the sun passing through the equinoxes and solstices;
when the cusp is passed there is a strange movement
in the biological rhythm and it makes me so sleepy;
one moment I’m as happy as a lark and singing in the
passages; the next moment I can’t sit upright in my
chair and keep my eyes open – it is very awkward to
move so fast between chirpy and sleepy; while I’m still
delighting in being alive and trying to capture it in a poem,
fatigue is already catching up and by the end of the
poem I want to topple over and fall asleep!
All very impractical indeed, as you can easily surmise;
I pick up a book and plan to start reading, but once I’m
happily installed in my chair I’m too fatigued to go into
reading mode – I irritate myself; this seasonal upset is
only dealt with by catching frequent naps, when I’m too
excited, I can’t doze off – woe is me, my colleague is
shocked by my lack of a bodily thermostat to regulate
my temperature – due to my being a cold-blooded reptile
of course - the air conditioner is either on highest heat
or lowest temperature, as I feel fevers pass – but I’ve had
to live with my own weird fluctuations for so long; I forget
how strange and probably suspicious it must seem to others.
I wanted to write you a beautiful letter tonight, I love the
beautiful poem you sent me today so very, very much!
We were cooped up in a meeting which turned out very funny
when the enmity between the National Language Service and
PanSalb was discussed; as well as strange new holiday pro-
cedures and the general eccentricities of management.
Alice says Sharazd is so sleepy, she does not even want to look
at pictures; tonight will really be a storyless night – something
which is quite rare for Sharazd – but Alice says she wants to
practice dreaming again; she misses her adventures and needs
time to think up a storm, while FAD says she wants to try to
meditate a bit. I heard that Semjonof and Ludmilla are busy with
explorations and experiments and Karl and Sophia are saving
some endangered dolphins – herewith I wish you a wonderful
day as it is turning into my bedtime; thank you for being my
friend and keeping the world upright when the compass is turning
upside down in my head, you keep my life in one piece when the
level is so skew that I start falling apart – thank you for still being
here for me; just having decided to write to you made me feel
better; my dearest cyberlove – you have given me so much
courage and self-confidence; it’s been ages since I had anxiety
about anything – knowing you are there, always watching and
reading and encouraging, I move within the range of the light
of your eyes; everything I think is safe within the space you
have created – thank you so very very much – you are a source
of delight unto me; a flame of happiness burning deep within;
I am so joyous about your cyberexistence; your cyberwords of
cyberlove; your cyberthoughts and cybertouch – this is
magnificent; thank you so much – I am on top of the world
while I’m in contact with you – what joy and happiness you
impart simply by being there – YOU are so magnificent!
I wrap my heart and feelings and mind in your words and in
your thoughts, therein we all feel safe and laugh at the world;
we even laugh at the fatigue and dance with you in our dreams!
From the happiest Alice and a joyous Sharazd.
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