Friday, July 3, 2015

Wondering [REV]

I’m vexed, my report is gone & I’ve been sternly informed
I messed up an electronic questionnaire; rewrote  report,
profusely apologised for my bad replies - having marked
all ‘Extremely Unsatisfactory’ in confusion, the question
orders were wrong, negative option first - it’s customary
to offer the positive option first, I’d ticked first box for all

Book-packing in the store, messing up my colleague’s
Spartan-perfect order; changed my font to blue, my two
last documents gone also - muscle spasms in my right
eye - were I in my right mind I would’ve gone home for
a nice lie down; softly my colleagues discuss their happy
lives; in order to lift my mind, out comes my credit card,

I buy for my daughter’s room leaning tower of Pisa and
beautiful Eiffel Tower room décor, transparent fabric &
lovely silver glitter ribbon for myself - altho’ comfortably
settling I’m given a Presidential letter in French: another
challenge to tax my dark-hole brain to the utmost; I sigh
while starting on the new translation project - wondering

Whether I’ll ever acquire ability to concentrate on one
thing at a time, conquer Weltschmerz and existential
Angst marring my life...

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