugh because I’m glad to be back
searching for information and enjoying
my lovely snow queen work station
I explain my theory of the privilege we
have to complain while we’re sure of a
job and never have to wake up in the
pain of unemployment or feeling hungry
unless we’re dieting of course – which is
another self-inflicted suffering for the
privileged which makes us into virtuous
paragons of sacrifice for appearance
I tell Thokozile that we even have all the
security guards to talk to when we’re lonely,
that we ENJOY complaining about imaginary
deprivations, that we cheerfully accept the
responsibility for enunciating about so-called
difficulties and she agrees, it IS fun to be here
in the office – then I meet Dr Joyce and Winston
Both admonishing me to publish one day, I explain
a publisher must make a profit to make it a viable
proposition – they don’t understand at all because their
writings in African languages are published as part
of a project to promote these - I smile, for me writing
is about enjoying freedom of expression and leaving
a legacy, hoping someday people might read about
the Department of Arts and Culture where we forged
a new way of life and sought the way forward - then
I send information about the new Dutch singing
sensation to all my colleagues and enjoy their
surprise about a little girl with South African
roots singing like Maria Callas –
What a wonderful day to be alive in the office to
enjoy some more happy suffering…
[Tuesday 22 April 2014]
Monday, April 21, 2014
What We Approve Of

I love the animated movie ‘Hotel Transylvania’
about monsters like Dracula and people facing
their fear for each other, discovering love is a
common theme - no monster is unlovable and
beneath superficial differences all life is about
respect and friendship; the movie connects to
spiritual theories that things we fear, such as
Monsters, demons, devils and witches, are all
our imaginary creations; we unmask any fear-
inspiring concept by setting aside prejudice;
Discworld creator, Terry Pratchett, makes his
witches wise old women who use the powers of
nature to help people while wizards are there
to keep magic controlled; his Tiffany Aching
Realises stereotyping through stories are wrong,
old women persecuted as dangerous witches are
usually lonely and poor, Pratchett says Narrative
Imperative compels girls to passively wait for a
prince to rescue them - so then Pratchett sends in
the witches to intervene & set them free to create
their own destiny; once we learn to appreciate all
Things in existence so that nothing is labelled
‘enemy’ and we stop fighting wars over things
we hate, concentrating instead on what we
approve, life will get better for everyone…
Saturday, April 19, 2014
And She Is Free [REVISED]
A divine-voiced diva at 9, prima donna at 10 - she
sings with total devotion - mastered notes, vibrato,
phrasing and meaning, powerfully conveys all in a
sweet voice vibrant in deep, emotional feeling - ‘an
old soul’ commend contest judges, recovering from
the first shock of hearing young Amira Willighagen
When she’d just burst onto the scene; and she does
not imitate pop classics - moulds herself on Maria
Callas and Placido Domingo; still loves her sports -
dreams of competing in The Olympics, she might
continue singing, her future is open, she is free to
choose anything…
[Amira Willighagen won Holland’s Got Talent 2013]
A divine-voiced diva at 9, prima donna at 10 - she
sings with total devotion - mastered notes, vibrato,
phrasing and meaning, powerfully conveys all in a
sweet voice vibrant in deep, emotional feeling - ‘an
old soul’ commend contest judges, recovering from
the first shock of hearing young Amira Willighagen
When she’d just burst onto the scene; and she does
not imitate pop classics - moulds herself on Maria
Callas and Placido Domingo; still loves her sports -
dreams of competing in The Olympics, she might
continue singing, her future is open, she is free to
choose anything…
[Amira Willighagen won Holland’s Got Talent 2013]
In A New Light [REVISED]
Taking a life to appease an angry deity’s wrath
makes me feel terribly depressed - when death
is seen as godly punishment life loses meaning,
life rejoices in unconditional love which needs
no atonement to please offended deities who
are represented by a caste of dour priest
I believe in superconsciousness as intelligent
and loving electro-magnetic energy manifest
in all life-forms, and every mind with unique
interpretation colours the information as each
presents the universe in a new light - and life
exists in the joy of creating new things
By investing belief in a creed we can bring
it about as we embrace unconditional love;
trust has to be earned - but true love sets no
such constraints respecting the variety and
beauty in every life-form, real love has
no place for threats of eternal revenge
When we make our goal joyful being instead
of cold non-existence, offering unconditional
love as acceptance of everything - in awe and
delight - nobody having to suffer or hang on
a cross for this imagined godly judgment of
humanity’s seemingly sinful fallen nature
We shall live in a free universe where all can
choose how to live life within a framework of
respect and unconditional love...
