Saturday, February 27, 2016

Irreplaceable [Rev]

Fed up with reruns on favourite channels, I idly
watched “Tangled” on Disney Channel, a remake of
Rapunzel triggering memories of my “first times”
spoiled as negative representations were offered
before I had sufficient experience; yet it was the
policy of Rapunzel’s evil “mother” leading to total

Failure in spoiling Rapunzel feeling delight at the
world’s wonders - showing we can choose what
we shall adulate irrespective of events - & for me
it was choosing to lift high the wonder of wisdom,
experience shared with people, changing life into
a wonder no-one can spoil for another since we

Are all born with predilections and inner guidance
chosen before we were born; I believe my goal is
LOVE tempered by Wisdom - when enjoying the
laughter of my son or daughter experience can’t
be spoiled as an Infinite First, these events can’t 
be replaced by anything else - being the totally

Wonderful and irreplaceable best experience I
dreamed of when consciousness manifested
itself in me as a separate human being

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