Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Love Story Of The Ages [2nd rev.]

It was wonderful, De Santillana & Von Deschend’s
interpretation that old myths and legends illustrate
precession of the equinox – now I read our planet
earth’s not wobbling upon her axis, scientists say
our Sun is dancing with a Dark Companion Star

Wobbling is illusionary, our blue planet belongs to
a celestial court pirouetting to the symphony of the
Sun serenading his Lady Star - as they circle each
other waltzing around the Milky Way centre where
they bow and curtsy, bobbing up and down, then

Start spiralling in a wild carousel to be caught in
the forceful attraction - of an invisible minx in the
far-off depths, igniting an imbroglio between the
3 beings while our happy blue Planet is regaled
by changing zodiac signs; now we know the

Solar System faces inert space together and our
Sun is NOT a lonely bachelor - he’s locked in a
dance with his Dark Lady Love completing a full
circle every 24 000 years in the Love Story of
the Ages; how much can poets read in this

Stately dance taking so many years to complete
creating a dramatic intrigue of infinite pages; how 

lovely to know that our blue Planet is anchored 
beneath the firmament - stable on her axis!


It was wonderful to read about precession of the equinox,
De Santillana and Von Deschend’s interpretation that
old myths and legends illustrated this, now the discovery
is that the Earth is not wobbling on its axis but our Sun
has a Dark Companion, this movement causes the illusion

Of wobbling while the Earth simply moves with the Sun
around a centre formed by two big Stars orbiting each
other, everything falls into place with this theory as the Sun
spirals around the Milky Way moving up and down like a
carousel; the whole Milky Way Merry-Go-Round is

Attracted by an invisible mass in the far depths of the
Universe; the phenomenon of Earth facing a different sign
of the zodiac is real, but it is new that the whole solar
system faces inert space together and the Sun is not a
lonely Star any more, he has his own binary system

Locked in a dance with his Dark Lady Love circling each
other every 24 000 years – this is the Love Story of ages,
an intrigue of infinite pages – how much could scribes read
into this Stately Dance taking so many years to complete
and how lovely that Earth is stable on its axis!


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