computer consoles, a little Alien hanging from
the rafters in fear; suddenly the swish of many
wings, there was a tear in the fabric of time,
in flew Hedwig the owl with a letter in its beak,
a letter from the King of the North, the Ambassador
King with the fragile heart, the loving King
whom the imp longed to see – because underneath
the naughty imp with green eyes twinkling in
mischief, there was FAD masquerading, she read
the King’s missive and decided immediately to
board a swan to go see the king of the North
at his abode in Jamaica, singing “Down the Way
where the Nights are Gay and the sun shines
daily on the mountaintop, I took a trip on a
sailing ship…” she left to go kiss the King
on his lips…
In the meantime, Sophia was watching in
admiration as Karl was working lovingly with
Suikerklont the foal and all the horses, and
he let her help also. Afterwards, they went
swimming in the lovely forest lake near the
waterfall, and before Karl could stop her,
Sophia showed him a new technique to
jump down the waterfall. Karl lost his breath
in shock, and Sophia laughed up at him with
glistening hair and merry eyes. But Karl had
really thought she would fall to her death,
so when he caught her up in his arms onto
firm ground, he felt like punishing her for
giving him such a fright. When she saw how
ashen his face in the aftereffect of shock, she
sobered and begged his forgiveness, he
found it quite difficult to control his emotions –
so he kissed her intensely in punishment,
and Sophia loved the punishment dearly!
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