Friday, April 4, 2008

Over And Over I Whisper Your Name*

Your fingerprints all over me, you made me see
made me feel my wishes fulfilled, my dreams
coming true – here with you – my song rising
high with the fountain of joy in my soul, with
your fingerprints firmly planted in my heart,
with the joy of your voice ringing in my ears,
I love your fingers, touching them one by one,
kissing your palms, anointing your feet, singing
your praises, I cannot keep from proclaiming
my joy in your love, my mind is leaving on a flight
above - forever transcending the boredom of life,
beyond mere routine, into a sphere quite divine –
oh, I’m rambling, cannot sit still, cannot stop staring
at the page with your words and I sing “Over and over
I whisper your name, over and over
I whisper your name…”

*Quote from popular song

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