Friday, April 5, 2019

Story-Telling Loups

Red Riding Hood sitting at her desk with sleeting rain
a slow ballet outside, thunder rolling, pulling my grey
Rain Queen kaross over freezing knees, my bright red
top a childish delight in a “conte de fée” where the shy
Queen’s rattling shining silver bangles under the grey

kaross of rain - softly laughing while listening to songs
of joy in a land of golden sunsets & purple clouds where
people pray for rain to save their lives, listening to stories
as colleagues exclaim, a strong force scattering thoughts:
a text on crocodile skins filling my universe as my work

For today with wolves in the office swallowing Red Riding
Hood’s time, their cheery chirpiness banishing crocodile
boredom as Petit Chaperon Rouge delights in the story-
telling Loups…

[Kaross: in South Africa, a blanket
made of animal skins]

[Friday, 5 April 2019]

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