Monday, February 15, 2016

All Things Restored [Rev]

This is what a miracle is: contrary to prediction &
all expectations I prayed & fiddled with my laptop
plug and battery, moving the whole array into the
kitchen - and suddenly see: contact was made &
my laptop is not dead - not ready to be buried as
Scorpio said, it’s still alive and kicking; why does

Scorpio always assume the worst scenario when
prayer resurrects this oh-so-magical device every
time; after waiting for it to charge I applied honey
for a facial mask and enjoyed the sharp pains in
my wound which was dressed three times today,
marvelling in hearing restored by ear-drops and

Antibiotics - then I tried my laptop where a magic
of miracle-making took place again, my heart flies
high on seeing how everything’s back to the usual;
the reader may assume this is boringly normality -
yet if you do the miracle will stop, so please don’t,
I shall rejoice in all things restored as bewitching

Miracles, the faith and joy in these events are sure
to make this happen over and over - again & again
& again: all this my contribution to consciousness -
delight in unusual things makes life a magical

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