It is not a problem, of course, the Milky Way is
still attracted by a heavy object in defiance
of the general Hubble expansion
It is a change of names and a location behind
the Great Attractor, the movement is the same
I am delighted that contrariness
Still marks the direction in which the Solar
System is taken while orbiting around the
Centre of the Solar System
Sitting tight in the Sagittarius arm, we are pulled
towards the Shapley Supercluster, a mysterious
Black Matter destination…
[Background information]
"In the 1980s, a group of astronomers known as the "Seven Samurai" (David Burstein, Roger Davies, Alan Dressler, Sandra Faber, Donald Lynden-Bell, Roberto J. Terlevich, and Gary Wegner) found that galaxies are very unevenly distributed in space, with galactic superclusters separated by incredibly huge voids of visible ordinary matter. The Great Attractor is one such structure, a diffuse concentration of matter some 400 million light-years in size located around 250 million light-years (ly) away in the direction of the southern Constellation Centaurus, about seven degrees off the plane of the Milky Way -- at a redshift-distance of 4,350 kilometers (or around 2,700 miles) per second. It lies in the so-called Zone of Avoidance, where the dust and stars of the Milky Way's disk obscures as much as a quarter of the Earth's visible sky."
(IFA press release; Maggie McKee, New Scientist, December 15, 2005; Kocevski and Ebeling, 2005; and Kocevski et al, 2005).
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