Saturday, July 5, 2014

Anything They Want [REV.]

While I live in a world of ideas my sister lives
in a world of events; I ponder imponderables,
or try to, watch ‘Back To The Future’ movies
speculating with characters about an ‘art’ of
changing past as well as present and future,
echoing the theories of Jane Robert’s Seth -
all time is simultaneous, we travel back and
forth in horizontal, vertical, diagonal & every
other line in between; our reality is but one
part of the turning ball of reality, that which
digitally switches on and off -

My sister’s embedded deep in life’s events,
living each experience with intensity that I
can’t match, and we are permitted different
realities because there’s space enough for
everyone; somewhere all theories become
true, it’s why life’s a great privilege created
as such moment by moment - & everyone
gets what they expect - if they understand
this they can create anything they want…

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