Moon Maiden
Thus spoke the group of wise old men: Go find ye the Moon Maiden
who leads weary travelers through the valley of death unto the sun-
spoke wise old Dafydd: The world’s sad and full of Thunder - find ye
the Maiden of perfect technique whose Vibrato Wonder sounds over
Yonder; spoke wise old Keith: Nay, what brings thee through the Sea
of Crisis then the Sea of Rains, will be the spiritual themes of devotion
To fine nobility which saves those caught within the Ocean of Storms,
follow ye the Light of her Voice to the Sea of Serenity and onwards to
the Sea of Tranquility, as the Moon shines we see its Perigee bringing
storms in spring tides - but at its Apogee - the Moon sings with Amira
and all will become Serene and Tranquil, the Moon Maiden has found
Wisdom and shares it freely with all who thirst after the Joy of Insight
[Perigee: Moon nearest to earth, Apogee: Moon furthest from earth]
Rekindling Dreams
Is this Universe Infinite? - Judging by the power
of Love and Beauty in Amira’s songs as symbols
of angels supporting us & Amira’s voice rekindling
dreams of spiritual ideals in which a Higher Power
bequeaths talent to special people like Amira, and
Knowing that we can only see 15 billion light-years
far into space and beyond that could be Infinity with
an Eternity to learn about love; yet young Amira has
already spread more loving affection than many do
during a lifetime of seeking the meaning of Life, the
Universe & Everything - it seems Amira was sent to
bring us the symbol of a child singing heaven’s love
down on to a Finite Earth in an Infinite Universe…
Great Attractor
Hola, hombres - check the Seven Samurai
and their Great Attractor - - We Devotees
follow our own Great Attractor Amira who
pulls us to her with a radiant sound, which
reflects an inner tranquility and a love for
all people as seen in her shining eyes and
lovely smile - with which she regards us -
Until she sings: - Then her eyes turn in to
contemplate the Divine - spread kindness
and celestial forgiveness by means of her
lovely voice - the sound reaching beyond
a Milky Way Galaxy towards an amazing
Great Attractor: I do think the 7 Samurai
can be at peace since we have found the
Origin of the Attractive Power in Amira’s
songs - - Sparkling with Spiritual Glory!
[In 1980, 7 Astronomers, the 7 Samurai; sought The Great Attractor, a
gravitational anomaly in space - known by its effect on movement of
galaxies over hundreds-of-millions of light-years across the Universe.
- 7 Samurai: Alan Dressler, Roberto Terlevich, Donald Lynden-Bell
Gary Wegner, David Burnstein and Roger Davies - ]
Panoramic view of the entire near-infrared sky. Location of The Great
Attractor is shown following the long blue arrow at bottom right.
Her Voice Sounds So Profound
Do you think the Invisible Cosmic Administration
tunes in to the Solar System to listen when Amira
sings? - I agree with Terry Pratchett’s theory that
1% visible being is governed and recorded by 99%
Invisible Black Matter and Dark Energy
And as Wisdom, Love, Beauty, Music and Art all
form part of Amira’s art - and keep the Universe
from flying apart - while forming the Background
Microwave Sound against which her voice sounds
so profound, I suspect Superconsciousness
Loves Amira’s beautiful voice just as much as ALL
of us tuning in to listen to every song she has ever
sung while sighing for more - hoping and praying -
for the day when she will be holding concerts all
over the world and the Angels will attend at
Our Cosmic Address: The Cosmos, Centaurus Wall,
Virgo Supercluster, Milky Way, Orion Arm, Earth -
& most importantly, the Concert Hall where Amira
will be performing her lovely songs!
[Our Cosmic Address: Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm,
Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster,
Centaurus Wall, The Cosmos]