Thursday, May 25, 2017

Tender, Anyone [Rev]

Asking for language tenders, the Tender Committee sent
requests to catering companies - brilliant! Police, security
companies, sports teams, strip clubs; anyone was free to
enter their tender to translate, edit or interpret tho whether

Knowing a language or not is apparently irrelevant. The
tenders are awarded on a democratic basis - cheapest,
first come-first serve; it is so much fun and bureaucracy
becomes a haven for criminals inventing amazing ways

To exploit a system so joyously hilarious in its simplicity,
throwing open tenders without any impeding & irritating
conditions such as proven ability: tender anyone, tender
& make a fast buck, subcontract & don’t pay workers

If the unpaid subcontracted experts leave, use others,
this can continue indefinitely; tender, anyone - join in
the fun - funds to be shared amongst vagabonds and
every job in government is filled by incompetents who

Receive a high salary to solicit tenders from whoever
wants to make money subcontracting to experts who
won’t get paid & will be replaced by other incompetents
to be replaced over and over until another devious mind

Masterfully comes up with a new scheme - as long as
government survives in the interim - until we end up like
the Congo, where government employees are not paid,
left to take care of themselves

Congo: “Débrouillez-vous”—“You’re on your own” – Mobutu Sese Seko -
Government employees were not paid but expected to use their positions
to make a living.

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