Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Create To Taste & Dictates Of Necessity

On Akon’s planet Meton they're accomplished enough
to get rid of books, everything is taught by going on
field trips and observing the real object or event, all
history is conveyed by electromagnetic mirage re-
playing the event and each observer interpreting
what they see for themselves

Such is the message of Elizabeth Klarer; the incorrect
reinterpretation we face today could be solved by using
the same technique, each country presents the same
events in a different way, context and situation determine
what should be said, it is 1984 all over again; history books
were rewritten at a whim

The word is mightier than the event, Wyrd Sisters by
Pratchett also teaches that words create the world,
we don’t remember, we create according to taste
and the dictates of necessity…

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