why are you unwilling to shoulder responsibility?
Because I believe in total FREEDOM, Aiobhean replied
archly, and freedom implies making free decisions without
undue emotional influence and the WORLD of humans
should be free to choose their own route down the
trousers of time - they should decide whether they
want to self-destruct - or not - I WILL not force
the choice on them -
But what of the children, asked Lugh horrified;
Should they be left to their own fate? -
YES, Aiobhean replied, They are part of humanity
and must shoulder the burden of choice just like
the rest of us - Is that fair? Lugh asked in
desperation; Yes, I think our society is poised on
the edge of extinction - and from its ashes a new
world could arise, we must make haste and get
it over and done with -
Lugh does not agree....
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