Friday, July 17, 2015

Insouciant Individuals (Rev.)

To Free World citizens, i.e. us, liberty means to be
free from responsibility, accountability, conscience;
free from duty, morality and ethics – just like artists
claim their art is above the law and no restriction in
any sense can limit expression of their imagination;
that creativity is an Übermensch-thing for unbridled
action – which was used by Hitler to justify the Nazi
regime, a perfect Übermensch coming into its own -

remaking society. Freedom is its own worst enemy;
in giving it to its opponents to destroy, as is seen in
threats of Islamic State, forcing Sharia law upon all
unwilling victims - which include the lackadaisical,
free-from-care Western societies where insouciant
individuals float around at the mercy of any groups
using the concentrated mental power of quantum
physics to influence subatomic particles which

change the world. Religion-based brainwashing &
meditation - the Free World might wake up too late
just as in WWII when the Allied Forces discovered
responsibility as instilled by military need to protect
freedom of being and religion, is based on fighting
those who use freedom to oppress the weak - and
stopping the aggression by which the foundation of
freedom on which the warmongers rose to power -

Is forcefully, unmercifully, inexorably destroyed…

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