My positive Internet site not only invites, but instructs
acolytes like me to tell the magical story of their lives,
so here goes - certainty came today I’m growing holy
given bureaucratic obstacles to sick leave form filing,
printing, signing & distributing to the Mother Superior
and Abbess in the Translation & Editing sanctuary
Cloistered at my desk I relay a warrant of arrest old-
fashioned & beautiful enough to make a friar’s heart
bleed in joyous distress; upon receiving changes to
my translation I briefly self-flagellate - then read the
only way to invite good events is concoct a glorious
story about my little hermitage life moving in
Preordained orbit between a home nunnery and a
work lamasery, either heaven or hell on earth, so I
chose heaven, listen to happy chirping - accepting
with merry resignation my literary mind cannot re-
produce ludicrous text verbatim, I relay in different
terms - I float off into my mind’s deep forest to
Admire exotic blooms and glamorous creatures - I’m
travelling the world in different guises and visiting the
universe through music in words - storing the glory in-
side my heart makes for an exciting existence which
is best described as a brief pirouette within illusionary
reality before spinning off into infinite quantum
Possibilities - to choose probabilities to be lived….
[3 September 2014]
My positive Internet site not only invites, but
instructs acolytes like me to tell the magical
story of their lives, here goes: today certainty
came I'm growing holy given all the obstacles
bureaucracy offers to filling in sick leave form,
getting it printed and signed and distributed to
two Mothers Superior in the translation and
editing sanctuary, cloistered at my desk
I relayed a warrant of arrest in old-fashioned
terms beautiful enough to make a friar's heart
bleed in joyous distress, upon receiving all the
changes in my translation I briefly flagellated
myself - then read the only way to attract good
events is to concoct a glorious story about my
hermitage life moving in my pre-ordained orbit
between nunnery at home and lamasery at work
Either it can be hell or heaven on earth; I chose
the latter, listening to the happy chirping around
me, accepting with joyous resignation my literary
mind cannot reproduce stupid text literally and my
version will always be changed - floating into the
deep forest in my mind, admiring exotic blooms
and glamorous strange creatures, I'm travelling
the world in different guises; visiting the universe
Through music in words, storing the glory inside
my heart makes for a magical, beautiful existence
best described as a brief pirouette within illusionary
reality before spinning into a sky of infinite quantum
possibilities to choose the probabilities I shall live...
[2 September 2014]
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