[Easter 2014]
makes me feel terribly depressed - when death
is seen as godly punishment life loses meaning,
life rejoices in unconditional love which needs
no atonement to please offended deities who
are represented by a caste of dour priest
I believe in superconsciousness as intelligent
and loving electro-magnetic energy manifest
in all life-forms, and every mind with unique
interpretation colours the information as each
presents the universe in a new light - and life
exists in the joy of creating new things
By investing belief in a creed we can bring
it about as we embrace unconditional love;
trust has to be earned - but true love sets no
such constraints respecting the variety and
beauty in every life-form, real love has
no place for threats of eternal revenge
When we make our goal joyful being instead
of cold non-existence, offering unconditional
love as acceptance of everything - in awe and
delight - nobody having to suffer or hang on
a cross for this imagined godly judgment of
humanity’s seemingly sinful fallen nature
We shall live in a free universe where all can
choose how to live life within a framework of
respect and unconditional love...
[Easter 2014]
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
A Hostile World [Revised]
The Duchess lives light-years away in another universe,
a different world where crooks abound & criminals take
each other for a ride - its impossible for anyone to bend
them into account; so she scolds me a-plenty but fails
to dent any of her escorts hardened minds
The Duchess’s world is a topsy-turvy place, one where
she cannot understand why all the nasty types treat her
without respect, though her attitude affronts I suspect;
she won’t listen to me, takes umbrage when I dare raise
the subject, so I bite my tongue, look straight ahead
With her leading when tackling this world, she showers
me with gifts, spending money in a way that would make
Queen Elizabeth blanche, she’s nice until someone gets
in her way or says a critical word; then she explodes and
scoffing she turns on her heel, me in tow like a satellite
Circling the sun of Her Majesty making her way to a place
I couldn’t find on my own; the Duchess took the Queen of
Hearts away from her throne in the Old Age Home, both
delighted about challenges they face in a hostile world
inhabited by the Duchess and her scary opponents…
a different world where crooks abound & criminals take
each other for a ride - its impossible for anyone to bend
them into account; so she scolds me a-plenty but fails
to dent any of her escorts hardened minds
The Duchess’s world is a topsy-turvy place, one where
she cannot understand why all the nasty types treat her
without respect, though her attitude affronts I suspect;
she won’t listen to me, takes umbrage when I dare raise
the subject, so I bite my tongue, look straight ahead
With her leading when tackling this world, she showers
me with gifts, spending money in a way that would make
Queen Elizabeth blanche, she’s nice until someone gets
in her way or says a critical word; then she explodes and
scoffing she turns on her heel, me in tow like a satellite
Circling the sun of Her Majesty making her way to a place
I couldn’t find on my own; the Duchess took the Queen of
Hearts away from her throne in the Old Age Home, both
delighted about challenges they face in a hostile world
inhabited by the Duchess and her scary opponents…
Our Quantum-Butterfly
Look at the form of the amplituhedron to see where
space and time begin emerging from its* geometry,
now I know where Johnny* went when he took his
friends into a different space outside time, beyond
the realms of the universe after travelling back into
the past like Mrs Tachyon; in order to prevent the
death of people in his home town during WWII
Johnny escaped from the amplituhedron within which
we ordinary mortals live; stepping into the world of the
immortals where the constraints of time and space do
not exist, where pure magnetic electricity sparkles with
consciousness - an Archimedes' Point from where the
quantum-butterfly amplituhedron-form of our reality is
seen to shine; and the entrance into space and time
Is known to Spiritualists as a Portal into the beauty of
3-D holographic life where spirals create intersecting
planes of triangles, fitting together in polygons – how
amazing that our world formed in the scatter patterns
of nuclear particles, in ever-widening rhythmic circles,
how fantastic that science provides explanations for
phenomena previously obscured by the strange terms*
Used by Eastern Mystics and Victorian Spiritualists…
[its* the amplituhedron's]
[constant mutation in an ever-increasing vibration
where form is the result of the desire for existence]
[*Terry Pratchett: Johnny and the Bomb]
Monday, April 14, 2014
Riddle of Quantum Entanglement [REVISED]
Spiritual seers already know quantum entanglement
as all consciousness is indivisible, life forms pretend
to be separate to heighten the suspense of illusory
reality where independent particles seem to engage
in random events - yet at the subatomic level
Particles separated in time and space react together
as if information can travel faster than light or can go
back in time; fact is every particle knows exactly what
is happening to the other because all are tuned to the
same frequency receiving the same information
Symbolised by Indra’s pearls hung in such a way that
every pearl reflects all the others & Explained by laser
light showing every PART of a hologram contains the
complete original; together ancient Indian mysticism &
modern Western laser-light-reconstitution-science
Solve the riddle of quantum entanglement seen when
two separate-in-time-and-space particles BOTH react
IMMEDIATELY to events taking place in the presence
of only ONE of these particles!
