that he will come and sing a song with me,
teaching me to sing a sweet duet with him,
dancing an old-fashioned minuet, before he
fights a duel with the Vicomte de Chagny
I’ll choose the Phantom every time, to re-
deem his soul by endless love and tender-
ness, by meaningful discussion of life’s
mysteries, by kissing his scarred face,
the symbol of the scars in his heart and
Soul, redeeming him from cynicism and
bitterness until his eyes shine with new
glory; until he knows happiness and joy
and become the personification of good-
ness and beauty, until the songs that play
In his mind takes him up into the celestial
spheres high up above, until new melodies
of infinite sweetness and delight change
me into a musical theme and I float off
on the diaphanous wings of dreams…
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