I love the animated movie ‘Hotel Transylvania’
about monsters like Dracula and people facing
their fear for each other, discovering love is a
common theme - no monster is unlovable and
beneath superficial differences all life is about
respect and friendship; the movie connects to
spiritual theories that things we fear, such as
Monsters, demons, devils and witches, are all
our imaginary creations; we unmask any fear-
inspiring concept by setting aside prejudice;
Discworld creator, Terry Pratchett, makes his
witches wise old women who use the powers of
nature to help people while wizards are there
to keep magic controlled; his Tiffany Aching
Realises stereotyping through stories are wrong,
old women persecuted as dangerous witches are
usually lonely and poor, Pratchett says Narrative
Imperative compels girls to passively wait for a
prince to rescue them - so then Pratchett sends in
the witches to intervene & set them free to create
their own destiny; once we learn to appreciate all
Things in existence so that nothing is labelled
‘enemy’ and we stop fighting wars over things
we hate, concentrating instead on what we
approve, life will get better for everyone…
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