Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy Being; Joyful Existence [Rev]

In youth Learning is exalted in song, but growing
older knowledge loses its charm and this leads to
certain disappointment, in older age wisdom and
insight into the workings behind ordinary sight, the
invisible organisation behind life’s scenery can be
discovered, there are so many stories and various
interpretations, following them all leads to madness

Applying everything we come across is impossible
and criteria to determine choices are indispensable,
usefulness and practicality being the best norms for
determining ideals that confer beauty and magic to
life, we all seek happiness & finding principles that
lead to achieving this guides us wonderfully - in the
end we follow dreams growing from chosen attitude

When mom berated sis for doing housework when
great things should be accomplished, it was clear
why I want to enlarge my perspective everyday &
regard all routine action as a waste of time, even
learning new things through translation isn’t good
enough, everyday has to contain something life-
changing and beautiful – but today I’m going to

Be content regarding life on the African continent
as the only thing relevant to my little life wherein
lying in the sun as a dedicated crocodile’s the very
essence of being, the sensation of sun on skin the
epitome of happy being…


Joyful Existence [R]
Learning’s exalted in youth, but growing older the
charm of knowledge fades - wisdom & insight into
the invisible organisation behind ordinary life - the
mechanisms creating life’s scenery, is discovered;
following the stories about these is very confusing

Applying everything’s impossible, we need criteria
to evaluate - usefulness determines ideals which
bring beauty and magic into life, everybody seeks
happiness as we follow dreams: Mom berated sis
for doing menial work - instead of accomplishing

Great things: it’s th’   source of my existential angst
where routine is a waste of time, learning through
translation isn’t good enough as every single day 
MUST bring something life-changing & beautiful
YET today I choose to be content in my life on

The African Continent where lying in the sun as a
dedicated crocodile is the very essence of being,
the sensation of sun on skin seen as the epitome
of joyful existence versus non-existence….

[Shortened version of “Happy Being” to focus on the essential
message - happiness.]

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