the meaning, the dream therein; I am dreaming
on it now, while I sit behind my desk at work;
trying to occupy my mind with blue legal phrases
in French and their super-correct analogue in
red-hot lingua franca English – but since I can
happily declare, I failed abominably to remain
fettered to this moment and anchored in visible
reality; I dashed off to the corner you occupy in
the universe and found a new reality that soothed
my spirits and calmed my mind and filled my heart
with joy, reading and pondering,
never wanting to stop…
I refuse to cry about not having met you yet –
because tomorrow is as wide as the ocean and the
rest of our lives are as big as the universe; how can
you predict what will happen; why cry over probabilities
and possibilities not realized yet – when at any moment
on any day, a decision might be made; a happy cusp of
new circumstances might blow me your way – or even
bring you here on a magical day? I shall keep on
dreaming, adding this event to my store of most
beautiful events, and prepare my manners; study
the book on corporate protocol, and greet you with
perfect poise when I make your acquaintance –
by preparing and visualizing, I send a message
to the universe that this is the ultimate in happiness –
and by glorying in the dream, open a wide rift in the
fabric of reality in which this will become a sure
occurrence! I shall pronounce my words very
strangely, always playing with accents and
ideas – put I’ll be intrigued by how you
speak also, and everything I hear!
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