Friday, April 4, 2008

Describing Our World In The Most Poetic Terms

Alternative scientists call the aether
by thirteen other terms also: Prana,
collisionless shock waves, plasma,
soliton waves – would they be
solitary? –

Radiant matter; then a few very odd
names indeed: “od” short and sweet,
etheric energy – mediums ought to
rejoice – and orgone, ah, the stuff
of science fiction

The fourth state of matter also - what
would the first three states be? - and
“neutrino sea” – water always sounds
enchanting to me; the graviton –
sounds very grave,

Tachyon Field – aha, got-cha, Terry
Pratchett, now I know where Mrs
Tachyon in Johnny and the Bomb
got her name from! – and Feinberg
Field – the name of a

Quantum physicist herewith – very
illuminating – and to top it off, they
postulate that God is a dynamic
neutrality, including his being
balanced harmonics

God is zero point space, chaos as
well as hidden order and God also
is Magnetism; it all boils down to
ten-dimensional torque and

Superconducting, levitating, mono-
atomic metal, dancing within the
torus shape; these scientists are
modern saints, describing our

In the most poetic terms!

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