again and again, but the misguided PoemHunter
Troll just shakes its ponderous head and this is
what it said: The page cannot be displayed, there
is a problem with the page you are trying to reach
and it cannot be displayed….
PoemHunter Troll is on the blink,
we are sadly bereft by the death of it,
our only link to poets who would-be,
who have-been, some who could-be
and all iterations of everything in-between;
what ails it, shall the mangly Troll rise again,
where shall we take our pain and our joys,
play our games with the ploys to survive this thing called life?
Panegyric is what I want, pain is what I get,
when all is done and said, I need to tell the
world of the thoughts here in my head,
if not spread far and wide, it is just as if
I have died, and you would have cried
far into the night had you known all
the ideas washing through the brine
swishing in my brain...
The situation is still the same, the
afterlife holds no promises, Seth
assures us again and again, what
can I do, how to escape the madness
of the mind that developed within me –
shall it accompany me for an eternity?
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