Monday, May 6, 2013

Letter To Tara

The sun is magnificent in May, shining into the kitchen and sitting room
and turning them into glowing pearls, the sun makes everything glitter so
brightly I can’t see in those rooms, outside the sun shines through the
leaves and confers a new luminosity to them so that I feel guilty sitting
in the house, as if there is a duty to go and appreciate such inexpressible

When the sun shines through the white lace curtains and everything starts
to glow, I miss the old feeling of electrifying delight and bittersweet sad-
ness because such beauty is so ephemeral – but this feeling is gone due to
central nerve messages to the brain being blocked – now I only feel lost,
as if there was something I had to do with the beauty and I can’t remember

Do you ever get this feeling? And the beauty you confer on me comes from
your own lovely mind, you project your inner loveliness on me and I love it,
thank you so much!

I am living in the house of the pearly sun…

7 May 2013

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