people and consciousness, are totally
neutral and meaningless and without a
specific framework, a situating context;
I never seem to be able to hang on to
any context for long
I’m dependant on an author, storyteller
or another interpreting device to create
a framework for me because within my
mind and deep within my soul, I’m con-
textless, lacking the right framework on
which to hang the scenery
depicting our illusionary reality - it’s
terrible to be such an alien in my own
mind, carefully jumping from context to
context - if my mind is all skew, if my
consciousness is parked in the wrong
universe, if my dial is set
to receive a foreign broadcast, or my
antennae and electronic dish are out of
tune with a positive line - then I can’t
concentrate at all and I fall into the holes
marking the pockmarked moonscape of
my brain; trying to find
the context within the Discworld Quizbook
by David Longford tripped me up, the
magnetosphere in my mind rolling over
and over, the unknown side turning up,
I could not attach to a context in this
“ultimate challenge”, my interpretation
is light-years removed from that of the author,
all the important points that kept my mind
riveted and inspired me to write a comment,
were ignored by the author, and just like a
typical academic quiz, he asked all the
irrelevant factual questions
never coming near the essence of a concept
such as the magic of a Mustrum Ridcully or
the enchantment of Time Being a Woman
Non-Existent, or the bewitching Nanny
Weatherwax borrowing another’s eyes;
just as the drawings in
“The Illustrated Screenplay” fall so far short of
my own shimmering images - the enchantment
my mind distilled from the source text of a Terry
Pratchett was never touched upon by the factual,
wordperfect David Langford…
Reference to “The Unseen University Challenge” Terry Pratchett’s Quizbook by David Langford
And “The Illustrated Screenplay” Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Wyrd Sisters
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