‘The Cross and the Switchblade’ - struck by the wonder
and power of faith, just as quantum physicists determined,
human consciousness changes the world it observes and
is changed by what is observed, the spirit is strengthened
by a creative interaction with everything
************ ************ ************
David Wilkerson envisions a course to a parallel universe
where Armageddon will destroy places of hate and defeat
yet it is but one of many possibilities and probabilities - as
only human choice to follow that path down the trousers
of time will bring it about
Future predictions pivot on people choosing; a true prophet
knows peoples’ decisions change everything, quantum physics
shows there is a wide range of probability for all possible events –
predictions can only foretell the most likely
The choice of the people involved changes outcomes; no-one
can prophesize what that choice will be, they can only conjecture:
If they are given a vision in time’s relativity of one accomplished
future, they can CHOOSE to go that way
The future is open to change, I choose a different future to the
doom Wilkerson portrays, going down the trousers of time to
where unconditional love is triumphant - where the envisioned
image of Wilkerson’s judgmental God does not appear
To smite the ‘unrighteous’ - as there won’t be self-righteous
gods and people judging others in a world of unconditional
acceptance of things-as-is entailing choices to realize
potential in whatever way an individual pleases
A new universe without hypocrites and Pharisees because
revealing one’s essential being will be praised, those who
like to wear masks and use charades and deceit will not
even stay as it would be too boring for them...
Quotes shortened - found at:
Quantum Virtual Reality
Reality [could be] just information in a computer world fooling
the senses. The real universe could be a computer if a new
theory of the universe from theoretical physicists, is right.
Physicists search for a "theory of everything" - a mathematical
way of describing reality so space, time, properties of particles
(electrons and neutrinos), gravity - everything - follows
as a consequence.
The latest attempt at a theory of everything is "loop quantum
gravity" from Einstein's theory of relativity and the idea
everything is a network of relationships tied in tangles.
Particles are just tangles.
Space might be a web of information - like virtual world in the
Matrix – the universe might be a giant quantum computer.
Quantum computers store qubits that can be both 1 and 0 at the
same time and will be more powerful than current ones.
‘Quantum loop theory’ is promising; starting from relativity, it
describes space-time and particles, though needs testing to
be sure it can describe everything.
That's where practical science starts: good scientific theories are
testable. The theory should describe reality and predict new things
that experiments can test.
If it passes the tests, Douglas Adams in the Hitch Hikers Guide to
the Galaxy may have been partly right - the whole universe is
a quantum computer.
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