Sunday, May 1, 2016

Strangle Me [Rev]

Suddenly, unexpectedly, you launched the attack as
irrational as a 3-year old; - YOU, you cried, pointing
at me, YOU opened the windows so I would freeze;
YOU, you accused - YOU hold everyone ransom to
the hot flushes nature visits upon you; so how dare
you make me suffer for your natural shortcomings -

I’ve been freezing all night, you add - spewing spit
deep from the pit of your angry mouth; ALL because
of YOU: resignedly I closed each window and glass
door - gratified to find myself unperturbed - getting
used to the Prima-Donna outbursts; I congratulate
myself, heart bursting with pride thinking you’re an

Itty-bitty baby to suffer so much under me; time to
take matters into your own hands & strangle me at
night given how much heartache I cause you suffer,
useless piece of humanity I am in your eyes - time
to create yourself a new life where no such sadistic
female like me inflicts cold upon your holy self - &

Your new mate brings in more money than I’d ever
make - So goodnight, Mr Prima-Donna - may your
dreams present you with a solution to indescribable
pain you’ve suffered all these years - read another
Agatha Christie & kill me in a way that you can go
free; your future’s winking without unseasonable

Cold caused by me, a thermostat-less Alien Being,
the unwelcome crocodile - get rid of this evil reptile,
feast ’til you’re replete in a world of gentle breeze & 
soft, autumnal wind sighing through trees - away with
me, the Barbarian turning your sweet life into misery
just by my fiery presence …

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