Tuesday, November 1, 2022

If Akashic Records Exist

We seldom meet new people, when we do, I’m easily

impressed when the person does some extra reading,

we conversed about spiritualism and Buddhism - but

when the conversation derailed, I couldn’t fathom what

my new acquaintance meant, I said I loved the idea that


Everything is conscious and aware; meaning every sub-

atomic particle from iron to flowers, and he replied Yes,

then refuted everything I said about universal and inter-

subjective consciousness, indicating superficial reading

of spiritual material - now it has been revealed belatedly


That our new acquaintance has issues with aggression &

I’m disappointed in my lack of insight into character, the

person had such great taste in interior decorating - and

furniture - but anger and extravagance with the help of

nicotine & Bacchus made a normal lifestyle impossible


For him, a lesson learned: when a face shows that much

wear and tear, it strongly indicates spiritual wear & tear

and psychological damage also, he seemed to be a kind

person entertaining extravagantly and lavishly, quite out

of the ordinary - indicating lack of restraint - I’ve no right


To be disappointed in him, his heart may be pure gold

underneath the psychological defects caused by life’s

events we know nothing about, we shall never see him

again as he disappears and I’m left wondering what on

earth has really happened to him - if Akashic records


Exist, I shall consult them in the non-physical world…

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