Thursday, November 12, 2015

Cool Contentment (Rev)

Celebrate with Kaempfert and Chopin,
celebrate with working air-con, printed
text to compare target and source and
rejoice in safe passage through all the
threatening tumultuous red-hot times

Last night restoration came through
stories, Madeline saving her school
in a lovely French setting, animated
superheroes victorious over all evil
forces, symbolism of those dreams

Coming true whenever we fight back,
inspiration which gives me courage to
return to the salt mine which - as if by
magic – had secretly been changed
back to the paradise I love so much

My Internet genies guiding my eyes
to brilliant advice on loving our lives
while sweet music fills my heart with
peace & calm, such that I see palm
trees waving and waves lapping the

The beach framing the great ocean
in my inner sanctuary - knowing the
test is over and though faltering, we
have safely arrived in this beautiful
harbour of cool contentment

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