Friday, April 4, 2008

White And Blue Porcelain

Porcelain figurine standing alone, her companion broke
so long ago, in white and blue porcelain like a little
Dutch girl, he was her sweet beau and she was his belle
then one day he broke as he fell – so for twenty years

alone on the mantle-shelf; then you arrived on the scene,
all romantic and brave - not scared at all of her ice-cold
porcelain sheen, you called her Lady-Blue and took her
hand, gallantly kissed it and then scurried off

so proud, yet so sensitive, she saw your eyes in the night
as she dreamt, she felt your kiss burning her soul, waiting
for you to come again, and you did, she was glad as her eyes
lit up, her lips forming a question, in embarrassment

she twittered while your lips twitched in amusement, you took
her hand courteously and led her in a dance, waltzed all over the
floor, you looked at her with eyes that adore, she looked
back with eyes that shone even more

suddenly life on the shelf was not alone any more, you stayed
at her side gesticulating to the wide world ahead, she smiled and
you were mesmerized, you smiled back leaving her hypnotized,
when she cried in the night terrified

you drew her into your arms and held her tight, suddenly the world
seemed so lovely and bright, as if light illumined all life, then you
embraced your figurine kissing her porcelain lips, melting the glass
until all the blue went away as she became transparent to you

you looked into her heart and saw a fire inside, it set your mind alight
you took possession of your own figurine, she belonged to you for
ever more adorning your mantle-shelf forever
and a day…

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