Spiritual seers and mediumistic connoisseurs know
the concept of quantum entanglement well because
to them all consciousness is indivisible, life pretends
to be separate to heighten the drama and suspense
of illusionary reality where all independent particles
seemingly engage in random events; yet at
The subatomic level particles separated in time and
space react together giving rise to scientific theories
like cause traveling faster than light or going back in
time; yet every particle knows what is happening to
every other because they share one consciousness
and all react to the same stimulants; t’is explained
In the symbolism of Indra’s pearls where every pearl
is hung in such a way that all the other pearls reflect
in every individual one -and every part of a hologram
contains a picture of the complete original; thus the
symbolism of ancient Eastern mysticism and modern
Western science as revealed by laser light
Solves the riddle of quantum entanglement where
particles react to the same stimuli although they
are separated in time and space….
Friday, April 11, 2014
Gushing Appearances [REVISED]
The Duchess is gushing, saying - How are you? -
We must meet again! afterwards claiming she’ll
not meet with them as her station disallows this
I don’t get a word in, raise my hand for a turn to
speak when her impatience allows; why a false
bonhomie - why ersatz overwhelming delight?
She doesn’t care much, why not be kind while
keeping distance dignified; I’m resigned, such
is the Duchess, believing her thoughts secret
But through telepathy people subliminally grasp
the feelings behind deeds - she complains they
are nasty when she meets them again, after her
Having been so friendly it does not make sense;
yet she lost her jovial mask when security was
tardy letting us in - revealing her true feelings
In screaming at him - the lowest social hierarchy
deserving of MORE respect than the rest, called
him spiteful though he obeyed rules; her erratic
Irrational behaviour won't endear her to anyone -
I dared to say rashly: Suspecting people of spite
creates telepathic expectation to be fulfilled by
Them - she told me furiously to back off, I realise
we use similar terms to mean different things, I
conclude she cannot understand people being
Offended at her working so hard on appearing
friendly, not understanding that only by being
open and honest can we give and receive
Real friendship and love
We must meet again! afterwards claiming she’ll
not meet with them as her station disallows this
I don’t get a word in, raise my hand for a turn to
speak when her impatience allows; why a false
bonhomie - why ersatz overwhelming delight?
She doesn’t care much, why not be kind while
keeping distance dignified; I’m resigned, such
is the Duchess, believing her thoughts secret
But through telepathy people subliminally grasp
the feelings behind deeds - she complains they
are nasty when she meets them again, after her
Having been so friendly it does not make sense;
yet she lost her jovial mask when security was
tardy letting us in - revealing her true feelings
In screaming at him - the lowest social hierarchy
deserving of MORE respect than the rest, called
him spiteful though he obeyed rules; her erratic
Irrational behaviour won't endear her to anyone -
I dared to say rashly: Suspecting people of spite
creates telepathic expectation to be fulfilled by
Them - she told me furiously to back off, I realise
we use similar terms to mean different things, I
conclude she cannot understand people being
Offended at her working so hard on appearing
friendly, not understanding that only by being
open and honest can we give and receive
Real friendship and love
The Real Perpetrator [REVISED]
We meet with Anne - a small, dark, dapper figure
hinting at dark intrigue telling us Conan - our Dad*
received thousands from Dr-Know-It-All, her Dad*
rumoured to have squandered a fortune upon Conan
‘tis enthralling; where’d Conan hide his stash, when
did he take charge of it and to whom did he pass it -
BUT Duchess says impossible, Dad never enters a
bank on his own, this is a cover for one with access
To Dr-Know-It-All’s money; Duchess* & I look at
each other - agreeing we shan’t challenge this great
idea to protect the identity of the one who fabricated
this cover story, we can’t ever tell Conan, given that
He’s expert at cursing - though dad never mastered
banking, he would argue his case vehemently in the
most aggressive tones and the romantic tales of his
shenanigans is dad’s only claim to fame, as long as
Anne doesn’t accuse him to his face; Duchess and
I relish the fact that the two brothers* helped each
Other, the Queen-Of-Hearts* said Conan gave his
brother Dr-Know-It-All money; the converse now
Claimed by Anne: the truth is lost with the death of
Dr Know-It-All, asking Dad will cause trouble - to
picture blunt, bumbling Conan as the scam’s author
is so absurd we burst out laughing - knowing that
We shall always protect the real perpetrator from
Anne’s terrifying volcanic wrath…
[our Dad* = Conan the Barbarian, father of Duchess and Alice
Her Dad* = Doctor-Know-It-All, father of Anne and her sister ‘Twinkles’
*Duchess = I am Alice and Duchess is my twin sis
*the Queen-Of-Hearts = Conan’s wife, mother of Duchess
and Alice]
hinting at dark intrigue telling us Conan - our Dad*
received thousands from Dr-Know-It-All, her Dad*
