Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Icy Cool Air

The Snow Queen returned, secretly, stealthily,
softly, I did not notice her return but realised
she was here as soon as the rose petal blanket
was affixed around me serving as a Peruvian
skirt befitting the Machu Picchu icy cool air such
as we have in the open-plan office where

The Air-Con Monster System burst into life - as
monsters go, this one isn’t nice, blasting us with
ice-cold air and we have to wear fleeces and polar
gear, BUT the Snow Queen loves the Monster Air-
Con and lovingly whispers sweet nothings to her
favourite Weather System - Alpine Swiss air

And Terry Pratchett’s lazy snow storms everywhere,
everything palpably reminds of the Siberian Taiga
and the thick snow layer there, the Snow Queen sits
in my chair enjoying the Frozen System, I’m nowhere
as the alien in my head is floating above dreaming
of gleaming ice floes and terrifying ice-bergs

And hibernation in a secret ice lair – nothing gets done
as the fantasy goes on - floating above everything I
feel more cold-blooded reptile than ever before, the
beautiful dream goes on and on…

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