Monday, May 19, 2014

Assassin Snow Queen [REV.]

Wishing to accomplish something I rambled about
and found a black velvet assassins’ Fedora in the
Chinese shop, the cerise one with blue and purple
flowers I wore got on my nerves - silver nail polish
now greatly augments a Snow Queen feel which
complements a sophisticated assassin deal

Returned to an office so hot I can’t breathe, wet nail
polish means I can’t rig a sun screen or don shorts
to replace thick black pants combating earlier cold,
the Snow Queen’s in a hot spot - replaced my hat
with Snow Queen crown, a shiny Alice headband;
accomplished the above before a dreary

Afternoon within a chocolate breakfast sugar effect
compounded depressively by cake on a stick mom
and I managed to eat - I really miss healthy eating
and books to read, bored with my own  company
but loath to inflict myself on anyone else as I feel
invisible within a misty pink allergy, though

Don’t tell others my sorrow since they think I’m
always happy - yet it’s the joy of their presence
as soon as I’m alone allergy invades my space
making me depressed, I hope the new Fedora
fires my imagination to soar to dreamy heights
and jump through the magic portal to

Leave the reality of space-time governing within
the form of our universe’s amplituhedron to gaze
with joy at the soul’s infinite landscapes waiting
to be explored by time travellers like me – an
Invisible Assassin Snow Queen

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