rumoured to have squandered a fortune upon Conan
‘tis enthralling; where’d Conan hide his stash, when
did he take charge of it and to whom did he pass it -
BUT Duchess says impossible, Dad never enters a
bank on his own, this is a cover for one with access
To Dr-Know-It-All’s money; Duchess* & I look at
each other - agreeing we shan’t challenge this great
idea to protect the identity of the one who fabricated
this cover story, we can’t ever tell Conan, given that
He’s expert at cursing - though dad never mastered
banking, he would argue his case vehemently in the
most aggressive tones and the romantic tales of his
shenanigans is dad’s only claim to fame, as long as
Anne doesn’t accuse him to his face; Duchess and
I relish the fact that the two brothers* helped each
Other, the Queen-Of-Hearts* said Conan gave his
brother Dr-Know-It-All money; the converse now
Claimed by Anne: the truth is lost with the death of
Dr Know-It-All, asking Dad will cause trouble - to
picture blunt, bumbling Conan as the scam’s author
is so absurd we burst out laughing - knowing that
We shall always protect the real perpetrator from
Anne’s terrifying volcanic wrath…
[our Dad* = Conan the Barbarian, father of Duchess and Alice
Her Dad* = Doctor-Know-It-All, father of Anne and her sister ‘Twinkles’
*Duchess = I am Alice and Duchess is my twin sis
*the Queen-Of-Hearts = Conan’s wife, mother of Duchess
and Alice]
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Good Neighbours
Don’t suppose it matters much who’s in the chair
when dithering, as such, on keeping the CMATS
split square - like what’s needed to keep them or
us sincere. Should we explain there’s $40b in oil
and gas reserves at back of this
Okay, we may have been gathering intelligence,
who’s so naive as to not dip in a hand, ’n sneak
a bit - but it is not spying; that is slimy stuff - we
peak only into affairs where threat is to National
security - which Timorese don’t happen to be
But this is a bilateral treaty on - ‘certain maritime
arrangements in the Timor Sea’, a mouthful, yes
one with disproportionate profits to be gleaned -
and under the UN aegis we’re cautioned to be a
good neighbour, or be thought of badly
So we’ve taken a smack on the hand for ASIO
seizing East Timorese documents when raiding
a lawyer’s office in Canberra, he’s on their legal
team, but UN’s top court’s ruled we don’t have
to return the stuff, just keep it under wraps
And that’s considered victory for an underhand
act of undiplomatic savagery using raw powers
to force the Timorous beasties to see things as
we do - or wear the consequences of losing an
open and shut case to ‘de jure' spying
© 4 March 2014, I. D. Carswell
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
New Perspectives On Old Themes
It seems the amplituhedron which is pure triangle
geometry giving birth to space and time - - means
our universe began as a snakes-and-ladders game
when pure consciousness thought of going straight
up and once it reached the top, thought of
Joyously sailing down a coiling snake – so space
and time are not inherent features of reality as they
came into being only after movement created form;
our thoughts are beyond geometry and can freely
move without constraint of time and space
As has been claimed by Spiritualists; reality is multi-
faceted and as unpredictable as a quantum butterfly
within infinite possibilities depicted as eternal spirals
to be redone as often and for as long as we like and
we get to decide what the purpose of life should be:
Happiness and joy, adventure just for fun in an eternal
play forever changing, creating new intrigues while life
is eternally renewed in every new being who appears
upon the scene with new perspectives on old themes,
again and again and again….
geometry giving birth to space and time - - means
our universe began as a snakes-and-ladders game
when pure consciousness thought of going straight
up and once it reached the top, thought of
Joyously sailing down a coiling snake – so space
and time are not inherent features of reality as they
came into being only after movement created form;
our thoughts are beyond geometry and can freely
move without constraint of time and space
As has been claimed by Spiritualists; reality is multi-
faceted and as unpredictable as a quantum butterfly
within infinite possibilities depicted as eternal spirals
to be redone as often and for as long as we like and
we get to decide what the purpose of life should be:
Happiness and joy, adventure just for fun in an eternal
play forever changing, creating new intrigues while life
is eternally renewed in every new being who appears
upon the scene with new perspectives on old themes,
again and again and again….
Without Constraint (REVISED)
To me it seems the amplituhedron
which is the form, the geometry
giving birth to space and time,
means our universe is a snakes-and-
ladders game which begins when
there is
consciousness deciding to
conceive a ladder to move up and
when on top, finds joy in thinking
of sailing down a coiling snake -
and this creates triangles by which
this mind artificially creates space
and time - as a result of the form
and not as the pre-conditions for
situating things - all this making
me feel better about life as a game
in which our thoughts freely move
everywhere without constraint of
time and space…
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