Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Harmonise Opposing Attitudes To Life

The Lord and Master of the Crocodile Castle was born with a need

to worry, when there is nothing to worry about, he makes something

up, either I am too quiet or too talkative; he used to worry about my

wayward family without medical insurance and yet they never asked

him for anything, now he is worrying about our children not insuring

themselves - he has to worry to stay alive - he has to find a bone of

contention and fight it to the ground


Worrying is his inner gauge telling him life is worth living and since I

enjoy being contrary and giving absurd replies - or recount bizarre

experiences like A Thousand Ways To Die, he goes into paroxysms

of fear and turns it around and around in his mind, trying to extricate

himself from the conundrums in life by arguing with me about being

illogical - and it takes me quite a while to calm him down after telling

him about the lady who killed her husband


While planning on killing her kids also - I shouldn’t plague him so, but

unfortunately, the funny and extraordinary holds such charm for me; it

is a difficult dance to harmonise our opposing attitudes to life - though

with great effort I manage to tell him how brilliant his worrying is, how

successful he is in keeping the things he worries about away from us:

wish he could learn to relax, to allow the Lord to take care of the world

while he only needs to take care of himself

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